The next morning i wake up with tobias's arms still around me. I try to wiggle out of his grip without waking him up but fail. He stirrs and then wakes up. "Morning Trissy." "Morning Toby." "Toby?" "Trissy?" We both laugh.
Tobias POV:
We laugh then suddenly tris gets pale. "What is it Tris?" "My brothers! I told the girls i would be back for the night, what if they told the boys i'm gone and now they are searching and and..." she babbels but i interrupt her: "if they would search you they would have been here already." She nods "that's true. But i still have to go now." "How long do we have to keep our relationship a secret?" I ask. I want to hold her hand and kiss her in public... "till the end of initiation. I'm sorry but if everyone would know they maybe would think my score was because of you." "But we can tell your brothers." I ask and she hestitates. "Well we could but..." she trails off "but what?" I ask getting annoyed. "no need to get agressive. I just thought that they would probably get angry and maybe it would ruin your friendship with Zeke..." "That's what you're worried about?" I ask she nods. "Oh trissy if he is angry because i'm together with you i can handle that, believe me." "Ok." She says but doesn't seem convinced. "Bye tris love you." I say and give her a quick kiss. "Love you too." She says and then adds "come to my apartment after the rankings are announced, then we are going to tell my brothers." "Sure. See you then." "yeah bye." Then she leaves.
Tris POV:
I walk back to Mar's apartment quickly and knock. Chris opens and pulls me inside. "Oh my god Tris you stayed over night... what happend?" "Nothing it was just late so i decided to stay there and nothing happend. Where are Mar and Lynn?" I say. "Here!" They scream out of the bathroom. "Hey girls and did my brothers show up?" I ask all of them. "Yeah they came here once to say good-night and asked wjere you were and we rold them you were on the toilet." "Thanks." "Ok but now you have to tell us what you did whit him." Mar says while walking out of the bathroom. "Well we met at the chasm and then went to a secret spot and just talked there." I lie "And did you kiss?" "Yeah. When we were back at his apartment but i stopped him before anymore could happen." "And did he was annoyed?" "No, not at all. He said he would understand it." They smile. "Whatever lets get some breakfast plus the rankings will be announced soon." They nod and we walk to the cafeteria. There i get me some food and then sit at our table. I'm greeted by Zeke and uri: "hey trissy!" "Hey boys." "And how was your girlsnight?" Uri asks and i say: "great thanks." Tobias trys to supress a smile and i kick him under the table.
At exactly 12am max and eric step on the podium. "Good morning everyone. We are here to show you the rankings for stage one. Initiates, if your name isn't on this board you are asked to leave the dauntless compund as quickly as possible. But i know the rankings i what everyone is waiting for..." then eric pushes a button and the rankings appear:
1. Uriah
2. Edward
3. Tris
4. Peter
5. Will
6. Marie (random dauntless born)
7. Christina
8. Lynn
9. Marlene
10. Claire
11. Tom
12. Molly
13. Al
I sigh out of relief. All my friends are staying. We do an enormous group hug and then zeke, uri and i say "that means candor or dauntless!" At the same time and we head off in a laughing pulp.Candor or Dauntless next chapter.
What will happen when Uriah and Zeke find out that Four and Tris are together?
Hope you liked itJojo

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanfictionTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete