Tobias pov:
I wake up on the couch with Tris in my arms and Marv and Lev in her arms. I smile and look at my family. I love all of them so much and i can't wait to marry my Tris. I sit up and the new tatoo i did yesterday, with the other boys, hurts. I still smile about it. I get up, carefull not to wake Tris. I stretch and go into the kitchen. A few seconds later i hear one of the babys cry and quickly walk back in the livingroom so he doesn't wake Tris and his brother. But i'm to late. Lev started to cry and woke up his brother and his mother stirs as well before her beautiful eyes flutter open. "Morning beautiful." I whisper and kiss her on the lips softly. "Morning." She mumbles and i smile. "I have a surprise for you." She furrows her eyebrow and than says: "that is very cute but it's a little bit to early for surprises..." I laugh and take Lev in my arms. "Ok i wanted to show it to you at a restaurant this night anyway." "We are going in a restaurant tonight?" She asks confused. "Yup." I answer, popping the p. She smiles "what about the kids?" Zeke will take them. She nods and i get up and say: "i'll get breakfast." She nods and takes Lev out of my arm. "I'm going to shower." She says and pecks my lips one more time before we both turn around and start to walk towards our destination.---time laps: evening---
Tris pov:
Mar and Chris came over to dress me up for my date. They give me a nice dress. It's tight, but not to tight and it still looks sportive. Mar does my hair and chris cakes my face.
After their work is done i smile into the mirror. I like it. "Thanks girls" i say hugging both of them. "Anytime." Chris says and Mar nods. Than they each pick up one baby. Like this we walk to Zekes apartment. I carry the bag with their dipapers, their favorite stuffed animals and blankets. I knock at zekes door and he opens it. "Hey trissy. You look goooooood!" I smile and hug him as a thank you. "And there are the cutest nephews you could have! Yes come to uncle Zekey!" I laugh at his behavior and hug the three of them one more time before heading to the tatoo parlour. Since i still have some time i decided to get my tatoo now. I walk in and some boy whistels but i ignore him. "Hey Tori. Could you tatoo me this?" I ask her holding up a sketch. "Hey Tris. Sure i can." She answers and leads me to the chair. I sit on it and lean back. "Why are you dressed up like that?" She asks grinning. "Well i'm going on a date with four today." "Oh cool. How are Marvin and Levin holding up?" "Oh they are doing amazing." I than start to brabble about their development and Tori just listens and does my tatoo. When she is done she whipes away the blood and suddenly i get another idea. "Hey tori, since i still have some time could you do a 4 on my wrist?" She smiles and answers: "of course!" I smile at her and she quickly sketches a 4 with all kinds of extras. She holds it up and i give her thumbs up and she starts.
20 minutes later i leave the tatoo parlour with two bandages, one at my colarbone and the other around my wrist. I walk back to my apartment and sit on the couch. Toby said he would pick me up at 7pm and right now it's 6:58pm. I groan and look at the clock. At exactly 7pm it knocks and Tobias steps in. He wears a black suit and looks quiet handsome. "Hey handsome." I greet and he smirks. "Hey there gorgeous." He responds and pecks my lips. Than he pulls a bouquet of red roses and says: "for the beautifulst of all girls." I smile and take them. He than takes my hand and realises the bangade around it. "Are you alright Tris? Did you hurt you wrist?" "No. It is a surprise." I answer smirking. He smirks back and like that we walk to the restaurant.After a delicious dinner we slowly walk around the dauntless compound and somehow land on the rooftop. We lay next to each other and look at the stars above us. After a while of silence he says: "show me your surprise." while sitting up and leaning on his elbow. "You show me yours..." i say and he smiles. "At the same time?" He says and i nod. "1; 2;...3" he shows me his tatoo but i don't show him mine yet. "Hey tris! You didn't show me yours." I don't answer i just look at the tatoo. "Are you alright?" He asks and i nod and just point at his tatoo. "Don't you like the surprise?" He asks with a little bit fear in his voice. I look him in the eye and say: "I don't like it..." he looks sad and starts to say: "listen i'm..." but i interrupt him "i love it!" I squeel and press my lips on his. I can feel him smile and smile as well. He got my name tatooed, right over his heart! He also added two little letters underneath it: M,L.
"I love you so much!" I say when we pull away. "I love you more." "Impossible!" "Possible." I smirk and so does he. "And now show me your surprise or i'll have to tickel!" He says laughing and i gasp "NO! you wouldn't!" He smirks and starts to tickel me. I start to laugh uncontrollaby and he just continues untill i choke out: "ok i'll show you." He stops and i try to regain my breath. He smirks and i stick out my tounge but than slowly lift up the bandage around my wrist. When the bandage is off he smirks at me and says: "i love it!" I kiss him but pull away pretty quickly. "I have another surprise for you." I say and than put off the bandage off the second tatoo i got. Three ravens flying towards my heart. He smiles and i say: "each raven for a family member. Eather you, Marv and lev or Zeke, Uri and Mum." He smiles and kisses me again.The next chapter i'll do will have a time laps :)
Hope you liked itJojo

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanfictionTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete