Chapter 36

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(Last chapter: After jackson finally finished eating we head off to explore the dauntless compound.)
First we walk to the chasm and lean on the railing. I am the one to break the silence: "So, how is life at erudite?" He smiles. "Pretty good actually. I really like studying. Right now i'm working with computers though." "Really? Four as well. He works in the control room. Shall we visit him?" "Euh sure." He says shily. I guess toby scares him. I think. "Great." I say smiling. Then i link arms with him and we walk to the controlroom. I knock. An annoyed four rips open the door. "What? Oh hey tris. Is everything alright?" He eyes jacksons and mine linked arms. "Yes it's just that Jacks works with computer at the moment and i thougt that it would be interesting to visit the control room..." "i have to ask my instructer." With that he closes the door and we stand in the hallway waiting. A few minutes later tobias comes back and says: "can't do it. We have loads of work." Then he just slams the door. "Ehm ok." I say wondered why he acts so weirdly. I try to shrug it off. "Well shall we go visit christina then?" "Yeah why not." He says while smiling. "Ok lets go!" I say infected by his smile. On our way we talk abour random things.
Tobias POV:
I already regret beeing so mean to tris and jackson. But i just don't like this boy. Probably just because he is in love with tris, although she hasn't noticed it yet. Zeke isn't helping he just keeps talking about how great jackson and his familiy are. I concentrate my mind back to the monitors. But then i see tris and jackson in a hallway. They laugh and jackson keeps eyeing her in a way i don't like.
Tris POV:
After we visited Christina we walk to the spot at the chasm. I sit next to jackson on a big rock. I really like him but he is like a brother. Well i think he is... but i never felt for him like i do for Tobias. Jackson talks about some boring erudite things and i interrupt him: "sorry i don't want to be mean but this is a bit boring if you're not an erudite." he fake pouts and i lay one arm around his shoulder. He lays his head on my shoulder. After a few minutes he says: "why do you like four. He doesn't seem as nice as for example me." I laugh slightly and then say: "well you just have to get to know him more then he is really nice." "As nice as me?" He asks and i laugh. "That's a mean question." "That means no." He pouts and i say: "come on jacks. That's mean." "Ok. But you know this basicly is an answer." "How about you're nice in another way and i like you niceness in another way." "Alright." He gives in. I suddenly hear something behind me but when i turn around i don't see anything. "Come on let's go." I say and we walk towards my apartment. On our way i say: "lets do a raice!" And start to run. "Hey thats mean!" Jacks shouts while running behind me. After a while i let him catch up and we just walk next to eachother. "Ha! Beat you." "Yeah yeah whatever." He says while flipping invisible hair. I laugh and then he starts to tickel me and i start to scream: "stop jackson!" while laughing histericly. When we turn around the last corner i see tobias at our front door. I shout: "hey four!" But he just walks inside and slams the door behind him. "Ehm jacks can you go to uris apartment? Its number 45." "Sure." "Ok thanks. I have to talk to four." He nods and i walk to the door of apartment 46 and step through it. I shut the door and sit next to toby on the couch. "Hey what's the matter toby?" I ask carefully. "Oh nothing." He says sarcasticly. "Oh come on. You've been acting weird the whole day." "Well if i'm so weird why don't you go and spent time with the sooo nice Jackson? Apperently he is more important than me." "What? Are you angry that i spent time with Jacks while you were working?" I ask my voice getting louder. "Yeah why don't you just go to him and confess him your love then both of you would be happy!" He shouts. "I'm not in love with Jackson! He is just my friend! And apperently you don't trust me enough to think i can spent time with another boy without making out with him! Thanks for the trust Four!" I yell calling him four on purpose. "Well Tris i do trust you but i don't trust this jackson! He could do who knows what with you!" "Well he won't. I know him for whole my life and you're just beeing and asshole right now." "So what? Then i'm an asshole!" That's when it's enough for me and i storm out the door with tears running down my face.
Tobias POV:
Tris storms out of the door with tears streaming down her face. I slam the door behind her and then sit on the couch while burrying my head in my hands. I decide to apologise to Tris. I walk out and search the corridor for her but don't see her. I start to walk down the corridor when i suddenly bump into lauren. Ugh she annoys me. "Oh hey four." "Hey have you seen tris?" "No but i'm much more fun." "Well but i still search tris." Then she suddenly presses me to the wall and kisses me. I try to shove her off me but she has a firm grip. She keeps kissing me then suddenly i hear a gasp. Lauren seems to hear it as well and i use the moment to push her away from me. I look at the one who gasped and i see tris. My heart drops. She looks at me in shock and starts to cry. "Why did you kiss her? We had one fight and then you just go around kissing girls?" My heart breaks when i see her hurt look. Just then Uri and Jackson walk around the corner. They look at me and tris questionelegy. Trsi just sobs and burrys her head in uris chest. "What happend here?" He asks. Tris whispers something and uris face gets red with anger and he glares at me. He gently moves triss head from his chest and walks towards me. "Uriah stop! I didn't kiss lauren! She kissed me. I swear!" He doesn't stop and just punches me square in the face. I don't punch back because i don't want to hurt him. "Stay away!" He screams. "But i'm telling the truth!" I yell back. But he just takes tris left arm while jackson takes her right and the guide her away from me. I just sink on my knees it feels like someone just ripped out my heart.

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