Tris is pregnant 7 months and 2 weeks now that means 30 weeks:
Tris pov:
I wake up to tobias getting out of the bed. I open my eyes and see him tiptoe to the door. "Morning." I say and he turns around. "Morning beautiful. Sorry i didn't mean to wake you but Bud said i would have had to go to work today." I nod. "It's alright. I wanted to go shopping with Chris Shaun and Mar anyway. "Ok i'll just get us something to eat." "Ok thanks." He gets out but i call him back. "Toooby." I whine. "Yes trissy." He says popping his head through the door. "Could you help me sit up?" I ask. My stomach already is huge and i can't even see my toes. He laughs and stands next to the bed. He gently places a hand behind my back and the other one on my arm and then slowly pushes me up. I stand up and kiss him as a thank you. He smiles and says: "ok but now i will get breakfast." "Ok. Thanks." I say and he leaves. I can hear the door shutting behind him and start to undress. I put on a shirt from tobias and some stretchy pants. I walk in the living room and then in the kids room. We already started on painting it and even have a few pieces of furniture. We have a black crib with red letters spelling: Marvin and a dark blue crib with red letters spelling: Levin. A small cupboard and a changing table. The walls aren't done yet, they still need to be painted and we also have to buy baby clothing. And that is what i'm going to do today. I walk back in the livingroom and just then it knocks. I open the door and sed Toby holding two trays full of food. "Chris told me to tell you that they are going to pick you up in half an hour." "Ok thanks." I say and close the door behind him. He sets the trays on the table and we sit down. I still don't have that much apetite but i eat anyway.
Half an hour later it knocks again and toby walks to open the door and reveals Mar, Chris, Lynn and Shauna." "Hey tris." Mar greets. "Ok i'll leave now." Tobias says and pecks my lips. "Bye baby." I say and then he kisses my stomach as well and all the girls awww. He smiles at me and then walks out while saying: "bye girls habe fun." "We will." Mar shouts back and then the door shuts. "Sooo baby shopping today?" Chris asks. "Euh yeah. I think so." I say and they squeel while lynn and i cover our ears.
At the pit we walk to the baby store. "Ok we will split. Everyone searches something he likes and in the end we will pick the best thing. Good? Good! Now lets go." shauna instructs and we start to walk around the shop. I find somd cute things. I find a dark blue trouser with a tiny dauntless symbol, a black jacket with a bright red dauntless symbol. I also grab jumpers in all kind of colours with variations of the dauntless symbol. In the end i have four jumpers i like, two trousers, two shirts and two jackets. I also took two blankets. I walk back to our 'meeting point' and wait for the others. Lynn is the next one to arrive and she also has only a few pieces. Then Mar Chris and Shauna arrive and they are carying their arms full of baby clothing. They smile widley and the woman who is working at the shop shows us a table where we can lay the things. We make five piles of clothing and then we start to present the things. The others rate the things with thumb up or down and if the majority shows thumbs up we take it. I start off and hold up the trousers and all the thumbs are up. The same with the jackets and the shirts. Of my four jumpers only two get into my cart. The next one is lynn. All her things go into the cart. Then we move on to Chris' pile we take: seven shirts, five trousers, two jackets, five jumpers and two of those kinda cute snowsuits for the winter. Mars pile is only a little bit smaller and she also puts loads of clothing into the cart. We take all of shaunas things and then walk to the cash desk. The girls insist on paying as well and so we split the price into five. We all walk to my apartment because they want to help me unpack the things. On our way i suddenly feel a pain in my stomach and drop the bags i was carrying. The girls all turn around confused. "What is it tris?" Shauna asks worried. Just then something wet trickels down my leg. "Oh my god. My water broke!" I say and then i feel the pain again, this time worse and i groan. Chris and Mar quickly are by my side and steady me. "Get four!" I choke out through gritted teeth. Lynn nods and sprints away. "Come on we have to get you to the infarmery!" Shauna says. "It is to early. They are too small!" I say worried. We stay in the hallway not daring to move waiting for tobias to arrive. Just when i hear his footstep another contraction comes and i groan in pain. I can hear his footsteps getting faster and then he dashes around the corner. Zeke and Will following closly behind. "Hey tris." Toby says and picks me up bridal style. "It is to early." I say again. "They are not ready!" "Shh it's alright tris." He starts to jog towards the infarmery.
