Above is a picture of Tris and Tobias clothing and when you swipe from right to left there is a video with the song for this chapter.
Time laps wedding 5:
Bride: Tris Pedrad
Groom: Tobias Eaton
Bestman: Zeke Pedrad
Maid of honor: Christina White
Bridemaids: Shauna, Lynn, Jacky, Marlene
Grommsmen: Will, Uriah, JacksonTris pov:
I wake with a jolt. Omg, omg i'm going to marry today!! I jump out of the bed and run over to the other girls beds. I wake up Chris first, than mar, Shauna, Lynn and finally Jacky. Chris finally stands up. "I'm going to marry today!!" I shout-squeel and she laughs and hugs me. Mar laughs as well and i hug her. Today i'm the first to get her make-up and so i sit in the chair and they start.
Tobias pov:
I wake up with a jolt. I'm going to marry today!! I quickly walk over to the other boys and shake them awake. "Wake up Idiots! I'm marrying today!" I shout and they all laugh. Hanna took Marvin and levin over night so we can i quote: 'take care of ourselfs.' I'm pretty thankful though. I hop into the shower and wash my whole body. I don't want to smell bad at my wedding day! I step out only in my boxershorts and walk over to the dresser. Will only wears his pants, Uri is still eating (of course...) and Zeke is already fully dressed. I put on my trousers and my shirt, but i don't get my tie closed because my hands are shaking. When Zeke sees my struggle he laughs and helps me. "Do i need to slap you?" He asks laughing and i laugh as well and say: "No. I'm not nervous because of that!" He grins and than pats my back. "All done." He says and i nod my head as a 'thank you'. I put on my black waistcoat and than my normal tux jacket (pic above). I close the last button and look at myself in the mirror. By now the other boys are all done with breakfast and dressing and once more we stand infront of the mirror and do our hair. After that Zeke speeks up: "So the last wedding in our gang. Than Four and i'll be brothers!" I smile and bro-hug him and uri. "Than i'll be the only not-pedrad!" Will pouts and we all laugh.
Tris pov:
The girls finished my make-up and now do the others and themselfs. I am so thrilled for this wedding. I can't wait for Toby standing next to the altar, waiting for me. Chris and Zeke said they had a surprise for us and i'm already excited. I keep walking up and down the apartment untill lynn yells at me to stop.
Half an hour later the make-up of all the girls is done and i say: "Thank you so much for preparing me and doing my make-up." They all smile and than we do an enormous group hug. "Last wedding till we all will be married." Shauna says and i nod. "Ok now the dress!" Chris squeels and she and Mar run to the dresser. They pull out my dress and i smile. I still love the simpleness of it! I think and than let the girls help me to put it on. They all gasp at how i look and when i step infront the mirror i start to tear up.
I look beautiful. "Oh my god Tris! You look amazing!" Mar says and a tear rolls down my cheek. "Nooo! TRIS PEDRAD DON'T YOU DARE RUIN YOUR MAKE-UP!!" Chris shouts and i laugh as she runs towards me with a tissue. I let her wipe my face gently and smile at her greatfully.
15 minutes, of talking and the other putting on her dresses, later we start towards the pit. Chris and mar walk infront of me and hide me completly so Tobias wouldn't see me even when he looked down the hallway. Jacky, Lynn and Shauna are walking behind me doing the same. Like this we arrive at the little room. Chris pops her head inside and screams: "Four! Will you move your ass out of here!?" I can hear him laughing and than a door open and shuts again and we step inisde.
Tobias pov:
We walk out of the apartment with Zeke on my right, uri to my left and Will next to Uri. When we pass Christinas apartment where the girls are staying we can hear talking and than suddenly Christina shouts: "Nooo! TRIS PEDRAD DON'T YOU DARE RUIN YOUR MAKE-UP!" We all start to crack up and Will says: "That is my girl!" And we laugh even harder. Like this we make our way to the pit. When we arrive we sit down in the little room and just talk. After a few minutes later suddenly Christinas head pops inside. When she sees me her eyes go wide and she yells: "Four! Will you move you ass out of here!?" I laugh, stand up and walk towards the door. I can't stop myself from thinking that only a few meters are parting me and my Tris. I still walk outside and stand at my spot next to the altar. I talk to the priest while the guests slowly start to pile in. I notice jackson walking in the room where tris and the others are. Tris said she wanted to invite him but of course he also has to be a groomsmen...yeah (note the sarcasm). Well if it makes Tris happy...
10 minutes later the guests are all seated, i can even see my mother in thr last row. All around are dauntless who are watching from the stairs or just standig around the spot where the wedding guests sit. Than the music starts playing and Zeke and christina walk in. Zeke has marvin on his arm and Christina holds Levin. The other arm they have linked with the other. I smile when i see that the babys are each carrying a little pillow with each a ring on it. Behind Zeke and Christina, Mar and Uri, Shauna and will, Lynn and jacky and finally jackson and his girlfriend follow. When they all stand at their spots the music starts playing another song and than Tris walks in with her mother at her side. I can't keep my eyes away from her. She looks amazing. The dress is simple but still breathtaking. I feel myself smiling widley and she locks her eyes with mine and smiles as well. When they arrive infront of the altar Hanna takes Tris' hand and lays it into mine. She than kisses Tris' cheek and together we turn towards the priest. He starts his speech but i only look at Tris. I only look away for a short time when the priest says: "And now the vows please. Four will start." I nod and clear my throat: "Tris Pedrad. I have always loved you, every moment of my life i just waited for you to join me. I loved you when we fought and i loved you when we reunited and i will love you every single second of my life till i die. When you are not around it feels like a part of me is missing, like i'm not whole anymore. So i vow to love you every single day, every single hour, every single second of my life." Tears are slowly falling out of Tris' eyes and rolling down her cheek. "Now your vow Tris." The priest says ans Tris looks me in the eye and starts: "Four. I love you so much that it sometimes hurts. I loved you when you were an initiant and i even loved you when you were in your old faction, i just didn't now it back than. When you showed me your past i loved you even more. Together we had to pass some obstacles but we always masterd them and found back to eachother. I love you with all my heart and so i vow to love you till i die and even beyond that. I vow to love you even when i am not in this world anymore." I feel tears dripping onto my cheeks as well and i want to kiss her but the priest holds me back. "Not yet!" He whispers and i smile. "So do you Tobias Eaton take Beatrice Pedrad as your lawfully weded wife? Do you swear to love and honor her through sickness and health till death will part you?" He says and i smile even more before saying: "I do!" "And do you Beatrice Pedrad take Tobias Eaton as your lawfully weded husband? Do you swear to love and honor him through sickness and helath till death will part you?" The priest says and Tris smiles and answers: "I do!" We take the rings from the pillows that Marvin and Levin are holding with zekes and christinas help and exchange them. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The priest says and that's what i do. I kiss her with all my passion and love and she kisses back feeling the same and in that moment we are not two persones, we are one.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Sooo my story is over now. I will probably write a sequel but i'm not sure yet. I really want to say thank you too all the people that kept reading this story. I am so thankfull for every single read. It was amazing writing my own story here on wattpad and i want to encourage everyone to do the same!
I love you all ❤

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanfictionTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete