Time laps wedding 3:
Bride: Lynn Liner
Bride: Jacky Adams
Made of honor: Shauna Liner(for both)
Bridemaids: Tris, Christina, MarleneTris pov:
I wake up to someone dumping ice cold water on me. I screech and jump up. Chris and Mar stand there laughing and Lev started to cry from my screech. "See what you did?" I ask them furious. And they put their hands up in mock surrendor. "Ok how about I'll calm levin and you get yourself dryed?" Mar offers and i nod before hedding in the bathroom. I take a quick shower and blow dry my hair. I step out again and Jacky and Lynn are now up as well. Jacky is kept in one room and Lynn is in the other. Chris and Mar won't let them see eachother because of 'bad luck'. Whatever... I let Chris do my hair and Mar my make up. Shauna is with lynn in the other room and Jacky is pacing around with her hair and make up already ready. She seems nervous. Everyone of the girls has been nervous before their wedding. I bet i will be too.
3/4 hour later everyones makeup is ready and Mar, chris and i put on our dark blue bridesmaid dresses. After that Mar helps Shauna with her dress and than Shauna and i go to help Lynn with her dress. When we come in Lynn looks terrified. "I can't do this!" She whispers over and over again and i stand infront of her, lay my hands on her shoulders and look her in the eye. "Listen to me Lynn Liner! You will go out there, you will rock this wedding and than you will be married to the girl you love!" She nods but keeps pacing around. "Lynn stop that right now!" I instruct and she stops. "You will get 15 more seconds to panick before you will be you again, ok countdown:" i start to count in my mind:
1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 12; ;13 ; 14...15 "Ok times up!" Lynn takes her head out of her hands and stands straight again. "Perfect!" I say and Shauna hugs Lynn. "I'm so proud of my baby sis." She whispers but i still hear it and smile. Chris shouts from the other side: "Ok Jacky, Mar and I will go now! Follow in 10 minutes!" "Alright!" Shauna responds. Just than i notice that lynn still isn't wearing her dress. "Lynn your dress!" I say shocked. "Shit!" She says and starts toward the dresser and pulls it out. Shauna and i help her in it and than we walk out.
I walk down the aisle with Tobias next to me. Infront of us are Zeke and Shauna and behind us Will and Christina. I smile at toby and he smiles back. God i love this man! I think. We arrive at the altar and Lynn and Jacky take eachothers hands and the ceremony starts.
"Do you Lynn Liner take Jacky Adams as your lawfully weded wife? Do you swear to love and honor her through sickness and health till death will part you?" Lynn smiles and answers: "I do!" "And do you Jacky Adams take Lynn Liner as your lawfully weded wife? Do you swear to love and honor her through sickness and health till death will part you?" Jacky smiles and answers: "I do!" They exchange the rings and the priest says: "I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss eachother." And they do, not for long though. Than they jump down the few steps and run down the aisle together. I smile about how happy they look and find Tobias and run down the aisle behind them.
The reception is held on the rooftop. Lynn and Jacky do the first dance, than Tobias and i join, than Chris and Will, Uri and marlene and than Zeke and Shauna. One song only our group dances and the others wait. But than the others join.
An hour later we all sit at a table and eat and drink and laugh.
Afterwards you can dance or continue eating, guess what Uri does...
Zeke on the other hand takes Marvin and dances with him on the dancefloor and i laugh about the cuteness. I continue dancing with Tobias and also dance with my sons.
At half past one nearly everyone is gone and Toby and i decide to go as well since Marvin and Levin need to sleep in a proper bed and we are tired as well. We hug everyone goodbye and than walk back to our apartment. When i turn my head one last time i see Jacky and Lynn smiling at eachother widley and than they kiss. I smile as well and take Tobys hand and kiss Levs head who is sleeping in my arms. I love my family.And another wedding done. Only one wedding to go till FOURTRIS ❤ I'm excited 😄😄
Hope you liked itJojo

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanfictionTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete