The Beginning of Time

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Chapter 13

Sam fell back in surprise and tried to adjust his eyes. He was just in a dark warehouse, and now he sat in a bright flat. There was a noise buzzing in Sam's ears. He took a few deep breathes and looked up at Dean who was obviously asking him a question.

"Sam? I said, are you alright?" Sam could see Jack flirting with the blonde woman on the couch. Sam opened his mouth to reply, but no words came out.

"Sam? Talk to me!" Dean's voice made its way to the woman who sauntered over to the two men.

"Crowley took his vocal cords out. Give me a second." The angel placed her hand on Sam's forehead and he gasped in pain.

"Sammy?" Dean questioned with worry in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Sam's voice was scratchy and sore. He and the angel took turns explaining what happened at the warehouse. Even Sherlock listened when Sam mentioned John's name. After they completed telling the story, Dean was the first the speak.

"So they know all the keys, they need the Ten Commandments' location from Castiel, and Crowley is just as kind as always." Sam nodded his head. "There's one thing I don't get," Dean stood up and pointed a gun at the mysterious blonde woman. "Who are you? Why did you help us? How much do you know about Project Mortem?"

"Easy there, Dean." The lady held her hands up in defense. Then, with a smirk, she snapped her fingers and disappeared. Dean swore under his breath.

"Great. There goes our only lead." He said, not hiding the aggravation in his voice. "Now what do we do?"

"I don't know about you, but I'm gonna get some sleep." Sam retired to the couch and shut his heavy eyes. He still had an odd feeling that someone was watching him.

"What do you think, Sherlock? You've been awfully quiet this whole time." Dean stood there staring at Sherlock. Sherlock sat perched on top of a chair deep in thought. Fountain Inc. warehouse. I know where that is. A little on the outskirts of town. I could try to rescue John, but there would be severe consequences. Dean let out an exasperated sigh and sat down in the kitchen while picking on some leftover pie. Jack stood up abruptly.

"I'm going out." He mumbled, and he scurried out the door. No one seemed to notice he left. Even Mrs. Hudson was busy doing something in the kitchen. Jack exited the flat and casually walked onto the street. The brisk air sent a chill down Jack's spine. He pulled up his collar in an attempt to warm himself up in the chilly autumn wind. Jack continued on his stroll throughout London's streets, when a sudden urge to rest caused him to sit on a nearby bench. While catching his breath, Jack peered through the busy street and could have sworn he saw something extremely familiar. Jack anxiously pushed his way through the busy street and gaped in awe. Across the street in a darkened alley, Jack saw a tall blue box with "Police Box" written across the top. He sprinted across the street, nearly getting hit by a taxi. While running, Jack didn't realize a tall man with a tan trench coat stood in his path. He ran into the man and tumbled to the ground.

"Sorry sir." Jack got up and ran off before seeing the man's face. Finally reaching his point of destination, Jack stopped abruptly in front of the glorious box. Cautiously optimistic, Jack reached into his back pocket. He pulled out a small key, slightly rusted over time. He pushed the key into the hole and gave it a twist. With a click, Jack pushed the door open and entered the TARDIS. It looked much different from the last time Jack visited it. The bronze walls are now dark black and blue and there were some sort of strange circles written across the top of the control panel. Suddenly, the door slammed shut and a loud, screeching sound announced the TARDIS flying to a new location.

"Hey? What are you doing? I don't know how to use this thing!" The TARDIS shook to the left causing Jack to slam into the right railing. "Sorry, sorry. I know you're not a thing. Listen, I know you don't like me, but can you please land!" The TARDIS became silent and ceased moving. Jack took this as a sign that they landed. Flashing words on the monitor read "invisibility on". Jack ran to the door, but he soon realized it was locked.

"Great. Now I'm trapped and no one can see us!" Jack said angrily. "Where are we anyway?" He added hastily. The screen said "The Beginning of Time". Outside of the door, Jack heard some voices approaching. He scurried to the door and peeked through the window. Outside, two Daleks rolled their way towards each other.

"What are they doing?" Jack said to himself.

"The year has been determined. We will be the destruction of everything. But master, why? Explain." Said the Daleks scratchy voice.

"By that time humans will have evolved more. They will know of our existence, and the Doctor will be the start of some institution called Torchwood. We can't afford anyone on that obsolete planet to know of us." This Dalek's voice was deeper and more assertive. "There will be a weapon and three men who have the key to building this creator of mass destruction. We will call it Project Mortem."

"Oh, so that's why you brought me here." Jack whispered just in case the Daleks could hear him. Suddenly, the TARDIS began to make the familiar sound of it taking flight and the Daleks disappeared from sight. After a few minutes, Jack exited the TARDIS onto the comforting London street.

"Well, I had a nice time. Hope to see you again soon." Jack flashed an award winning smile. In return, the TARDIS slammed it's door shut. Jack grunted and made his way back to Sherlock's place.

"Hey guys, you'll never guess what just happened to me." Jack ran up the stairs and abruptly stopped once he entered the room. Sam, Dean and Sherlock lay unconscious on the ground.

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