Sequel (3)

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You have to listen to the song above while reading. 😢

40 years later:
Tris pov:
I wake with one thought: today my life will end. I get out of bed and shake awake Tobias. "Toby wake up!" I say and he stirs. "Morning Tris." I smile at him. I still love him as much as when we were sixteen... "Tobias today is the last day of our lifes." I say and he stand up and hugs me closly. "We had an amzing life and i loved every single second because i spent it with you. I love you so much Tris." "I love you more Tobias." I answer and he smiles. "Impossible." He responds "Possible." I say and then he kisses me. We put on our dauntless clothing and decide to do a journey to all our spots. First we walk to the trainingsroom and take in every memory that comes towards us in here. Tobias throwing kinfes at me. Me standing up against Peter. And of course, our first kiss.
Then we walk to the chasm and look in the trashing water, it sprays our feet with little water drops and i take Tobias' hand and smile up to him. "I loved you all my life Tobias Eaton." I say and he smiles. "I love you too and i will love you even when we both are dead." "I will too. I even vowed it." I answer, smiling about the memory of our wedding. Our oerfect wedding.

The next step of our journey is the fearlandscape room. We won't go through them though. We just look at it and i remember the time Tobias took me through his fearlandscape and showed me his past.
Then we walk to the cafeteria one last time. I enjoy the dark hallways, the dim lights and the crazy people one last time. The cafeteria isn't full. Only the whole gang and our children and grand-children. My little grand-daughter Lina jumps into my arms and says: "I will miss you grandma." "I will miss you too." I answer and force a smile.
We eat our last piece of dauntless cake together. As a family.
Suddenly Uri says: "I want to say something!" We all turn towards him. We are a huge family, at least thrity people but we never lost track of someone and sticked together till the end. "I wanted to say that i had an amzing life and that i am glad to were able to spend it with awesome people like you. I love every single one of you. I love every single memory that i experienced with you and i just love all of you. My kids, nephews, nieces, grand-children and of course my friends children and grand-children but i don't really see a difference between my blood relatives and my friends. You all are brothers and sisters to me. I love all of you and i'm glad that i can make this last step of my life with all my friends at my side. I am an old man and i never thought i would reach this point someday but here we are, we lived our lifes and now are ready to complete them. One dare devil jump will end our lives because we ain't no pansycakes." Everyone is crying by now but at his last sentence we all smile. I lived an amazing life. I couldn't have wished for anything better. I stand up and hug Marvin, Levin and Mia tightly. "I love you three so much. Take care of eachother and always remember that your siblings will be there for you, no matter what! I learned that from Uriah and Zeke. I will be gone soon but i don't want any of you to join me in less than 40 years." They all crack a smile and then i hug them tightly and Tobias does the same.

And only minutes later we all walk to the chasm and than i hug all of my children, my friends children, my nieces and newphews and of course my grand-children.
Next i hug all of my friends that stuck with me till the very end and now we will leave this world at once and we will all do it all together.
I take Tobias' hand and on my other side stands Uri, next to him Marlene and next to her Lynn, than Jacky, Zeke, Shauna, Will and the last one is christina. "I love you all guys." I say and than without turning around again we all take a big step into the chasm.

So now my story is oficially over. I cried writing this. I just wanted to say thank you again to all my readers and my voters and commenters and just to everyone! I love you all so much ❤
i'm sad that this story is over but i will start a new one soon.
Hope you liked my whole story

Jojo ❤

Tris Pedrad Dauntless BornWhere stories live. Discover now