(Last chapter: They need a second till they realise what that means and Mar and Shauna squeel loudly. Zeke and uri stare at us in shock.)
Tris pov:
Zeke is the first to speek up: "You are pregnant Tris? But you are only seventeen! Why would you do something like that? That is just stupid! We have to do something against it!" I look at him in shock. "What do you mean with 'do something against it'?" "Well we could get rid of that baby." Tobias steps infront of me protectivly and says: "No way! If you want to that baby you have to get through me first!" "He's right! We are Dauntless, age doesn't matter." Uri steps in helping me and Toby. Mar and Shauna nod and step infront of me as well. "How dare you Shauna? You should be on my side! That baby has to get away!" Zeke screams. "What is the matter with you zeke?" I scream back while stepping forward through my friends. When i look into Zekes eyes i see that are empty. That is not Zeke! He wouldn't do something like that! "Please Zeke wake up! Please stop that!" I plead with tears starting to pile out of my eyes wettning my face. He glares at me. Suddenly Toby steps forward, stand infront if Zeke and slap him square in the face. I gasps and Zeke starts to howl. "What was that for, man?" He asks and suddenly his eyes are full of life and right now confusion. "Tris everything alright?" he asks. And i nod. "Why do you cry then?" He asks still concerned. "Well you were not yourself and when you saw the jumper you suddenly said we would have to get rid of the baby!" I explain with tears still on my face. "What baby? Are you pregnant Tris?" He asks. I nod and he looks shocked again. "Are you angry?" I ask carefully. "No just confused. Aren't you a little bit to young?" "Well we are Dauntless. Age doesn't count." Uri says again smiling. "Kinda true." And then i run to him and hug him tightly. "You scared me." I whisper in his ear. "I don't know what happend. Suddenly i had no emotions." I hug him tighter and he hugs back. After a while pull away. "Congratulation Tris." He says and then i'm pulled into a hug by Shauna and Mar and after that i have to hug uri. Uri picks me up from the floor and spins me around. "I'm going to be a uncle!" He squeels and i laugh along with him. When he sets me down i say: "and you two are going to be amazing uncles. And when you are married Mar and shauna will be amazing aunts." "Yep." Shauna says popping the p and Mar nods eagerly. "We have to tell Lynn!" Shauna says and leaves. I walk to Toby and hug him closly. "I love you Toby." I whisper. "I love you tris." Then he lays one hand on my stomach and whispers: "and i love you little baby." I smile and give him a quick peck on the lips. "Enough of the cuddeling! It's time for lunch." Uri says and pulls me on his back. "Piggyback ride for my pregnant baby sister." He laughs and i pout. "Hey! I am only 19 minutes younger!" "Whatever baby sis." He laughs and then suddenly starts to run towards the cafeteria. Our friends follow closly behind. We burst through the door and i scream: "hey Pansycakes! Where is my Dauntless cake?" Everyone laughs and a guy next to me says: "i could be your cake gorgeous." Uri sets me down, walks up to him and glares down at him "shut up you idiot!" "Ok uri thats enough. He was only joking!" I pull him away with me.
Uriah pov:
Tris pulls me away but i keep glaring at the guy. I will protect my pregnant baby sis. Even if she doesn't want me to. We sit down and i get tris food. When i come back the guy is kissing tris. I run over and pull him off of her. But it isn't the guy it's Four. "Whoa what is it?" He asks confused. "Sorry. I thougt you were this stupid guy who wanted to hit on Tris." I apologise and Tris bursts out laughing. Four looks at me like i'm an idiot and i shrug and give tris her food. She starts eating and i sit next to Marlene. She gives me a kiss on the cheek and i take her hand. God i love this girl.This was more of a filler chapter.
Hope you liked it anyway 😉Jojo

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanfictionTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete