Time laps wedding 2:
Bride: Christina White
Groom: William Miller
Bestman: Uriah Pedrad
Maid of honor: Marlene Pedrad
Bridesmaids: Tris, Shauna, Lynn, Jacky
Groomsmen: Four, ZekeTobias pov:
I feel soft lips on mine and i'm immediatly awake and kiss back. Tris pulls away laughing and all the other boys stare at her. Why are the other boys here? Oh right Wills wedding! "How- how did you do that? We have been trying to wake you up for at least half an hour!" Zeke asks. "Well power of love!" Tris answers smiling and i just nod. She gets up and leaves to get ready and i probably should do the same. I sit up and look at the other boys. Will already wears his tux Uri has only pants on and Zeke still hasn't finished breakfast. I walk over to him and steal a muffin. I eat it while slowly waking up. "Soo Will could you help me with my tie?" Uri asks and Will laughs. "Sure man!" I stand up and walk to the dresser. I get out my tux and start to put it on. Will is pretty nervous and i can totally understand that. I'm probably going to faint at my wedding day. I just closed the last button when Levin starts to cry. "I got it!" Zeke shouts and picks him up. Tris has Marvin with her. "Thanks." I answer and finish to bind my tie. I quickly swipe on my black suit jacket. "Hey Zeke i can take him. I'm ready!" I say and Zeke hands me Lev. "Hey lev. How are you holding up? Many weddings huh?" I ask him and he giggels. He already wears his cute baby tux and i smile about his cuteness. "Aww Foury talky baby voicy!!!" Zeke says and i roll my eyes. I bounce Levin up and down and he giggles more.
20 minutes later i'm standing next ro tris and we wait for our entrance. Infront of us are Shauna and Zeke and Mar and uri while Jacky and lynn stand behind us. The music starts playing, Tris loops her arm with mine and we all start walking. We step out. Will is waiting at the altar and streches his neck to catch a glimpse of Christina. I stand next to Uri who is standing next to will. Tris stands on the other side next to Mar. Than the music starts playing again and Christina walks in. She wears a really puffy dress, which i personally don't like that much but it suits her.
Christina walks down the aisle next to her father. When they reach Will the father gives her hand to Will and they interwine their hands. They step infront of the altar and the priest starts.
20 minutes later:
"Do you William Miller take Christina White as your lawfully weded wife? Do you swear to love and honor her through sickness and health till death will part you?" The priest asks. "I do." Will answers and smiles. "And do you Christina White take William Miller as your lawfully weded husband? Do you swear to love and honor him through sickness and health till death will part you?" "I do!" Christina says and smiles as well. They exchange rings and the priest says: "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Will kisses Christina passionatly and they both smile when the cheering starts. They pull away and walk down the few steps between the small podium and the floor. Than Will picks Christina up and you can see that he struggels with her dress. I have to supress my laughter and see the others having the same problem. Than finally he suceeds and Christina squeels while will runs down the aisle. I laugh and take tris hand before following.
At the reception we have a lot of fun. Tris gets kinda drunk and i have to stop her from doing things. "But Tobyyy! I want to!" She whines. "No Tris you can't steal that hat just because you like it plus another woman is wearing it." I answer laughing. "You love that woman more than me." She pouts and i hug her still laughing. "I love nothing more than you!" She smiles and says: "Than get me that hat!" And i laugh. "I would do everything for you but i can't do that." She pouts again and i just press my lips to her forhead still laughing. "Where are my babyboys?" Tris asks suddenly excited and i roll my eyes but still grin. "You gave them to your Mum two minutes ago!" I explain and she ohs while i laugh. Than Uri joins us. "Oh hey Uri-puhri!" Tris says and than suddenly starts to giggle. "Woah what did you do to her?" He asks laughing. "She ate a few of those coktail cherrys." I answer laughing even harder. He nods and says: "That is my Tris! Definatly not cut ouf for erudite!" I start to laugh because one of her apitudes were Erudite. Uri joins my laughter because he thinks i laughed about his joke what makes me laugh even harder. I think i might have drunken a little bit to much as well. I shrug off the thought and just continue to laugh with Uri and Tris.Two houres later i leave together with tris. Tris mum took the boys since she said i couldn't take care of three babys (Marv, Lev and drunken Tris). I walk to the apartment with Tris and she keeps trying to tickel me. "Would you please stop that?" I ask when she trys again. "Your a meany Four." She pouts and i roll my eyes. I unlock the door and she stumbles inside. I catch her just when she is about to hit the floor. "Thanks Toby." She squeels and gives me a wet kiss. "Ok no problem Tris. Would you just go to bed?" I say while shoving her to the bedroom. She shrugs and walks over to the bedroom. She shuts the bedroom door and i slump down on the couch. "Uf!" I say. Drunken Tris is pretty annoying! Just when i think this Tris emerges the bedroom with lacy underwear. "Heeey Toby. Want to come in here with me?" She asks and i shake my head no. "You won't be happy about it if i do it." She rolls her eyes and walks back in. I her a *thumb* and then Tris. "Oooouch!" She whines and i walk inside to look. Tris is laying flat on the floor right next to the bed. I sigh and pick her up. I gently put her on the bed and place one of my shirts on her before pulling the blanket up to her chin. I smile when she cuddels into the blankets and almost immediatly falls asleep.
I follow her only a few minutes later.Aaaaand next wedding is over 😄
Fourtris wedding is getting closer...
Hope you liked itJojo

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanfictionTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete