The Choosing ceremony starts with a girl named Sabrina Adams from amity. She hops in the middle and takes the knife with a smile. I roll my eyes I don't have to look to know what she chooses. And sure enough a few moments later Marcus announces: Amity. The girl walk-hops back to her family which is smiling like crazy. Doesn't it hurt to smile so much? Whatever. I pretty much zoon out and nearly fall asleep till I hear Marcus shout: "Ezekiel Pedrad!" Zeke walks confidently in the middle and takes the knife to cut his palm. He doesn't hesitate a second and holds his hand over the dauntless bowl. When the zicceling of the cowls comes I begin to chear along with the other Dauntless. I jump out of my seat and run to Zeke to tackle him with a hug in the middle of the room. We get a few: awwwws and get a rooms but I don't care. My big brother Zekey-weckey stayed! I walk with him to sit down again and zoon out again. Finally the last one Adrian Zayn from Eruidte transfers to dauntless and we are free to go. Imediatly all the dauntless born jump out of their seats and run to the exit. The transfers staying behind confused. Well welcome in Dauntless pansycakes! I'm one of the first to climb up the railings of the brigde. After a couple of minutes everyone is up and you can the hear the louder getting noise of the coming train. I start to jog alongside the tracks and pull myself in the train easily. After all i'm doing it since i'm 5 and i am very good. After some more people jumped in i walk to the open door and look outside. I can see an abnegaition boy running and trying to grap the handle. Sighing i reach out for him and he greatfully takes my hand i pull him in and he lands on top of me. Two seconds later Zeke, Uri and Jon run over and push him down. I stand up quickly and say: "It's fine boys. I'm good." They nod and I look over to the stiff. I decide to be nice and walk over to him. "What's your name?" "You can call me stiff, for now." I raise my eyebrows but just say: "Alright, hey stiff. I'm Tris and the boys who shoved you so rudely are my brothers Zeke and uri," i point them "and my boyfriend Jon." "Ok, its always good to know the people that hate you." He looks at the floor. I push his shoulder a little bit and say: "they don't hate you! They are just very overprotective." He smiles and I say: "Wow stiffs can smile. Just kidding, now come, i'll introduce you to my friends." I pull him with him and walk to Mar, shauna and lynn. "Hey girls. This is stiff. He doesn't want to say his name. Stiff, these are Marlene, Lynn and Shauna" They nod and say: "hey stiff." "Why did you transfer?" Shauna asks. "Just didn't fit in there." He answers. She nods and i say: "allright i guess you want to meet some male dauntless members? Good!" I pull him with me andwalk to uri, zeke and Jon. "Guys, this is stiff. He doesn't want to say his real name." They nod. "Hey I'm Zeke." Says introducing himself. "I'm Uriah or Uri your choice." "And I'm Johnny or Jon." They say. They start to talk and I slowly walk backwards in the direction of the girls.
Ok this was Chapter 3 i hope you liked it.

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanfictionTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete