The next morning i wake up very early. If i now think about what Jon did i only get angry. I'm so glad that Zeke will beat him up today he totally deserves it! I get up and get dressed. Then i decide to take revenge for what Uri did to me and get cream and a pink marker. I tip toe in his room then write on his forhead: i'm a uricorn and do some stars and sparkels next to it. I giggle then wipe the cream all over him. Then i go into the kitchen and make myself breakfast since my mum has to work.
After a few minutes it knocks and zeke and Four step in. "Hey boys." I greet them. "Hey." They respond and sit down next to me. Then we hear a girlly shout out of uris room. I laugh while zeke and four look confused and i explain it. Then they laugh as well. When uri comes in the kitchen pouting he says: "that was mean trissy! I don't even like cream!" "Yeah sorry about the cream." He doesn't even seem to notice the writing and four, zeke and i try to hold in laughter. "Come on uri. No time to get ready. Just get dressed and then come we have to go." "Oh mhyes the fight!" He says while stuffing the toasts in his mouth. Then he leaves but comes back only a minute later fully dressed and ready. It seems like he still didn't notice the writing. I laugh and try to cover it with a cough before we all go through the door and towards the trainingsroom.
When we arrive at 12.50am in the trainingsroom. There are lots of people, a good fight is always something loads of people want to see. Lynn, mar and shauna stare at uri. "Like what you see girls?" He asks with a stupid grin and we all crack up laughing. He looks dumpfounded and we laugh even harder. He just shrugs it off and zeke pulls himself together. At 1pm jon steps into the trainingsroom. He looks confident and has a stupid smirk on his face. Oh what would i give to be the one to wipe it of... i just glare at him along with my friends. When zeke leaves to step in the ring four stands next to him and puts his arm around my shoulder to comfort me. It feels safe. Between my friends is where i belong! Zeke and Jon now stand opposite from eachother. They circle eachother with their fists infront of them. Jon makes the first move put zeke easily blocks it then quickly throws a punch at jons stomach. Jon winces and zeke uses the moment to punch him under the chin. Jon stumbles back and zeke kicks him to the floor he then quickly jump on top of him and starts to punch his face. He doesn't stop when jon is unconcious and as soon as i see the look on zekes face i sprint in the ring and hold back zekes fist. "It's enough Zeke." I whisper yell in his ear. He puts his fists down and nods: "you're right. I'm sorry i've been caried away." "No need to apologize. He deserved this but he didn't deserve to die." I say with a smile. "Alright but just because you said it." "Thanks zekey" i say and kiss his cheek he grins and we walk back to our friends.

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanfictionTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete