After a quick shower i walk back in the bedroom and put on my clothes. When i enter the kitchen i see Tobias sitting at the table reading a newspaper. He furrows his eyebrows and i walk over to him slide my arms around his shoulder and ask: "hey what's the matter?" "Oh it's nothing. Only erudite publishing articles about Abnegation again." "Oh ok." I know that this is harder for him than for me. I mean they are his old faction after all. I place my head on his shoulder and say: "it's alright. No one believes those things apart from the knowses." He smiles and kisses me lightly. "Yeah you're probably right." I nod and kiss his neck before taking one of the muffins standing on the table.
1 hour later
"Toby we have to go." "Yeah yeah i'm coming. Just have to put on my shirt." "Alright hurry up!" I shout and then plop on the couch and wait. A few minutes later he comes out wearing his typical black jeans a t-shirt his swetter and a jacket with an orange-red dauntless symbol on. "Let us go my love." He says with a weird accent and bows. I laugh and randomly jump on his back. "Onwards!" I scream and he laughs and runs off with me squeeling on his back. We arrive at Uris apartment a few moments later and storm through the door. Everybody looks at us and start to laugh along with us. "Thanks Horsy but i have to go down now." I say while kissing his cheek. "No can do." He says. Toby sits down and then in one move pulls me from his back on his lap. Chris and Mar are still laughibg while Zeke and Uri went to the kitchen to get something. Jackson, Lynn, Will, Shauna, Al? and Peter? Who invited them? I shrug it off and make myself comfortable in Tobys lap. I start talking with Chris who is sitting next to me. Then seconds later Uri and Zeke come back with shot glasses and Vodka. "Let's play never have i ever!" "I thout we would play candor or dauntless..." chris says questiongly. "Change of plans." Uri says and winks. "Ok I start." Zeke says "never have i ever ehm had a crush on a number." He smirks and i roll my eyes while taking a shot. "Eh never have i ever worn a bra." Uri says. "Hey it was my turn!" I conplain. Uri says: "well you werent fast enough." I stick out my tounge and then take a shot along with all the girls and Zeke. I remember that story. I think smiling. "Ok never have i ever kissed a girl." All the boys take a shot except Jackson take a shot. "You never kissed a girl Jacks?" I ask him surprised. He shrugs and says: "havent found the right one." I nod and then say: "guys i don't feel like drinking tonight. How about we play candor or dauntless." I get a bunch of yeahs and oks as an answer. "Ok i start. Ehm Jackson C or D?" Uri says. "Ehm Candor." "PANSYCAKE!" Uri and i scream and then highfive. "Whatever." Jacks says rolling his eyes. "Who do you have a crush on?" He looks at me quickly but then slides off his jacket. Toby pulls me closer to him and i put one hand on his chest. "Ok Peter Candor or Dauntless?" "Dauntless." "Play seven minutes heaven with your crush." He shrugs and stands up. Then he walks towards Chris? No, no, no he stands infront of me. He takes my left wrist and pulls me up. "Come on Tris." "But i don't want to!" "You have to!" "I'll take of an article of clothing!" I complain while ripping my wrist out of his grip. "But this is my dare. You can't do that!" Then he simply pulls me with him but Toby jumps up and pulls me away from Peter. "She said NO!" He says deadly quiete. I sit down again and say: "jacks do another dare." "Ok i dare you to leave!" Peter shots him a glare but leaves with a furious expression. When he is out i continue. "Mar C or d?" "Candor." "Who would you date apart from Uri?" "Ehm probably Will or Four. Sorry Chris and Tris." I shrug along with Chris put still move a little bit closer to Toby.
Tobias POV:
Tris shrugs but still moves closer to me. I just smile and gently brush her hair out of her face. Then Mar continues: "Uri c or d?" "Dauntless. I ain't no pansycake!" "Ok. Go to the pit with a ball under your shirt. Then you have to scream: ahhh the baby is coming." "Alright." He says and stands up. All of us jump up to witness. We walk to the pit and Uri puts the ball under his shirt. He walks in the middle and starts to scream: "AHHHH the baby is coming!" Most people look at him weirdly but when they see who he is they shrug and i can read their minds in their faces: The pedrads again. I roll on the floor laughing along with the others. Uri comes back and tris says: "guys i'm going to sleep. I'm really tired." "Ok. Lets go." I respond immediatly. She smiles. "You don't have to come if you want to continue the game." "But i don't want to." I answer with a wink and she smiles. "Bye guys." We say and then tris hugs all the girls and even all the boys. "Tris you are going to see them tomorrow..." i say laughing. She sticks out her tounge and says: "well but i'll miss them." I roll my eyes but still grin. I take Tris hand and we walk away.
When we arrive at our apartment tris is already half asleep. Well it's already 2 am. I unlock the door and she walks to the bed ploping onto it. I laugh and gently pull of her shoes while she takes off her jacket and wriggels out of her pants. Then she just pulls the blanket to her chin and closes her eyes. I put my clothes off aswell and lay next to her only in boxer shorts since i know she likes it when i sleep without a shirt. When i'm under the blanket her small body instantly cuddels against mine with her head on my chest. I smile and whisper: "i love you Tris." She mumbles something back that sounds a little bit like: love you too and then i close my eyes as well and sleep pulls me in.

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanfictionTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete