Survival of the Fittest

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Chapter 25

The moon light was streaming in through the stained glass windows. John paced back and forth in front of a closed door. The Doctor walked out of the room with a grim face.

"Well? Is he any better?" John looked at the Doctor expectantly.

"I tried everything. He won't stop saying those words," the Doctor said uncomfortably. John didn't need to be reminded what the words were. Doctor please was ringing in his ears.

John stopped pacing when he heard a pounding sound from the front of the church. He and the Doctor ran over to see a mass of people banging on the front doors. Sam and Dean started pulling guns out of a bag.

"What on earth are you doing?" John yelled in outrage. "You're not going to shoot those people, are you?"

"The guns are loaded with rock salt," said Dean. "It'll help keep the demons away."

"What about the angels? You said they were dangerous," said Clara.

"Sam and I will take care of them. And if you need too, use holy water to stop the demons." Everyone's attention went to the front doors which were just knocked down by a crowd of black eyed men. A short one stood in front of the others.

"We are looking for Clara Oswald. Bring her to us and no one gets hurt." The demon smiled revealing a set of stunningly white teeth. Clara gulped and looked at the Doctor.

"I'm afraid she's staying with us." The Doctor said merrily as if a battle wasn't about to begin.

"Survival of the fittest! Alright boys, you know what to do. Attack!" A large group of men of all ages came barreling through the doors. Sam and Dean were slashing away trying to keep the demons back, although it wasn't much use. A steady stream of monsters came rushing into the church. Clara fled to the back room where Sherlock was. The Doctor was being instructed on how to use a shotgun while he blabbed nervously about how these weapons weren't used in the Time War.

Castiel was lying on a pew when he darted awake. His vision was blurry and the room was buzzing with noise, but he could still make out where he was. It was the place from his dream; the place Dean was killed. Castiel groaned and tried to sit up so he could warn the others, but it was much like the dream. His arms and legs didn't seem to be listening and he just lay there helpless.

Then he saw him. The tall dark man from the dream was charging Castiel with an angel blade in hand. Maybe Dean won't notice, Castiel thought. Maybe I'll just die here and Dean can walk out alive. Unfortunately Dean did notice. He stopped fighting to run to Castiel's aid.

Dean knocked the knife out of the attacker's hand, but was pushed to the ground by the man. He towered over Dean and glared at Castiel. The man reached down to get the blade. The tattoo on his arm read Rick. Castiel shut his eyes and tried to concentrate. He focused and his leg. Come on, move. His foot twitched, and before he knew it, Castiel was up and stumbling towards Dean.

As the man lowered the knife to kill him, Dean turned to look at his angel friend. "Cas what are you-" Castiel leaped in front of Dean so the blade went not into Dean, but himself.

Everything seemed to stop. Dean leaned over to Castiel screaming his name.

"Not again, Cas. Can you hear me? Dammit Castiel, get up." Dean's voice faltered and a tear fell from his face. Then a miracle happened.

A soft golden light came swirling around Castiel as he lay on the dusty floor. There was a swooshing sound and then the mist disappeared, along with Castiel's injury.

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