When i wake up the next morning Toby is still a sleep on his stomach and snoors slightly. I smile and look at his tatoo. All the factions. I gently brush my fingertip over his back where the dauntless tatoo is. I slowly let my finger travel over all of the faction symbols.
Tobias POV:
I wake up to someone gently touching my back where the dauntless symbol is. Tris. I think and pretend to still be asleep. Her fingertip slowly travels down my back. Where she touches me my skink starts to prickle. Then i can't resist it anymore and turn around and press my lips to hers. She first is surprised but then kisses back. Her hand still is at my bare back and travels up and down while we are kissing. I roll on top of her but not breaking the kiss. She tangles her hands in my hair and then she turns so she is on top of me. I smile against her lips and she smiles as well. But then i slip one of my hands under her shirt and she freezes. I quickly pull it away and mumble: "sorry." "It's ok." She answers and then kisses me one more time before standing up. "I'm sorry toby." She says and then looks on the floor. I quickly stand up and say: "hey, hey, hey. I'm alright. It's ok for me to not have sex with you. I don't want to do anything you don't want to." I hug her and say: "i love you so much. Why can't you understand?" She just nods and says: "i love you too. Never leave me." "I won't." I say and press her small fragil body closer to mine. Just then someone nocks on the door. "Ugh!" Tris says and walks over to the door. She opens it and i can hear Chris's voice: "oh my god tris. You are not ready yet? We have to choose a job in 10 minutes." "Shit!" Tris courses and quickly runs into the bedroom shutting the door behind her. Two minutes later she comes out again with a toothbrush between her teeth. "Your turn." She mumbles and i walk in the bedroom and quickly throw on a plain black shirt and trousers. When i come back tris put away her toothbrush and i take her hand before we follow chris towards the pit for the job choosing. When we arrive i let go of tris hand and kiss her lightly before she walks over to the spot for initiates. She stands in the front and i walk over to Zeke and Shauna.
Tris POV:
I stand in the front with Uri behind me. I turn around and talk to him a little bit. Then Max steps on the podium. "Today as their first act as members our former initiates will choose a job in order to their ranking. That means Tris pedrad is the first." Everyone claps and i climb the stairs. I already know what to choos. I walk over to the monitor and look at the jobs. I quickly find the jobs i'm searching and klick initiante trainer and faction leader. My choice appears on a screen behind me and everyone claps and i step down. "Uriah Pedrad." Max says. Uri steps up and chooses initiate trainer and faction leader. I greet him with a hug when he steps down. Then we watch our friend choose. Mar chooses tatoo artist, lynn chooses faction ambassador, chris chooses to open a fashion store, will chooses control room and Al has to be a fence guard. Will actually is lucky he got a place in the controlroom. We walk back to Zeke Toby and Shauna. And then we all walk to te cafeteria to eat breakfast.

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanficTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete