***time skips to the final test***
Tris POV:
I wake with a jolt. Today is the final test! I quickly jump out of my bunk and shake awake Uriah. "Uricorn wake up. Final test today. He just groans and i pull away his blanket. "Give it back! Your lucky i'm laying on my stomach..." i take a while to understand but when i do i laugh throw the blanket at him and scream "euhhh gross!" Playfully. He laughs and stands up. I get dressed quickly and since i'm sleeping in my underwear when i'm in the dorms it's no big deal. When we both are dressed we wake up Lynn and Mar. I leave it to Uri to wake Mar. I shake Lynn awake. "Hey Lynn final test today! Get up!" She groans and i simply throw her out of the bed. I laugh along with Mar who gets dressed.A few minutes later we arrive at the dinning hall and all take some breakfast. I sit nect to Chris and Toby and kiss him on the cheek before saying: "Morning everyone!" And then starting to eat.
At the fearlandscape room i'm freaking out. I'm going to go last. So annoying. Uri offers me to sit in his lap and i sit down. I keep glancing at toby. He is attached to the wires and monitors the simulation together with Max and Eric. I waite and only look up when someone of my friends has to go through their fearlandscape. Then they already call: "Uriah Pedrad!" I stand up and watch him walk towards eric who is waiting with a sryinge. Uriah enters the room but it's not very exciting to watch him i only see his reactions. He has only 8 fears which is pretty few and then the last name is called, mine. I stiffly walk over to Eric. He pushes a hair behind my ear more gently than i would like it before injecting me. I walk into the fearlandscape room. Everything goes black.
Sorry i'm just going to skip her fears cause i'm lazy right now ;)
I blink and look at my surrounding. My face is still hot from my last fear. It was so embarrasing! Expecially because Tobias watched it. I hold my hands against my cheeks, trying to cool them. Eric, Max and Eric walk over to me. I can't look Tobias in the face. "Good job Tris! Only seven fears pretty good." "Thanks." I reply my voice still shaking a little bit. "Ok that were everyone now. The rankings will be announced tomorrow!" Max shouts and everyone stamds up. I quickly walk towards the door trying to escape a confrontation with Toby.
Tobias POV:
I watch Tris walk in the fearlandscape room. Although i'm really curious to see her fears i'm not going to monitor them. It doesn't feel right. She should show me them if she wants to and shouldn't be forced to. I loosen the wires and step away from the monitors. I just watch her react. Shortly after the simulation ends Max and Eric laugh at what they see and even start tearing up. I'm so curious it's killing me but i will ask tris about it later. After her simulation i go over to her to congratulate her along with the others. She doesn't look me in the eyes and after Max announcement she quickly walk over to the door avoiding me? What did i do wrong? Maybe she thinks i watched her simulation. I should explain to her that i didn't. I walk after her but when she notices she laces arms with uri. I just ignore that fact and go towards her. "Hey Tris can i talk to you for a minute?" "Euh why?" She asks still not looking me in the eyes. "Just come." "Alright." She says but her sight is still glued to the floor. "Ok tris i'm in the dinning hall if you need me." Uriah says and then walks away. I turn to tris and ask: "you care to explain why you can't look at me?" "Is it this hard to guess after you watched my simulation?" She snaps. I want to say something but she interrupts me: "i know what you are probably thinking i'm weird or whatever but this is a legitimate fear." "Tris can i say something?" I ask getting slightly impatient. "Mh" she nods. "I didn't watch your simulation because i thought you would be uncomfortable with it." "Really?" She asks surprised and i just nod. "Oh. Oh. Alright I'm sorry but i were just nervous. I nod. "It's alright. But what was it that i shouldn't see." "Well uhm... it's kind of a stupid fear and i don't even know why i have it but i still have it and..." i interrupt her by saying: "you don't have to tell me now if you don't want to." Although she got me really curious. "Ok thanks. I'll tell you at some point though." She says with relief flooding her face. I kiss her and say: "alright. Want to eat something?" She nods and i take her hand leading her to the cafeteria. When we arrive we sit with our friends and they all still a bit shaken. There is nearly no talking during the whole dinner. After wards i walk back to my apartment together with tris and Uriah. When Uriah has to go left and we would normally walk right tris lets go of my hand and says: "i think i'll sleep in the dorms today." I look at her puzzled. Did i do something wrong? Has it something to do with her fear? "Ok." I just say and give her a light kiss on the lips. She flashes a smile and walks away with uriah. I slowly walk to my apartment. When i arrive i just kick off my shoes and plop down on the bed.
I can't sleep for a long time because i have to think about Tris the whole time. But then sleep finally pulls me in.

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanfictionTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete