The Final Key

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Chapter 12

Clara took in a sharp breath as she jolted awake. She blinked to rid her eyes of any haziness. Clara lay in bed trying to make sense of her dream. One minute I'm flying around the sun, and the next I'm pointing a gun at someone! What a weird dream. She tried to fall back asleep, but couldn't stop thinking about that dream. Clara sighed and hopped off the top bunk of the bunk bed she was sleeping on. She slipped on her slippers and reluctantly dragged herself to the TARDIS control room. The Doctor stood next to an odd control panel and fiddled around with some switches.

"Um, Doctor?" Clara's scratchy voice echoed throughout the room and the Doctor jumped up in surprise.

"Clara! What are you doing up?" He didn't take his eyes off the panel while he was talking.

"Well, I had this peculiar dream." The Doctor nodded, although Clara could tell he wasn't paying much attention. "Anyway, I was flying-"

"Typical dream. It represents your own personal sense of power." The Doctor interrupted.

"No, that's not what was weird about it. The next moment I was pointing a gun at some man." A name popped into her head. "Sam Winchester." The Doctor finally looked up from his work and at Clara. He burrowed his eyebrows and stared at her.

"Is something wrong?" Clara asked.

"No nothing. It can't be." He dismissed his thought and continued working.

"Can't be what? What aren't you telling me?" Clara put her hands on her hips and impatiently tapped her foot.

"Nothing. It's just that-" The Doctor was interrupted by the sound of a phone ringing. Clara and the Doctor exchanged a confused glance before the Doctor lunged for the phone.

"Hello, Doctor speaking." His voice sounded cheery, although on the inside he felt nervous and scared.

"Meet us at Fountain Inc. abandoned warehouse immediately." The Doctor's face drained of color. He recognized this voice. This terrifying, evil voice. The one that caused the destruction of his people.

"And why should I do that." The Doctor protested with a worried glance at Clara.

"Or else we will exterminate John Watson." There was a tone of finality in the Dalek's voice and the Doctor hung up the phone.

"Well, who was it?" Clara asked impatiently. The Doctor ignored her and pulled a lever here, pushed a few buttons over there and before anyone knew it, they arrived at the warehouse.

"Clara, listen to me. I won't let them hurt you, but I can't guarantee your safety."

"What? What are you talking about! Why would anyone hurt me?" Her voice was terrified and her heart was racing. The Doctor grabbed her hand and looked her in the eyes.

"I promise I'll stay with you." His bright eyes reassured Clara, although she still didn't quite understand what was about to happen. The Doctor led Clara out the door and immediately realized the seriousness of the situation. There was a complete circle of Daleks surrounding the TARDIS with the exception of one man who stood directly in front of the Doctor.

"Nicholas Brown." The Doctor muttered.

"Doctor! How nice seeing you again. And this must be young Clara Oswin Oswald." He turned to Clara and flashed a discomforting smile at her.

"How do you know my name?!" She turned to the Doctor. "How does he know my name?!" The Doctor squeezed her hand and calmed Clara down.

"I know you're confused. I'm going to show you what's happening. This might tickle..." The Doctor gently placed both his hands on either side of Clara's head. Instantly, Clara's mind raced with different ideas. Project Mortem, the three keys, the Ten Commandments, Sherlock Holmes, the Winchesters, a hill with herself standing on top of it. She gasped for air as the Doctor released his hands. She stood there with her mouth gaping open. The Doctor looked down at her.

"Are you alright?" Clara, too out of breath to answer, simply nodded her head.

"Well! Now that you're filled in, I'm going to need you to come with me." Nicholas gestured towards the looming warehouse.

"It's okay. I'll stay with you." The Doctor reassured Clara.

"Actually, Doctor, the Daleks would like to ask you a few questions." The Doctor gulped, but knew if he stepped out of line they could hurt John or Clara. They walked toward the building in silence. Once inside, they marched through a maze of hallways. Clara could hear the faint sound of yelling grow louder and louder until they reached the source of the sound. Nicholas pushed open the door and revealed two men staring intently at each other. Clara jumped in surprise when she saw that one man's eyes were completely black. John blinked and his eyes returned to normal.

"What now? I told you not to interrupt me!" John yelled furiously at Nicholas.

"W- well, sir, we found Clara." John walked towards them in astonishment.

"Wow. I didn't think you could do it Nick, but here she is. The final key." John twirled a piece of Clara's hair around in his finger.

"Don't touch her." The Doctor said affirmatively.

"Ah! Hello Doctor! It's been ages since the last time I saw you! Love the bow tie." John grinned at the Doctor.

"Don't hurt Clara." He said ignoring John's comment.

"Me? I wouldn't hurt a fly!" The Doctor looked over at Castiel who sat with his head bowed down dripping with blood.

"Well, at least I won't hurt Clara. Promise." He smiled then turned to Nicholas. "Take the Doctor to Davros. He wanted to have a word with him." His voice became suddenly serious.

"What about me? I'm staying with the Doctor." Clara looked up at the Doctor with worried eyes.

"I think it would be best if you stayed here with me." Said John.

"It'll be okay, Clara. I'll see you in a few minutes." The Doctor smiled at her before being led away by a team of Daleks. He knew, however, that it would be very unlikely he would see her soon. Clara watched until he faded from her view and grudgingly walked into the room with John.

"Davros. The Doctor is here." The Daleks distorted voice reverberated throughout the room.

"Bring him in." The Doctor walked into the room and stared up at the Dalek leader.

"Doctor. Why is it we have no records of you?"Davros said immediately. The Doctor stood there in silence.

"We have scanned you, and you are definitely Gallifreyan. But how is that so? All the Time Lords were destroyed!" The Doctor still stood there unwilling to answer any questions. His eyes filled with hate terrified Davros, although he didn't show it.

"I guess this will be harder than we thought."

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