Chapter 49

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Tris pov:
(Last chapter: So Beatrice Pedrad," he gets down on one knee and i gasp, "will you marry me?")
Tobias still is on one knee and my face is full of tears. Omg he asked me to marry him! ME! Beatrice Pedrad,soon Beatrice eaton! This is amazing i love him so much! Then i suddenly realise i still haven't said anything and the smile on his face slowly turns into a frown. I then choke out between tears a: "yes of course!" And he jumps up and kisses me. I laugh and kiss back. I am so frecking happy! I love him so much.
We pull away becuase suddenly Zeke, Uri, Shaun, Chris, Mar, Lynn and Will step out of the shadow cheering and then Tobias screams: "she said yeees!" And i laugh while everyone cheers even louder. He slides the ring on my finger and i look at it. It has a grey band, a small blue saphir and another black stone the same sice. My three factions. I think. "It's beautiful! I love it so much." I say beaming up to him while be beams down to me. "And i love you." I add and kiss him again. Then suddenly i hear a *klick* and turn my head towards the noice. It's christina holding a small black box. "That's a camera. You can take pictures and i thought you would like to have one of this moment." She says smiling. And i nod "thanks Chris." I say. "Lets go celebrate!" Zeke shouts and then suddenly Uri and Zeke tackle me with a hug. I hug them back. "Thanks guys. I love you." "We love you too and congratulations." "Thanks." Than i hug all the others as well. "Ok so now get some DAUNTLESS CAKE!" i scream along with Uri and take Tobys hand. We hang a little bit behind and then stand in a lonly hallway. "This was an amazing proposal! I loved every second." I say looking into his stormy blue eyes. "Me too. And i love you." He says and then kisses me with passion and love and i kiss back feeling the same emotions. "You are the best fiancé a girl could wish for." I say with my forhead still against his. He smiles and i do the same and then suddenly we hear a *click* again and turn to see chris smile at us sheepishly. "Hehe. Just wanted to record that moment. It is a really cute picture you know." She says blushing a little bit. "It is alright Chris. Thanks." I say smiling at her and then i walk with my hand in the one of my fiancé to get myself some dauntless cake.
When we arrive at the cafeteria suddenly nearly everyone erupts into cheers. I smile and blush at the same time and hold onto tobias hand a little bit tighther. He smiles down to me and then we kiss and the cheers get even louder. We pull back pretty fast and than just sit down. Zeke already organized dauntless cake for all of us. I sit down infront of it but wait for everyone to arrive. When finally everyone is here we start eating and talking. "You know what true love is?" I ask. They all look at me questioning and i take a bit of Tobys cake and eat it. He smiles and kisses me. Zeke and uri mouths hang open. "Man he must really love you!" Uri says and we all laugh. We than continue eating. Afterwards we all split up and all go to our apartments. When we arrive at our he says: "i love you, my fiancée" "i love you too, my fiancé." And then we kiss. The kiss heats up pretty quickly and than things escalate.

Sorry wasn't a long chapter.
How will the weddings of Urilene, Sheke and Fourtris be? When are they going to be?
Hope you all liked it ;)


Tris Pedrad Dauntless BornWhere stories live. Discover now