Chapter 6

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The next day i go to help amar with the transfers. I enter the room at 8am together with the initiates. Amar greets me and i stand next to him. After his "goodmorning speech" the initiates have to run 10 rounds to warm up. While they're running their 6. Uri comes in and stands next to me. I give him a quick hug and then stand like before. When they finally made their rounds Amar speeks up: "ok initiates. Today tris and uri are here to show you how to fight. So pedrad twins step in the arena..." be bow at the same time and laugh, then we get ready to fight. We circle eachother for a long time till Uri makes the first move. He tries to punch my stomach but i block it then i kick his side. He stumbles and I take it as an advantage and throw a punch at his face then i jump forwards and pin him to the ground. Amar yells: "Stop!" so i hop down from Uri and help him up. He has a bloody nose but still smiles. I yell: "ha beat you!" And he sticks out his tounge. I think: Wow someone is grown-up! But just roll my eyes at him. The next fight is Four against a girl named Claire. When Four steps in the ring he slightly shakes. Claire on the other hand is very confident. They get in fighting positiones and Claire punches four in the stomach, then kicks his ribs. He falls to the floor and she keep kicking him till i can't take it anymore and scream: "Stop it!" She stops imediatly and i jog over to four. He is still awake but barely. "Uri help me." I shout while i try to lift four up. Uri comes over and together we carry him to the infarmery.
There they take him and say that nothing is broken and that he'll probably just have a lot of bruises. They lay him in the bed and when i want to leave to continue training four silently says: "tris can you stay?" I nod and ask Uri: "can you tell amar and help without me?" He nods and i say: "Thanks!" then i walk back to fours room.
T- Hey what is it?
F- Sorry i stoped you from training.
T- it's fine. Honestly i don't really like the transfers. Apart from you of course.
F- could you just stay here?
T- sure.
F- can i ask you something?
T- sure, what is it?
F- how are you so good at fighting?
T- well i trained since i'm five and alwys had to fight against boys. Mh, i could teach you if you would like...
F- yeah that would be amazing. If it's not to disturbing...
T- four! you really have to get rid of that abnegationside of yours.
He laughs and so do i. "I guess i have to." He says. Than we are silent for a few minutes just both thinking. Afterwords he stands up and together we walk to my apartement.

Tris Pedrad Dauntless BornWhere stories live. Discover now