3 days later:
I wake up to someone gently shaking me. I open my eyes and see my mum. They allowed me to sleep in my apartment till my injures are better which they kind of are but i still have to take loads of painkillers. "Morning sweetie. You want some breakfast?" "I'm going to eat in the cafeteria today. Uri and Zeke will pick me up at 7pm." "Ok but then you have to get up. It's already 6.30 am." "Ok, can you help me up?" It still hurst to sit up myself. "Sure." She reaches out her hand and i take it then she slowly pulls me up. The last three days have been extremly boring. I weren't allowed to leave the apartment and although my friends visited it still was boring. But today i get to go out! Yes! i still have to go in a wheelchair but right now i don't care how, i just want to get out! I walk with my mothers help to my closet and pick out some clothes then my mum helps me to get dressed. I hate it to be so dependent to someones help! When i finally sit in the livingroom on the couch it knocks and mum walks to open it. Just when she opens it Uri and Zeke squeeze through shouting: "TRISSSSSY!!" "Hey guys!" I answer laughing and allow them both to give me a careful hug. Then i walk to my wheelchair take the painkillers from my mum and quickly swallow them. Then i scream: "go for it boys!" And they both run to push me. "I want to!" They both scream. "Just do sizzers, rocks, paper." I instruct. They do as told and zeke end up winning and quickly walks over to push me. I laugh and we all say "Bye mum!" At the same time.
When we arrive at the cafeteria uri opens the door and holds it for us then we walk towards our friends. When they see us they cheer. "Good to see you here again!" "Good to be here again!" I answer and then zeke places me at the table. "What do you want?" "Dauntlesscake." I answer like a child. "Not for breakfast trissy." "You meany!" I shout and stick out my tounge. He laughs and walks away shaking his head. "So guys, how is initiation?" "four is being mean!" Mar complains. "Is that true four?" I say in a fake mother voice. "Yeah sorry." He says laughing. Then i laugh too while asking mar: "what did he do?" "He is just in a bad mood since your injured and he always makes us run 20 rounds around the trainingsroom!" I laugh even more: "then you are lucky. Today i'm going to watch your training." "Sure that's ok?" Four asks worried. "Yeah, i mean i'm just going to sit there watching... what could happen?" Just then zeke comes back with my food. "YES dauntlesscake!" They all laugh.
After the brakfast four wheeles me to the trainingsroom with the others beside us. Then he asks: "tris you want to come with me and get the guns?" "Sure." I respond and then shortly before we arrive at the trainingsroom he wheels me in another corridor. When the others finally went in the trainingsroom he quickly wheels me in the room with the supplies and closes the door. As soon as he stands in front of me i pull him down to me and kiss him passionatly. It turns into a make out session then suddenly he places a hand at my side and i scream in pain. He quickly pulls it away. "Oh god tris i'm so sorry! I forgot i'm so sorry." "It's alright." I answer through gritted teeths. "No it's not." "Just kiss me then the pain will go away." I answer than add laughing: "THAT probably was the cheesiest thing i ever said!" He laughs as well "well it still was cute." "I love you four" i say "i love you too but don't call me that." "What should i call you then?" "Nothing, for now..." "alright, nothing" he rolls his eyes and kisses me again. After a few minutes of kissing he says: "we have to get back, otherwise your brothers will get suspicious." "True." So we grab the guns and head back to the trainingsroom.
After training, which was pretty fun to watch by the way, we all walk back to the our cool pedrad apartment to play candor or dauntless. We took Christina and two other transfer boys (Will and Al) with us. When we arrive at the apartment i get seated on the floor and we all sit in a circle. Then Candor or dauntless starts...Candor or Dauntless next chapter. Some fourtrisaction in this one and maybe some in the next one
Hope you liked it

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanfictionTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete