Couples and Trouble

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Chapter 3

The rattling of the Impala slowed down as the Winchester brothers approached their motel.

"I'm telling you Sammy, that John guy is possessed!" Dean turns his keys and the Impala turns silent. The side doors squeak open and the boys get out.

"I said I believed you, Dean, but how are we supposed to get anywhere near him! Sherlock is really close with the police. They call him a consulting officer, or something like that." The car doors slam shut. They walk in silence to their room.

Dean sighs and lies on the bed while Sam sets up his laptop. "This guy is like a psychopath." Dean says to no one in particular.

"Actually, according to this blog, he prefers 'highly functioning sociopath', and he's actually pretty brilliant. Sherlock seems to have solved every case that stumped the police."

Dean grudgingly walks towards Sam. "Hey, look who writes this blog." He points towards the top of the page where the name 'John Watson' was typed. Sam let's out a slight laugh of disbelief.

"These guys must be pretty close. Do you think they're like, a couple?" Sam asks.

"Are you kidding? All of mankind at risk and you want to talk about some strangers' love life? Besides, how I look at it, if you hang out with someone long enough you'll probably fall in love with them." A sound of fluttering interrupts the conversation.

"Hello Dean." Says a deep, smooth voice from behind them. For a second, Dean let out a smile, but then began to discuss the situation.

"We think Crowley is using John Watson as a vessel, but Sherlock won't let us near him."

"You do understand what's happening here?" Castiel scolded. "Crowley wants to kill every last human so he can bring hell up on earth. Heaven is in complete chaos again! This is completely insane and he must be stopped at all costs."

"Yeah Cas, we know. Why don't you just zap in there and get him." Dean said as he lay back on the bed.

"Crowley has angel proofed the entire place, and he has demons surrounding the building. You guys are going to have to get him yourselves."

"But Cas-" Dean was interrupted by the fluttering of Castiel's wings as he flew away.

"Son of a-" Dean looked up at Sam who sat on his chair smiling at him. "What are you so happy about?"

"Nothing. It's just that we were talking about couples who hang around each other a lot and-"

"I know where this is going. Castiel and I are not a couple!" Dean said angrily, but he thought the exact opposite. "I'm going for a drive." Dean said frustratedly as he stormed out of the room. Are we a couple? Dean thought. He sighed and got into the Impala. The engine rattled and he pulled out of the motel parking lot. Dean turned on the radio and sank into his seat.

"Dean." He turned around to see a man sitting in the backseat. He has short black hair and deep grey eyes.

"What the hell?!" Dean exclaimed.

"Sorry. My name is Jack Harkness. I need to talk to you." The man spoke fast and nervously.

"No! Get out of my car!" Dean pulled over and angrily gestured to the side of the road.

"It's about Crowley." This caught Dean's attention.

"How do you know about Crowley? And how do you know my name?" Dean asked.

"It's a long and complicated story. I'll explain it all, but not here. We need to go back to your motel."

"I'm gonna need a little more information than that." Dean said, starting to get frustrated.

"Sam's in danger. Is that enough information for you?" Dean's heart jumped. What does he mean Sam's in danger? Sam can take care of himself. Can't he? Just to be sure, Dean drove his car back on the road and raced to the hotel. He crookedly pulled in a parking spot and dashed in the motel. Dean sprinted down the hallway into the last room by the fire escape.

"Sam!" Dean knocked on the door. There was no response. He turned the doorknob, only to find that it was locked. He kicked down the door and ran in. The furniture was flipped, everything was either broken or out of place, and worst of all, Sam was gone.

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