"Tris, Tris wake up." Is the first thing i hear. I slowly open my eyes to see Zeke Uri and Toby staring at me. "Mowrning." I mumble. I carfully sit up and look around. Uri sits in a chair next to my bed while Zeke and Toby are standing next to me. "Do you want something to eat?" Zeke asks I nod. "Here you go." He says while handing me a tray full of food. "Is that for all of us?" I ask laughing a little bit. "No only for you."
2 hours later:
After my 'health test' i am allowed to leave but i'm supposed to take it easy for the next weeks. I walk down to the train tracks with Uri on my right and Tobias on my left side. No one is speaking so i try to build up a conversation. "Soo, what happend in the month i was gone?" "Nothing really. All of us were kind of depressed and we didn't do anything." Uri says. "But i mean something must have happend. I mean it was a whole month?" I say. "Well my day basicly was laying in bed only standing up to eat." Zeke answers and Uri nods. "What? Why?" I ask confused. "Maybe because our little sister could have died any moment..." zeke answers sarcasticly. I just nod and remain quiet for the whole ride back to dauntless. I notice that Tobias keeps holding my hand. I don't think he let go of it since i woke up. Mh well i'm not goin to complain... Finally we arrive and all our friends stand at the train tracks greeting me. Chris and Mar pull me into a bone crushing hug. Afterwards i hug Shaun and even lynn accepts a hug. After the hugs Toby takes my hand again and we walk in. "So how about a parteeey?" Zeke suggestes. "Nah not for me. Sorry but I'm tired. All i want is to lay in my bed again." "Of course." Zeke says and everyone nods. "Thanks guys. See you at dinner and thanks for the greeting." With that Toby and i leave. Just when we turn around the corner he picks me up bridal style and i burry me head in his chest. "I love you so much toby." "I love you more." He responds grinning "impossible." "Possible" he states and i peck his still smiling lips.
When we finally arrive at our apartment he places me on my feet again but immediatly takes my hand again. He trys to fumble out his key with one hand. I let go of his hand so he could open the door but he just stares at me. "Tris don't let go." "Why not?" I ask him confused. He unlocks the door and we step in before he answers. "Tris i don't ever want to let go. You can't imagine how the past month felt for me. You were gone and i couldn't kiss you nor could i hug you or even talk to you. You vanished and i felt nothing but pain and loss. I barely ate and one time i were in the hospital and your heart monitor started to beep like crazy and then suddenly your heart stopped beating. I was draged out of the room but i pleaded to them to not let you die. I can't live without you, you are my everything." Tears are streaming down my face and it feels like my head was dumped under a waterfall. "Oh Tobias." I manage to say and then just hug him tightly. He presses my body against his and i hold him as close as possible. "I love you tobias. More than everything." I whisper "I love you too." He whispers back and then we kiss. It's not a hard and forcefull kiss, it's loving and caring. I deepen the kiss and pull his shirt over his head he smiles at me with tears in his eyes. "I missed you so much tris. You can't imagine." I kiss him as a respond. I let him pull my shirt off as well. Then he suddenly turns around but only to lock the door then he comes back and kisses me. I trace my hands down his back and then slowly along his waist till i find the button of his pants. I open them and pull them down. Then he does the same with mine. I look in his ocean blue eyes for a few seconds and realise how much i really love and need him. Then i kiss him again and he lifts me up. I place my legs around his waist and he carrys me to the bed not breaking the kiss. He lays me down carefully and lays on top of me. I roll over so i am on top of him and then guide his hands to my back where my bra is clapsed together. He looks at me one more time questiongly and i nod before he opens it and throws it away. "Beautiful." He whispers and kisses my stomach moving up till he reaches my lips again. I pull down his boxers just as he pulls down my underpants.30 minutes later we lay on our backs next to each other panting. It was amazing. He was so careful and loving. "Wow" i just say and he laughs "my thought!" I laugh as well. Then i lay my head on his bare chest and look at him. "I love you" i say "you state the obvious." He says grinning before adding "but i love you too." Then i kiss him again. It's truely amazing we weren't interrupted for at least an hour now. Just when i think that it knocks. Ugh! Toby wants to say something but i just place my hand above his mouth so only a "mhhmhm" comes out. I grin and whisper: "lets pretend we sleep or are not there." He smiles as well and nods. I cuddel to his chest again and he starts to trace his fingers down my back while we wait for the interupters to go away. I shiver under his touch and see him grinning. "Haha very funny." I whisper at him. Two can play that game. I think before sitting on top of him and start to kiss his neck down to his collar bone. When i kiss the soft spot on his neck he shivers and moans. This time i grin and say: "HA! You shiver as well!" He laughs. "Well i have the hottest girlfriend who can turn me on in a million ways." I blush and he laughs while saying: "that was number one." I punch him playfully on the chest and then burry my head in it while still laying on top of him. I can hear his steady heartbeat and can feel him breathing. To those things i fall asleep.
Tobias POV:
Tris slowly drifts off to sleep and so i close my eyes although i know i wont be able to sleep while she lays on top of me like this. I don't think she knows what an effect she has on me. When i'm sure she is asleep i gently push her down so only her head is laying on my chest. Then my close my eyes and fall asleep.Uhhh Fourtris ❤❤ tris got over her seventh fear.
What will be the next step of their relationship? Marriage? Maybe... ;)
Hope you liked itJojo

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanfictionTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete