Tobias pov:
While the girls do, god knows what i walk to the cafeteria. At our table i see zeke and uri sitting there looking awful. They both have bags under their eyes and look like they woould fall asleep any second. I probably look the same... i walk to food counter and pack three traces full of food. I balance them on my arms and slowly walk back home.
I suceed in knocking on the door and Chris opens the door seconds later. When i step in i see that Tris isn't there. "Where is Tris?" I ask. "Euh in the bathroom." Chris answers quickly. I sit down at the table and shout: "tris are you coming? Food is there!" She doesn't respond and i look at chris who is looking worried in the direction of the bedroom. "What is going on here? Where is Tris really?" Chris doesn't answer and i jump up. "Where is she?" I yell. She backs off to the wall and i stop dead in my tracks and an image of Tris doing the same last night flashes through my mind. Chris looks at me from over the wall. "Where is she?" I ask more quiet now. She points to the bedroom and i walk to the door and knock. "Tris?" No respond. "Are you alright?" I turn the handle and the door swings open. Tris sits on the bed with her head in her hands. I quickly walk over to her and slide and arm around her shoulder. "Hey what is it?" I ask her gently. "Nothing." She says sliding out of my arm. I look at her questioning. "Tell me. It doesn't matter!" "It does! It matters!" She yells and walks back into the livingroom. I follow her. "Tris please wait!" I say and follow her. When i walk in she sits on the couch with Chris next to her. "Chris could you leave us alone for a minute?" Tris asks carefully. "Sure." Chris answers and rubs tris back before walking out. When she shuts the door i ask again: "what is it tris?" She looks up at me. "Please tell me." Everytime i look her in the face i have to realise i hit my fiancé. Maybe she doesnt forgive me anymore! "Is it about know p-p-punching you?" She shakes her head no. "Than what is it?" I ask desperate for an answer. "Tobias i-i-i..." she stutters. I look at her. Hopefully she didn't cheat or is going to break up with me. "I can't tell you." She says looking down again. I cross the room in three steps and stand infront of her and than she steps back and my heart explodes. She is afraid of me! I am a Monster. I sink to the floor holding my head in my hands. She crouches next to me and lifts mr chin up. "I am not afraid of you." "Why did you step away than?" "Because, because i am pregnant!" What? What? "What?" I ask her in shock. She looks on the floor. "Yeah i know and i know i am young... just please don't leave me." She pleads and i jump up pulling her up with me. "I wouldn't do that ever!" I say and than kiss her. "I love you so much. Please don't be afraid of me." I say and she answers immediatly: "i am not. I love you so much." "I love you more" "impossible" "possible." And then i fill in the space between us. Tris is pregnant! Tris is pregnant... what if i am like my father, what if i hurt the baby or tris? tris sees the slightly frown on my face and pull back with a hurt look. "You don't want kids?" I am quickly to respond: "yeah i do want kids. But i fear that i'm going to be like my father." "You are nothing like your father!" She insits and looks me in the eye. I hug her tightly and then say: "i love to have kids with you! It is going to be amazing! But we have to tell your brothers!" Realisation hits her. "Shit! That is true!" "Hey i already have an idea." I say and pull her with me carefully to take her right hand. She furrows her eyebrows but follow and i lace my hand with hers. "And Tris i am going to promise you something: i will never drink that much, ever again!" I say and she smiles and kisses me. Than i lead her to the baby shop. We enter and i walk to the counter and adress the woman sitting there: "hello. I would like to buy a jumpsuit for a baby." "Left corner." She says without looking up. "Can i print something on it?" "Yeah. You pick one and than print something on it." She answers sounding boared. "Ok. Thanks." I answer politly and then pull Tris with me. "What do you want to print on it?" Tris asks beeing her curious-self. "You will see." I pick out a plain white one and than walk over to the 'printing station'. I see tris pick one out as well and stand next to me. I start to print with the stamps and the wash-proof colour. I get started:B-E-S-T U-N-C-L-E-S-:
I look at my work, proud. I did the letters in all kind of colours and also placed a dauntless symbol on it. I carefully nug tris shoulder with my arm. "Hey i'm done." She turns around and smiles widley. "It's amazing! I love it." I smile as well. "Now show me yours!" "But i'm not done yet!" She says hiding it behind her back. "Ok i will pay for that one." I say smiling and then walk to the counter and pay. Tris follows me a few minutes later and we walk back to our apartment.
When we arrive i say: "now show me!" Jumping up and down and she laughs. She gets it out of the bag and unfolds it. In the middle is a big 4 with a heart. When she turn is around i see a big 6 when. And on both of the arms are Ts. "I love it!" I say and kiss her. "Really?" "Really! And now lets go search your brothers!" She nods and takes my hand and we leave again. We knock on zekes door first and then take him with us to Uris apartment with shauna following behind. We arrive there seconds later and Uri lets us in. "So know what is that you have to tell us so eagerly?" Zeke asks. "Well i got a present for you two." Tris say shily and hands them the box with the jumper. They lay it on the floor and open it. Uri takes it out and they both read the imprint. They need a second till they realise what that means and Mar and Shauna squeel loudly. Zeke and uri stare at us in shock.Uhhh cliffhanger again. I'm sorry 😉.
How will Uri and Zeke react to Tris pregnancy?
Hope you liked it,Jojo

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanfictionTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete