Time laps wedding 4:
Bride: Shauna Liner
Groom: Zeke Pedrad
Bestman: Four
Maid of honor: Lynn Liner
Bridemaids: Tris, Christina, Marlene, Jacky
Groomsmen: Uriah, WillTobias pov:
As always in the past weeks i get wakem up by the boys shaking me. "Hey Four! WAKE UP!" someone screems in my ear and i punch the someone. "Ouuuch!! Guuys he is awake!" The voice i now recognise as uris says and i laugh and open my eyes. Uri is holding his face where i punched him. "I hope it won't get blue! It wouldn't look good on the photo." He whines. "Doesn't matter you never look good." I answer and the others laugh. He gives me a death glare and walks away. I join the laughter of the other boys. Zeke and Will are sitting at the table and eat. I grab a muffin and a bread and start to eat. I still can't believe that nearly everyone of our friends is married and i'll be too soon. I'm already excited. I eat my small breakfast and than put on my tux. I'm wearing a different one today because i'm bestman. I brush my teeth and finish to bind my tie. Zeke is already wearing his tux and he looks pretty nervous. He keeps pacing around and i decide to help him. "Zeke. Stop that!" I instruct while placing my hands on his shoulder. He looks at me with fear in his eyes. "You don't need to be nervous! You two love eachother and it will stay like that!" He looks at the floor and than answers quietly: "That's the point. I don't know whether i still love her..." i look at him in shock and slap him in the face. At first he is startled but than he smiles and says: "Thanks! I needed that!" I laugh and say: "Do the same to me when i talk such trash next week!" He smiles and pats my back. "I will!" I smile as well and than we wait for Will and uri to finish dressing. Than all four of us do our hair next to each other. After that we do a group hug and i smile.
We arrive at the pit only a few minutes later. The girls are still not there and everything is just getting set up. The four of us help as much as possible.
After another 15 minutes i walk in the small room and see that the girls arrived. Tris said it would be ok if she takes both boys and so i come in just when she hands them to tori and her mum once again. "Hey Hanna, Tori and tris." I greet while walking up to them. After i pecked Tris lips i add "and of course hello Marvin and Levin." They smile at me and i smile back. Than Hanna and tori leave with the boys and i walk up to lynn while Tris links arms with Jacky behind us. Behind her are Christina and Will and than Marlene and Uriah. The music starts and i start to walk with Lynn next to me. I stand next to Zeke only a minute later and than Shauna steps in with her dad and Zekes face lights up. They look their eyes and both smile. Shaunas dad 'hands' Shauna to Zeke and they stand infront of the altar.
Once more the ceremony passes in some kind of blur. I only listen up at the last part. Thr priest says: "Do you Ezekiel Pedrad take Shauna Liner as your lawfully weded wife? Do you swear to love and honor her through sickness and health till death will part you?" Zeke smiles and says: "I do!" The prist turns to Shauna and says: "And do you Shauna Liner take Ezekiel Pedrad as your lawfully weded husband? Do you swear to love and honor him through sickness and health till death will part you?" Shauna smiles as well and answers: "I do!" They exchange the rings and the priest says: "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." And than Shauna and Zeke kiss. Than they jump down the few steps and Zeke swoops Shauna up and runs down the aisle with her. We all follow and i take Tris' hand while we walk to the place of the reception.
At the reception i have to do a speech and so i stand on the podium and start: "When i met Zeke he was a ladies' man. He had loads of girlfriends but never longer than two weeks." Everyone laughs and zeke blushes slightly. "But he still always an amazing friend and when he finally realised that he was in love with shauna he never let go of her again and so we are here tonight to celebrate Zekes and Shaunas wedding." I raise my glass and everyone follows my example and than we drink on Shauna ans Zeke.After a few houres the cake is already eaten and the people laugh, dance, talk and some (uriah) even still eat. I dance with Tris to a slowly song and she smiles up at me. "I love you so much." She says and i kiss her before saying: "i love you more." She kisses me and responds: "impossible." Again we kiss and i finish it with saying: "possible!" She smiles and i do the same.
At 2am i lay in bed and think about mine and Tris' wedding that is going to be soon. I'm so excited. I love her so much!Omg the next wedding will be fourtris wedding!! *squeels that loud that even Christina would cover her ears*
I'm so excited ❤❤
Hope you liked itJojo

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanfictionTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete