Five days later:
Tobias pov:
I wake with a jolt. TODAY I'M GOING TO PROPOSE TO TRIS! Is the first thing that runs through my mind. In the past days i made, along side with Mar Chris Lynn and Shauna, our spot at the chasm look really romantic. Now i'll just have to prepare the knifes and the sringyes. I carfully get out of bed and write her a note as always. I then quickly put on a shirt and pants and walk out of the door. First i go to the trainingsroom and prepare the knifes. Zeke will check up whether they are still there just before we arrive though. I place them on the table and then walk to the fearsimulation-room. I decided we should go through mine. I prepare the srynges and then walk to check upon the chasm one more time.
Tris pov:
I slowly wake up and reach next to me to search for Tobias. I sit up and search for a note which i find on the night table. It says:
I'll get breakfast. Be back in a minute.
I smile and lay it back then i put on my pants a fresh washen t-shirt and a way to big sweater from Toby. I smile and breath in the scent of my Tobias. It smells like wind and a little bit sweat. I just love it. I plop on the couch and wait for him to get back. After a few minutes i get tired of waiting and decide to go to the cafeteria. I write:
already went to cafeteria. Meet me there.
I then slowly walk towards the cafeteria. On my way i am deep in my thoughts and don't watch out and then i bump into something or someone. I look up and see the boy i love and smile. "Hey Four." I greet him in case someone hears. "Hey Tris." He leans down and kisses me softly. "Where did you want to go?" He asks. "Cafeteria. Want to come with me?" "Sure." He shrugs and then takes my hand. We walk the rest if the way in comfortable silence both lost in our thoughts. When we arrive the buzzing noise of the cafeteria greets us and he holds the door for me and i smile at him.
We sit down with our food only minutes later. Everyone looks at us and grins widley. I furrow my eyebrows and ask: "something good happend that i missed?" They shake their heads no and Chris says: "well it's a lovly day. Birds are chirping, sun is shinig." I raise my eyebrows even higher due to the point we are underground but she just keeps smiling. I look at everyone else but they all seem totaly interested in their food. Including toby. Weird. Well whatever... i shrug it off and then we just eat, crack jokes and do small talk.After breakfast i go with Mar, Chris, Lynn and Shaun shopping. Ugh! I hate shopping! Mar chris and shauna drag lynn and me through at least a thousand stores and in the end i have three bags full of clothing and i picked only like three pieces myself. I want to walk back to my apartment but chris insists that we would go to her and all dress up 'for fun'... what is fun about caking your face and feeling like a doll? "Come oooonnn Trissy. Pleeeease! We rarly hang out together anymore." Mar wines and i have to give in because she sadly is right. "Alriiight. I will come and than you can cake my face and dress me like a doll." "Yeeeey!" She squeels along with Chris. Lynn just rols her eyes. We all walk to Chris apartment. She unlocks the door and i see that will isn't there. "Ok how about we do Mar first, than Tris, next lynn, than Shauna and finally me?" Chris suggests. We all agree and then they start on dolling up Mar while Lynn and i just play some kind of boring board game. After half an hour mar finally is done and i have to admit she looks stunning. "Wow Mar you look amazing. Uris eyes are going to plop out of his head." She laughs and blushes a little bit. "Thanks. Ok youre next!" I roll my eyes but then sit on the chair. They cover the mirror and i groan. "Close your eyes!" Shauna instructs and then the torture starts. Mar chris and Shauna start to poke my face and use a lot of weird stuff to throw on my face and skin. Mar trys to colour my nails but i refuse. I just keep them in a fist. "Oh come on Tris. Don't be a baby." She says. "No i dont want to!" "How about i just file them?" "Alriiight..." i groan and give her my hand. Chris has to apply some eyeshadow so i have to close my eyes. After 10 minutes i'm finally allowed to open them again but when i look at my nails i see that mar did some weird white line on the edge of my nails. She bites her lip and asks: "is that alright?" "Yeah. I like it actually." I admit. "Yeeeey!" She squeels. "Ok now we uncover!" Chris says while jumping up and down. "Go for it." I answer and then Shauna and lynn lift up the cover. My breath sticks in my throat. I look amazing. My eye has some kind of smokey eye and my hair is curled and i have to braids on the side of my head. "Oh my god thanks girls! You made me pretty." "We didn't have to do that. You were pretty all along." Shauna says smiling and i smile back. "Thanks." "No problem! But now your outfit!" Chris squeels and she drags me to my shopping bags. She throws out some things and keeps others. After a few minutes the three agreed on an outfit and shove it into my hands. "Go change!" Mar instructs and shoves me into the bedroom. I sigh and close the door behind me. I then look at the clothes:
