Tris pov:
We walk back to our apartment. He is carrying Marv and Lev. We just finished lunch and explained everything to Uri and Zeke. When we arrive Evelyn is still in our livingroom. "Hey T-Four. Who is that girl?" She asks. She hasn't met me yet. I reach out my hand say: "Hello i'm Tris. Fours Fiancée." She doesn't take my hand instead she scuffs. "That is your fiancée Four? You could have done so much better and you choose that ugly girl?" I look at her questioning. What does she has against me? "What did you say?" Toby asks. "I said you could have done better." Evelyn repeats. "No i couldn't have! And now leave!" He screams at her and she looks shocked. "But Tobias i'm your mother!" "And she is the love of my life and didn't leave me with an abusive father!" He screams back and she looks shocked. She glares at me and even at my babys. "Don't you dare touch any of them!" Tobias screams, realising her glares. She rolls her eyes but leaves. When the door shuts Tobias comes over to me and cups my face with hands and puts his forhead against mine. "Don't listen to hear. You are way to good for me and you are the beautifulst girl in the world!" He kisses me softly. "I love you Tobias Eaton." "I love you too Tris Pedrad." He leads me to the couch and we set down Marv and lev. "What shall we do about christina?" I ask after a few minutes of silence. "I don't know. Maybe she really thought that you weren't lieing." "But you said that the candor woman said it was obvious." He shrugs. "How about we just ask her." He says and i nod. For the next few houres we sit on the couch, playing with marvin and Levin.
When it's time for dinner i pick up Levin and Tobias takes Marvin. "Hey little guy. I love you." He whispers but i still hear it. I smile at him. "Tobias i love you. No matter what Christina says please believe me that i didn't cheat on you." "I will. I love you so much!" He kisses me softly and careful not to hurt thr babys in our arms. We than take off to the cafeteria with each a baby in one hand and the other interwined with the other. We walk through the hallways and suddenly i realise something: "Four, we can't go in there with the babys and together. The initiants still don't know about us..." He nods but doesn't let go of my hand. "Tobias!" I whisper yell. "What?" He whisper yells back while smirking. "Don't you care about that." I ask confused. "Honestly? No! Let them find out. I just want to hold your hand and kiss you in public." I smile and peck his lips before taking his hand again. We wslk through the doors of the cafeteria and John points at us and soon enough all the transfers are gasping. We walk to their table and Toby speaks up: "Listen Transfers! Just because six and i are dating it doesn't mean that we can't kick your asses! If any of you makes a stupid comment he will be kicked out of Dauntless!" With that we turn around and walk away. We arrive at our table and only Uri, Mar amd zeke. "Hey guys." I say and they look up. Their expressions turn confused when they look at Toby and me and our interwined hands. "Tris why are you still with this idiot? He cheated on you!" Uri asks. "He didn't! It was his aunt who was sleeping in our apartment for one night." I lie. Zeke and Uri both look dumpfounded and i roll my eyes. Zeke is the first to regain his voice: "i'm sorry about this morning." At this words Uri jumps up and runs somewhere. We can hear him shout: "I'm sorry!" Zekes eyes widen and he gets up and sprints behind Uri. I look at tobias questioning and he just shrugs before starting to laugh. I am quickly to join his laughter and than suddenly marv and Lev join with their cute babylaugh. The laughter dies aprutly when Christina suddenly stands infront of our table frowning. "What are you laughing about?" She asks while Will steps up behind her. "Ehm uri and zeke." I answer, not looking at her. "Is everything alright?" She asks. "No honstely not." Tobias now says. "What is wrong?" She asks. "Why did you lie about Tris saying the truth in that footage?" He asks and i can see her tense and than suddenly she breakes down into Wills arms. I am quickly to stand up and wrap my arms around her. "What is it chris?" I ask concerned. She sobs and after a while answers: "I'm so sorry i lied. I did it on purpose. I were jealous of marvin and Levin, because i had a miscariage." She sobs and will pulls her closer, comforting her. "Oh my god Chris i'm so sorry! Why didn't you tell me?" I ask and she just shrugs, while still beeing in Wills' arms. I rub her back one more time before sitting down. Will and chris sit down as well and she starts to explain why she did it and apologising.
After her explanation i rub her arm across the table and say: "It's alright chris!" She flashes a smile and i smile back. Tobias puts an arm around my shoulder and kisses the top of my head. I lean into him and smile.Sooo another chapter. I still can't believe i'm already writing my 66. chapter. ❤ And i just wanted to thank all the people who are reading this, it means a lot to me. I love you guys ❤

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanfictionTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete