Chapter 67

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Time laps after initiation:
Tobias pov:
I stand on the podium together with Tris. She is pretty nervous next to me and i can understand her, nearly the whole dauntless compund is here. Exactly at 10am i step forward to the microphone: "Hello everyone! Today the final rankings will be announced! Thr ranking is a mix of the three different stages of initiation! But i know, the ranking is what everyone is waiting for." Tris presses the button and the rankings appear behind me. I search the crowd for our friends faces and sure enough i spot them in the back. At the moment Zeke is holding one of our babys and Uri the other. I can't say which one from this distance. I force myself to look away and look at the screen instead. The rankings are:
1. John (surprisingly)
2. Jamy (dauntless born (d.b.)
3. Daniel
4. Rose
5. Amy
6. Jack (d.b.)
7. Tommy (d.b.)
8. Tim
9. Jenna (d.b.)
10. Emma (d.b.)
I smile proudly. We got a lot of transfers into dauntless this year. Tris and i step down and get patted on our shoulders. I take Tris' hand and we join our friends. Chris is tearing up a bit and is hugging Rose closly. "Well done Rose." Is all Tris says. Both of us haven't really warmed up to her. Rose nods and i reach out for Marvin in Uris arms. He hands him to me pouting. "I only had him like one minute." I laugh and shrug before tickeling the little guy. Suddenly Mar, Chris, Shauna and even Tris squeel. Something big must have happend, Tris never squeels! We all turn to them questioning and they all are hugging Jacky and Lynn. Tris jumps up and down and than runs towards me. "Omg Four! Guess what happend!" Before i can answer anything she squeels: "Lynn and Jacky are going to marry!" I smile. I'm happy for Lynn. I hug Tris and peck her lips. Suddenly i realise something: our wedding is going to be in a few weeks! I pick up Tris and spin her around she squeels again and i smile. "You realised that you are going to be Beatrice Eaton in a few weeks?" She nods exidetly and kisses me. I set her down and smile. Suddenly Mar and Chris are next to Tris side and loop their arms with hers and say: "since the day still is long. We thought we could go dress shopping..." tris smiles and nods. Wow it never happend that Tris was excited about shopping. The girls all leave and we four boys are left behind. "Sooo, what do you want to do?" Zeke asks grinning. I shrug and Uri just smirkes before pulling us with him. I just follow him.
Tris pov:
We girls all go to the wedding shop called dauntless wedding. We decided to look for a dress for Mar first, than Chris, than Lynn, than Jacky, than Shauna and finally me. We also decided to all do our wedding in the same colours. We decided on grey and black but i convinced them to let me put something blue as well. First we all look around and all pick out two dresses for Marlene. I walk around and see two dresses i like. The one is really puffy with little diamonds in the fabric. The other is not quiete as puffy and is tighter on the top, it has some kind of black lacy sash all around it (A/N i'm really bad in describing dresses...). I take both of them and walk back to the cabine where mar is waiting. After a few more minutes the others start to arrive as well. Chris has two really puffy dresses that are a little too puffy for my taste. The others have dresses like the ones i have. Mar trys on all of them. She puts the one i picked out (the one with the black shash) and comes out smiling. She looks stunning. Chris squeels "Oh my god! Mar this is the dress!" We all nod in agreement and Mar starts to tear up.
"Yes this is the one." Mar says smiling and than turns around to get dressed into her normal clothing again.

The next one is Chris. She takes one with is all flowy and really, really puffy. It suits her though.

The next one is Lynn. She told us she wouldn't wear a puffy dress, for her it was to be simple and she would prefere a one that has black in it. We all look around really long. Lynn doesn't like any of the dresses we bring her in the first round. But when i look again i find the perfect one. It's short, but not too short. It has black in it and it is just perfect for Lynn. I quickly walk back to her and shout: "I found the perfect one!" Everyone piles in and Lynn puts it on. She comes out smiling and we all gasp. This really is the one. Jacky has her eyes covered though.

Than we search one for Jacky while lynn has her eyes covered up. Since i don't know what kind of dresses Jacky would like i walk around kinda clueless. I just pick out two that i think would suit her. I walk back and hand them to her. She smiles and when everyone brought her their chosen dresses she vanishes in the changing room.
Jacky finally decides on a simple dress. It is only black but not flowy or puffy. It is lacy but with fabric underneath the lace. It also suits her perfectly. We all gasp at how she looks and Lynn wants to take off the blindfold but chris is quick enough and holds it in place.

Shauna is the next one and we all spread around the shop once more. I find two i like and walk back. This time i'm the last one to arrive. Shauna trys on all the dresses and in the end picks one Mar chose. It's an only white, strapless dress that flows at the bottom.

I'm the last one. I wait infront of the changing room. After 15 minutes Lynn arrives with two dresses that doesn't seem too puffy. Chris surprisingly arrives next with one that is really puffy, and if i say really i mean really really puffy. I laugh only at the sight of it. Mar, Shauna and jacky arrive shortly after and chris hands me the really, really puffy dress first. Grinning i walk into the changing cabine. When i put it on i start to laugh. It. looks. ridiculous! I step out and everyone starts to crack up together with me. "Ok, this definatly is not! the one!" Mar chokes out. I nod and than try on the other dresses. I don't really like the ones Shauna picked, i like one of the ones Mar picked, i don't like the ones Jacky picked and when i look at the second dress that Lynn picked i fall in love. I put it on and it's perfect. I step out and everyone gasps. I start to tear up. This dress is amazing! I love it so much. It is pretty simple but still beautiful. There are gloves for it but i leave them. I start to tear up. "This is amazing." They all nod and than we all squeel. I'm so happy! We all are going to get married!
We do a group hug, after me putting on my normal clothing. I am so overjoyed!
I exchange dresses with chris so Tobias wont see my dress and Will. won't see Chris'.
I walk home with all the girls. We part in our hallway and each go through another door. I walk through the one of our apartment to find Tobias knocked out on our couch with marv and Lev in his arms. I smile widley at the sight. I queitly hang Chris' dress in our dresser and than walk out closing the door quietly. I quickly walk over to chris' apartment and knock. Chris opens the door and i say: "Camera now!" She laughs and hands it to me. "But i want to at least see the thing you fotograph!" She says and i laugh. We walk to my apartment and i quietly open the door. Tobias still lies in the same position and i smile along with chris. I take the camera and take a few pictures. I than hug and thank you Chris before she walks out again. I walk to Toby and carefully shake him awake. Suddenly i realise he has a bandage on his chest. I'll have to ask him about it later... "hey wake up Toby!" I whisper. He stirs and wakes up. But only enough to pull me on the couch as well. I gently take Marv and Lev and place them infront of me and than press my back to Tobias stomach. Like this i fall asleep.

Loooong chapter. I will put the wedding dresses of each of the girls as a picture to the chapter of the wedding. (If you know what i mean 😉).
Hope you liked it


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