Tris POV:
I wake up to Uri shaking me. "Tris wake up! We have to go." I rub my eyes. "Where?" Uri rolls his eyes. "Final rankings..." "oh yeah right." I say and swing my legs out of the bed. I stand up and i'm still fully dressed. When i arrived here yesterday and kicked off my shoes before sleeping. "Alright lets go!" I say after putting on my sneeker. Uri nods and we walk towards the pit. When we arrive there are loads of people. I stand next to Uri and we just wait. We talk for a while and Mar and Zekey join us. Together we wait.
Then finally Toby, Max and Eric step on the podium. "Quiet!" Eric shouts and surprisingly nearly everyone quiets. "Good morning everyone. Today we will the rankings of thie year initiates. We are not good in holding speeches, lets leave that to the erudite." Eris says and everyone laughes slightly. But not me and my friends. "Whatever the rankings are what everyone is waiting for. They will appear on the screen behind me." And sure enough as the word 'me' leaves his mouth the rankings appear:
1. Tris
2. Uriah
3. Peter
4. Edward
5. Marlene
6. Lynn
7. Marie
8. Christina
9. Will
10. Tom
11. Al
When i stop staring at the rankings i begin to squeel along with all my friends. "OMG!!!" I scream along with Chris and Mar. We jump in a group hug and jump around. Then i tackle Uri with a hug and scream: "Ha! BEAT YOU!" He laughs and hugs back. Then zeke comes over and says: "congrats little sis." I tackle him with a hug as well and he spins me around. Then i hug Will and Lynn. And then Tobias stands infront of me and i don't care about my fear anymore i just run to him and hug him tightly before kissing him passionatly.
Tobias POV:
I walk over to Tris who is currently hugging first will and then Lynn. When she looks up and spots she suddenly runs towards me and hugs me tightly. Then she kisses me and everything vanishes. I just feel her lips against mine. We kiss for what feels like forever before someone shouts: "NO PDA!" We pull away blushing and i whisper: "congrats Trissy." I her ear. She smiles widely and then screams along with Uri: "candor or dauntless!" I laugh and take tris hand. We walk to their apartment and i'm already forming a plan in my head.
Tris POV:
I'm just so happy right now. I can't believe it everyone of my friends made it. I walk laughing towards our apartment with my friends. When i look around i see that Mar and Uri are holdings hands, Will is tickeling chris lightly, shauna and Zeke laugh along with lynn and tobias... well toby is holding my hand while being deep in thoughts. "What are you thinking?" I ask him. "Nothing important. Just how much i love you." I blush and kiss him.
When we are at our apartment i open the door and my mum greats me with a hug. "Congrats Trissy. I love you." Then she turns to uri and hugs him as well. Then she turns again and hugs Mar and Lynn as well. "I knew you all would do it. I'm so proud." "Thanks." We all say and then she says: "alright i guess you are here to play c or d, right?" We nod and she says: "well then i'll leave you to your game and visit tori." "Ok bye mum." Uri zeke and i say and then we all sit on the floor in a circle. I sit next to Zeke and Toby and zeke shouts: "i start! Four ma maaaan c or d?" "Dauntless obviously..." "mh kiss the girl you would date instead of Tris." "There is non." He says and we look at chris to play the candor liedetector. "He's telling the truth." I let out a small sigh and kiss my toby. He smiles. "Tris c or d?" "Candor. I'm lazy." He looks at the floor. "Will you move in with me?" He asks and i say: "yes of course!" He kisses me and i kiss back. When we pull away i say: "i love you." "I love you too." He responds and all the girls awww. I laugh and continue the game.
Tobias POV:
Omg i can't believe she said yes. I'm so happy right now! I love her so much. Tris continues the game but i don't pay attention.***2 hours later***
Tris Will and Mar just arrive at the apartment from a dare and i say: "guys it's getting late. Shall we call it a night?" Everyone nods and i take tris hand. "Want to sleep at m... our apartment?" She looks at the floor and i wonder again what it is that bothers her. Then she just nods and we walk away after she huged all her friends. When we arrive at our apartment i can't take it anymore and ask: "Tris, please talk to me? Have i done something wrong? Please just tell me..." she blushes and says: "it's nothing you did it's just about my fear again." "Can't you tell me what it is?" She blushes and looks down. I gently lift her chin. "It doesn't matter what it is i won't laugh or make fun of it. I swear."
Tris POV:
I look up at him and his eyes are so lovingly and caring. I sigh "well i'm kinda afraid of intimacy." I mumble and he says: "oh that's why." "i just don't know what you expect from this relationship. If it's just you know... it because you are older and..." i stutter and he just shakes his head. "Tris i love you and we don't have to have sex if you don't feel comfortable with it. I can wait and you know why? Because i love you with all my heart and i wont pressure you." He says and i nod. He opens his arms and i walk into them and cuddle my head at his chest. "I love you too. So much." I say and he strokes my hair. Then he says: "alright lets go to sleep." I just nod. "Can i borrow something from you to sleep?" "Sure." I pick one of his shirts and a pair of boxers. He turns around and i strip down my normal clothes and quickly put on the sleeping clothes. "You can turn around." He turns around and i hop into his... no our bed. He smiles and then puts on his sleeping clothes as well. When he wants to put on a shirt i say: "can't you leave it?" He laughs and says: "of course." Then he lays down in the bed next to me. He pulls me towards him and i burry my head in his bare chest. "Good night Toby. I love you so much." "Goodnight. Love you more." "Impossible." He laughs quietly and kisses the top of my head. "Possible." I want to respond but i'm already drifting off to sleep.

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanfictionTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete