1 hour later:
Tobias POV:
I wake up to someone pounding at the door. I groan and carefully get out of bed without waking tris. Then i realise that i'm still naked. I quickly put on sweatpants and a shirt before opening the door. Zeke stands in front of it grinning. "Hey man." I say still tired. "Hey. Can i come in?" "Sure but be quiet. Tris still is asleep." He nods walks in and plops down on the couch. "So what is it?" "I think i want to propose to Shauna." He says. "Great man! Do that. You two really love eachother." I ressure him. "But isn't it a bit early?" "We are Dauntless. It is never to early." I say winking. He laughs "true." "So you already have a ring?" "No i wanted to get one now. Are you coming with me?" "Sure. Let me just write Tris a note." Zeke nods and i write a note before walking in the bedroom. I walk next to the bed and look at tris. She looks so peacefull. Her mouth is slightly hanging open and her face is calm. I missed her so much I smile but now i have her back. I kiss her on the forhead gently. She stirs and then wakes up. "Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you." I whisper. "It's ok." She says with a sleepy voice. Then she kisses me. "I just wanted to leave a note that i'm going to the pit." "Ok." I then turn around to go into the bathroom before leaving. I only see how Tris gets out of bed still naked before closing the door. Just when i close the door i think maybe i should have warned her that Zeke is here. Just when i think that i hear Tris and zeke screech and then our bedroom shutting.
Tris POV:
I slowly get out of bed and then walk outside. I dont even realisd that i'm still naked till i see Zeke sitting on the couch. We screech at the same time and i quickly run back into the bedroom. I slam the door shut and then tobias walks out of the bathroom. "Why didn't you warn me?" I ask my voice still screeching. "I forgot." I punch him on the arm. "You're an idiot!" I say and he just smirks and answers: "but you still love me." I roll my eyes and then put on one of his shirt and jogging pants. He comes over to me still grinning. "I'm sorry." I smile as well and kiss him. He kisses back immediatly and grab his shirt. He pulls me closer to him and we stay like this till we remember Zeke still is here. We walk out together and Zeke still looks shocked. "Come on Zeke, do i really look that bad?" He still doesn't say anything but then he suddenly expoldes. "HOW CAN YOU WALK THROUGH THE APARTMENT NAKED? WHY DO YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT?" "Whoa calm down Zeke." I say putting up my hands in surrender. "I were in the shower before and just forgot my towel." I lie. Tobias can't surpress a laugh but succesfully covers it up with a cough. "Oh!" Is all Zeke says and then blushes. "Sorry." He mumbles. "It's alright." I answer smiling. "But why are you here?" I ask out of curiosity. "I just wanted to go shopping with four." "Oh ok." I say shrugging. "have fun boys." I say and quickly peck Tobys lips before they hed out. I make myself a sandwich and then get dressed properly. I walk out and then knock on Mars door. She opens a few moments later. "Hey Tris." "Hey Mar. Can i come in?" "Sure." She says and opens the door a little wider for me to step in. I walk in and see chris sit on the dark red carpet in the middle of the room. "Hey trissy. Whats up?" She greets me happily. "Hey chris. Just wanted to visit." I sit next to Chris on the floor and mar goes to get something to drink. When she is back she sits down as well. "So how are four an you?" I smile widly and say: "awesome." "And have you already done 'it'?" Chris asks coming straight to the point. Stupid ex-candor! I blush and look on the floor. "OMG THAT MEANS YES!" Mar squeels. "Will you please not burst my eardrums! And yeah we did it..." "omg i'm so proud. How was it? Is he big? I mean down there." Mar asks grinning. "MARLENE! I'm not going to answer that!" She laughs along with Chris. "And how are you with Will?" I ask chris. "Everything is fine." She answers smiling. "Awesome. And you and uri?" I say this time to Mar. "Well i don't know. I think he is hiding something from me." "Do you think he cheats on you?" Chris asks, again ripping the plaster at once. Mar chokes. "I hope he doesn't" "shall i talk to him? I wont tell him i'm doing it on your order though." I propose. She hestitates but still nods. "So how about we talk about less depressing themes. No offence Mar..." chris says and i burst out laughing. "Candor smart mouthes never change." Mar shrugs and chris shouts: "HEY!" i laugh even more.
The next two houres we talk about random things. Then it's time to eat dinner and we walk to the cafeteria. Zeke and Toby are already there, shauna and Lynn arrive a few minutes later and Will and uri join us at last. We eat and talk and i already plan my talk to uri about mar. After dinner i tell Toby that i have to talk to Uri and then quickly catch up to Uri. I pull him into an empty hallway and ask him: "how are you and Mar?" "Fine. Why do you ask?" "Just curious. I noticed that you rarly talk or kiss in public." He looks down and i raise my eyebrows. "Are you cheating on her?" "No. Of course I'm not!" He quickly says. "Then what is it? I can see that she is worried." "i-i maybe want to propose to her..." "OH URI! THAT'S AMAZING!" i squeel. "Shhhh. I don't want her to know!" He whispers. I laugh. "Uri just do it! You love eachother. But if you don't do it now just take care of her a little bit better." He nods and then hugs me. "I'll think about it." I hug him back and say: "i know you can do it."
When i arrive at the apartment i see Tobias sitting on the couch waiting for me. "Hey Toby." "Hey Trissy. What did you discuss with Uri?" he says. "Well don't tell anyone but he thinks about proposing to Mar and just asked me. He laughs. "Guess what i did with Zeke today?" "What?" "We searched for a ring for Shauna..." "OMG REALLY?" I squeel. I squeeled alot today... he laughs again. "Yeah. Guess your brothers are going to be married soon." "Omg that's amazing." I say laughing and jump in his arms and kiss him. He kisses back but when he wants to deepen it i pull back. "Sorry but i'm really tired." "That's alright." He says. And i walk in the bathroom to get ready for the night. 20 minutes later i'm laying in bed with tobias and he pulls me close to him. He wraps his arms around my waist and i say: "Goodnight i love you so much." "Love you more." "Impossible." "Possible." I smile like always and then close my eyes thinking about my wonderful boyfriend.Yeah zeke and Uri want to get married.
How will they propose and what will the girls answer?
Hope you liked itJojo

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanfictionTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete