Project Mortem

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Chapter 4

Jack ran after Dean and finally reached the room. "Dean?" He said out of breath. Dean jumps out and slams Jack against the wall.

"How did you know this would happen? And where the hell is Sam?" Dean was fuming with anger.

"Please, calm down." Dean loosened his grip. There was a calm tone to his voice which relaxed Dean.

"Thank you." They both sat down on a couch that was flipped over.

"I knew about Sam because this is bigger than you thought. Sam was part of a plan designed thousands of years ago. He has a key that is needed for a plan called 'Project Mortem '."

"Sam never knew about any plan! He would have told me!" Dean protested.

"He's been dreaming about it for the past month. There are two others who have this key-"

"What key are you talking about? You're making no sense! How do you even know about this?"

"Because I've had the dream too. I can see Sam and I in the dream, along with another man. "

"But what is Project Mortem?"

"It's the destruction of everything. Crowley will be the one to destroy the humans, but that's just the beginning! All animals, demons, angels, everything will be destroyed!"

Dean got up and pondered what he was just told. Could he be telling the truth? And where is Sam? What does he have to do with this?

"So, if you haven't guessed, I need your help." Jack continued. "They're looking for me next, but I don't know who they are. A friend of mine told me you were into this 'supernatural' stuff and to come looking for you."

"Yeah, it's kind of the family business. I'll help you, but first we have to find Sam."

"Sounds like a deal." Jack and Dean exchange a determined look and a handshake as they exit the destroyed motel room.

Meanwhile, Sherlock is laying on his sofa with his hands together pressed against his lips. His eyes were closed as he thought about John. I haven't seen him all day! He said he was going to the grocery store, and I know that takes him a while, but it's never taken this long. Sherlock's thoughts were interrupted as the front door opened.

"John? Is that you?" Sherlock yelled. Loud footsteps run up the stairs along with the crinkling of a plastic bag. Why does he have plastic? John always gets paper. They probably were just out of paper. John walks into the kitchen and opens one of the empty cabinets.

"Hello John. How was your trip? I was getting worried when you didn't come back." John stored the bag of groceries in the cabinet and closed the wooden door. He then pulled a lock out of his pocket which he used to lock the cupboard.

"Don't open this. It's a, um, present for you!" Sherlock looked over at John who was obviously lying. But John never lies to me. What could be getting into him? Sherlock thought. He stood up and walked over to John. They were less than an inch apart when Sherlock burrowed his eyebrows and stared deep into John's eyes. What is wrong with him? Ever since that smoke came he's been acting so different.

"God John, its like your a different person!" The second Sherlock said 'god', John's eyes flashed the disturbingly familiar black color before he blinked it away. Sherlock stumbled back in shock.

"Who are you and what did you do to John?" Sherlock wanted to strangle the man, but knew it could still be John.

With a laugh, John replied, "Sherlock, it's me. And I'm fine." With a smile, John pulled a chair up to the cabinet with the mysterious bag and stared intently at it. Sherlock stormed off while thinking, what is happening to John?

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