Short shorts with a little bit ripped pockets, black crock top with an orange dauntless symbol at the back, a black lacy bra with a simular underpant. I roll my eyes but still put it on. I walk out and they gasp. "Wow T-Tris you look amazing!" Shauna chokes out and the others (even lynn) nod in agreement. I blush, "thanks girls." "No problem. Now the shoes!" Chris says and holds up a pair of four inch highheels. "No way i'm going to wear that!" I reject. "Come on Trissy. That would look amazin!" She begs but this time i don't change my opinion. "Than at least wear these sneaker:" she holds up black-white sneaker. I shrug. "Fine." She hands me them and i put them on. Then i stand infront of a mirror looking at my whole outfit. it does look pretty good. I think and turn a little bit to look at my backside. This pants must be butt push-up because my butt looks bigger. Mh well i like it. I smile and than it suddenly knocks. Mar opens the door smiling and reveals Tobias with red roses in his hands. I smile at him and he asks: "can i take away Tris from you?" "Sure." Chris answers and shoves me towards him. When i stand infront of him he says: "Tris you look really amazing!" Looking me into the eye. I smile. "Thanks." He than hands me the flowers. "For the beautifulst of all girls." I blush and kiss him as a 'thank you'. "Now come with me." He takes my hand and suddenly runs. I follow him running while still holding his hand. After a while i realise where we are going: the trainingsroom? He bursts through the door. "Stand infront of the target." He says in his instructor voice but his eyes are glittering and full of love. I smile and stand infront of it. He flips the first knife and then a second later i hear a *tchug* right next to my waist. Then the next one above my head and the last one is just next to my ear. Not nicking it this time. I smile at him and walk over to the table next to him. "Sorry about your ear." He says,just like last time. "It's alright." I say while biting my lip remembering what i did last time. He pretends to examine my ear and i fill the little space between us. He freezes like last time and automaticly i have a memory of our first kiss. "Sorry." I say while walking past him, playing with his little game. He then grabs my wrist just as expected and kisses me again. This time we kiss a long time before he pulls away and suddenly starts running again. He still holdes my hand and pulls me with him. I follow and again i realise pretty quickly where we are going: the fearsimulation-room. And sure enough we arrive there just a minute later. He pulls out two srynges and injects me and then i inject him. Then we step into his simulation. First fear heights, second fear confinment, third fear killing an innocent but when i prepare to see marcus i am suddenly standing tied to a wall unable to speek. I stand just next to Tobias and i see that he has to watch while another me gets thrown in the chasm. He jumps against the invisible wall seperating the simulation me from him. He screams and crys while the sim me screams as well and then she gets thrown into the chasm. He crys and punches the invisible wall and i try to say or do something but i am not able to speak or move. Finally he calmed his heart rate and we dive out of the simulation. When he spots me he runs over and hugs me tightly. "Shh it's alright. I am here. I love you." I calm him and i can feel his tears wettening my shirt but i don't care. "I thought i lost you Tris." He sobs. "It's alright. I am here."
After a few minutes he is calmer again and then once again takes my hand and starts running. And again i realise where we are going after a few minutes: the chasm. We walk down the secret path and when we turn the last corner my breath sticks in my throat and i stop abruptly. The spot is full of garlands and little lights. "Wow. T-t-this is amazing!" I stutter. He smiles and pulls me in the middle of the small area and then he start to talk: "Tris, i love you. I loved you since you pulled me up on that train on my first day, i loved you when you helped me get through initiation, i loved you all this time i only had to realise that it was love. Although i showed you my past you still treat me with respect and you love me. But i love you so much, you can't imagine it. It is not only sometimes that i realise it, everytime i look at you, think of you, touch heart skips a beat and starts to beat faster. When you were gone for a month i were nothing. I were just my cover but my heart always where next to you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to argue and i want to unite with you afterwards. I want to explore new things but only with you at my side. So Beatrice Pedrad," he gets down on one knee and i gasp, "will you marry me?"Uhhhh sorry cliffhanger. I loved to wirte this chapter and i'm sorry if it seems a little bit to jumpy at some parts but i just wanted to 'prepare' everything for this moment.
Will Tris say yes?
Hope you liked it ;)Jojo.

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanfictionTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete