Chapter 18

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Uriah POV:
I can't believe i'm the reason tris my babytwinsister is in the hospital.
I pace down the corridors of the hospital near the abnegation sector where they brought tris because i broke two of her rips. I feel so guilty. The whole gang sits in the waiting room and all of them tryed to calm me down but none of it worked. The only thing that would help me now would be tris.
Four POV:
My trissy still is in the examination room. I hope she'll be alright. Uriah keeps pacing around and i can totally unterstand him, beeing nervous. If i would have hurt tris i would be in the same state. Zeke also looks like he could break down any minute. Shauna trys to calm him but he just stares in thr air. Mar and Lynn try to calm uri but i have no one to calm me. Tris was the one to calm me. Then the door opens and i can catch a quick glance at tris. The doctor asks in the waiting room: "family of tris pedrad?" We all jump up and she smiles. "I'm happy to inform you that here injures aren't that bad. She has two broken rips but luckily the rips didn't injure her pleura. She will have to stay here over night for watching but tomorrow she can go home with painkillers and she should take it easy." "Can we see her now?" "Yes she will be transfered in her room any minute and there you can see here." Just in this moment tris gets wheeled out and we all sprint to the side of her bed.
Tris POV:
I finally get wheeled out of the examinationroom. I'm still dizzy with painkillers. Then i see all my friends next to my bed. I see them moving their mouths but can't really hear what they are saying. My brain is still fuzzy and my body feels numb.
Zeke POV:
Finally i can see tris. She looks pale and probably still is dizzy from the painkillers. I take her hand and don't let go of it the whole way to her new room. She gets moved from the stretcher to the hospital bed. "She will probably sleep for a cupple of hours. And how about only the family stays here?" Mar, lynn, shaun and four all say: "No way!! We stay!" "Guys it's alright. And someone has to watch the initiates!" I say "and someone has to get mum." Uri adds. "Alright who stays with tris?" All the hands shoot up. "Ok four stay with her. I'll go get mum with uri and the rest of you, exspecially shauna go watch the initiates." I order. They all nod and leave to do what they are told. And uri and i go to search mum.
Four POV:
YES! I get to stay with Tris! All the others leave and i close the door before sitting next to her bed. I take her hand and softly kiss her on the lips. She is asleep and i whisper: "i love you tris." Testing the words.
Tris POV:
Four kisses me softly and then suddenly whispers: "i love you tris." The painkillers seem to ware off.
"I love you too." I mumble and open my eyes. He smiles and i smile too. Then he leans down again and kisses me. This time a little bit stronger and i kiss back. Then we hear footsteps and he quickly pulls away and releases my hand. The next moment my brothers are in the room together with my mum. "Hey mum." I say. "Hey sweetie. How are you?" "Well i feel like i have two broken ribs." I say while smiling a little bit she smiles as well. Then a nurse comes in the room and puts something in my iv. Shortly after that everything gets blurry and then i drift into a dreamless sleep.

Yeah Fourtrismoment ❤❤ don't worry she won't be in hospital for a long time
Hope you liked it.


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