When we arrive at the dauntless infarmery they immediatly call an ambulance to pick us up. Then we wait on the street. I am still in Tobys arm while contracrions keep coming and going. After a few minutes the ambulance arrives and i get laid on a stretcher. I take Tobys hand and then another contraction comes and i scream in pain. This one was worse than the others. Zeke and Uri manage to squeeze into the ambulance as well while the others already left to take the train. The ride to the hospital is short and when we arrive dr bailey is waiting for us outside. I get wheeled inside and then i lay on an examination table. Dr bailey moves the stick around my stomach. "Ok Tris. This probably will hurt more than a normal birth giving because they are to early." I nod panicked and then another contraction hits me and i groan and squeeze Tobys hand. He strokes my forhead and whispers: "everything is alright. You will be alright." When i groan again he asks: "can't you give her an analgesic?" "No it's to late now. It wouldn't change anything."
Tobias pov:
Just after i said it another contraction hits her and she nearly breakes my hand but i don't complain. She is in more pain. "Ok tris you can press now." And then tris screams and my heart crunshes. I just keep stroking her hair and hold her hand just to show her i'm there. I hate to see her in such pain.
After 15 minutes the first one finally is out and they lift him up and carry him to a changing station. "Why doesn't he cry?" I ask but no one answers. "Why doesn't he cry?" I ask again and this time dr bailey answers: "he has to get oxygan first." And then i hear him cry and release a breath i didn't know i was holding. Just when i'm happy tris screams again and clenches my hand. I kiss her sweaty forhead and keep stroking her hair: "you're doing amazing tris. I love you so much. Only one to go. Nearly made it" i keep whispering things in her ear but she screams again. I feel so helpless. I have to watch her go through pain and my son as well. After another 12 minutes of torture for both of us the second one is out and i'm allowed to cut the umbilical cort. Then they take my sons with them to examine them. I walk back to tris head and kiss her forhead again. "You made it. Both are out. Well done. We have our sons Marvin and Levin." She smiles and then suddenly gets unconcsious and the heart monitor starts beating like crazy. Dr bailey quickly rushes to her side and does something with her. "What is happening?" "She lost to much blood and we have to get her in the O.R. I get shoved out of the room by a nurse. "What about the babys? When can i see them?" I ask desperate. "In a few minutes just wait here." She answers and then our friends surround me. "What happend?" "Well it must have hurt really bad because tris kept screaming and then when both of them were out she got unconcsious and they had to bring her in the O.R. but they said they would bring the babys any moment." I break down and slide down the wall while burring my head in my hands. "Hey four everything is going to be alright. They are fighter all of them." Just then dr bailey comes out smiling. "Four come here."i jump up and run over to her. "It was false alert i'm so sorry you can see your family now. I walk in and see Tris with an iv and a bag full of blood at her side and in her arms she holds two tiny babys. My babys! She looks up at me and smiles widley. "Tobias these are our sons!" She says and starts to tear up i walk over to the bed and she hands me one of them. "So who is who?" I ask while looking at the little human in my arms. "I don't know but how about the one you have is Levin and this one is Marvin." she says and i nod. "They are beautiful!" She says and i nod. They still have blue eyes but they have tris nose and my brown hair. "He has your nose." I say "and your hair." She adds and we smile at eachother. Then it knocks and the door opens slightly. "Hey can we come in?" Uri asks and i nod. Then all of our friends start to fill in. The stand around Tris bed and look at the babys. "Four lay next to her. I want to take a picture." Christina instructs and i carefully lay next to Tris while smiling at her and she smiles at me. Christina takes the picture and i can see Uri and zeke eying the babys. Tris must have realised it as well necause she says: "who wants to hold them?" All of the hands shoot up and we laugh. "Ok uncles first." I say and hand Levin to Uri while Tris hands marvin to zeke. "What is this little guy called?" Uri asks. "Well the one you have is Levin and Zekes is Marvin." "Omg i love the names!" Chris squeels and then the boys start to cry. "Ugh Chris! No squeeling around babys!" Uri and Zeke look a little bit helpless and i laugh and take Marvin while Tris takes Levin and we calm them. Once they are calm again the others stretch out their arms to hold them and then our babys get moved around the arms of our friends. I watch every move they make with the babys. When Marvin no Levin who of the two is this? "Ehm tris which one do i have right now?" I whisper ask her. Shw laughs "you have Levin. He has this male on his chin you see right there." She points to the male and i grin. "Yeah true." I am overjoed with hapiness. I still can't believe i'm holding my newborn babys in my arms. After half an hour everyone leaves to let Tris rest. I take out a felt-tip pen and write a big M on Marvins foot and a L on levins. "This are ours" i say while smiling proudly. "Yeah they are!"Long chapter but i wanted to put the whole thing with the birth giving in one chapter.
How will life go with the two newborns Marv and Lev?
Hope you liked itJojo

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanficTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete