Chapter 17

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The next day i wake up to someone gently kissing me. I open my eyes and see four i quickly pull away and he looks hurt. But when i look around i see that no other initiate is here. "Sorry." I say looking down. He gently lifts my chin with his hand and i kiss him and he kisses back. When i pull away this time he is smiling slightly. "Come on get dressed." He says and i say: "but you turn around till i say now." He smiles and turns around i quickly pull of my shirt and put my sportsbra on then i pull down my sleepingpants only standing there in black underwear. "Now!" I say and we turns around he clutches his heart and gasps: "are you trying to kill me?" I laugh go up to him and kiss him. Pushing my body against his. He pulls away saying: "no tris! I wear thight pants." I laugh and put on a shirt and trousers. Then he suddenly hands me a muffin "where did that come from?" I ask biting in it. "Magic" he says and i roll my eyes. He laughs and whispers in my ears: "you look adorable when you do that." I blush and he says: "even cuter." I blush even more and playfully push him. He laughs and we head to the trainingroom. Infront four says: "oh yeah and i told the others i would rudely wake you up so pretend like i did." "Yeah let's say you pulled away my blanket and i wore only my underwear." "God no! Your brothers would kill me." "Yes i think i'm goinig to tell them that." I say and before he can respond i'm in the trainingsroom walking towards my friends and my brothers. "And how did four wake you up?" "He pulled away my blanket." "I hope you wore more than just underwear." "Nope!" I say popping the p and surpressing a smile "What?" They shout at the same time. Just then four walks in. Ups bad timing four. Before i can tell them i was kidding they storm towards him and he looks at me for help. I laugh and quickly walk after them before they can beat the boy i like to a pulp. "Why did you do that?" Zeke asks fuming. "What?" Four asks. "Nothing!" I say before uri or zeke can say anymore. "He didn't pull away my blanket! I were kidding." They sigh and i add: "no he waked me with a kiss." I say and zeke walks towards four and punches him in the face. "Hey stop! I were kidding again!" I scream again. Zeke stops dead in his tracks and says: "could you stop doing that?" "Yeah sorry you believe everthing." I say and then towards four: "i'm sorry. I didn't thought he would actually punch you." I say, at the last part glaring at zeke. Zeke says: "just trying to protect you. After this stupid Jon i'm not going to let a boy near you." I flinch and i can see four doing the same. "Well lets continue with training." Four says and adds "Dauntlessborn you will be fighting against eachother today. Here are the parings..." he turns around the chalkboard:
1. Tris vs Uriah
2. Lynn vs Tim
3. Marlene vs Sina
4. Adrian vs Tommy
5. Simon vs Jacob
"Tina won't fight today." Four says towards her. "Ok Tris versus Uriah." "Alright, let's get this started." Uri and i say at the same time. We step in the ring and stand in fighting positions. He throwes the first punch and i dont get it blocked properly and he brushes my face slightly. I throw the next punch at his stomach but in the last second i pull my fist up and hit his chin. He kicks me in the side and i fall to the floor. I try to launge at him but he kicks me again, this time in the stomach. This knocks all the air out of me. I fall to the floor and try to stand up but when i try my stomach hurts like it's burning. I soake in air through gritted teethes and stay on the floor. In the next moment i hear four footsteps coming towards me. "Oh my god i'm so sorry tris! I wanted to kick your legs. This is my fault." "Its alright." I manage to get out through my gritted teeth. "No it's not!" Four says nervous then he shouts: "zeke come here." Zeke walks over and i hear his footsteps getting faster "we have to get to her to the infarmery." Four states. "What happend?" Zeke asks. "I accidently kicked her in the stomach." I can hear that uri is on the verge of tears. "I'll carry her to the infarmery." Zeke says. And then he tries to pick me up. Everytime he moves me it hurts more and when he acidentely touches my ribs i can't supress a quiet scream while tears run down my face. "I'm so sorry Tris. But we have to get you to the infarmery." I nod and he liftes me up again.
Four POV:
I see the pain Tris is going through while zeke tries to pick her up. Evertime she winces or screams it hurts more. Finally he has her in his arms and begins to carry her. With every step he takes tris whimpers a little bit. This must really hurt, tris never cries or whimpers. I look over to uriah he looks like he is about to cry "uri you can go with them." I allow him and he quickly follows zeke and holds up tris head while whiping away the tears. Like that they walk to the infarmery.

Soooo next chapter over.
Poor tris.
Hope you liked it.


Tris Pedrad Dauntless BornWhere stories live. Discover now