In every sequel the gang has loads of kids and it will be the same here😉😂.
So i made this 'overview' for you. If you get unsure during the chapter feel free to look at it again 😉.
Ok and now enjoy the chapter:15 years later:
Tris pov:
"MARVIN, LEVIN! Wake up!" I shout down the hallway. "Coming!" They shout at the same time. "Toby will you wake up Mia?" I ask him. He pecks my lips and says: "Of course my love." He answers and walk down to her room. I continue the breakfast and then it knocks. "It's open!" I shout and than loads of people come in:
Mar+Uri kids: Henry(10), Zoe(12)
Zeke+Shauna, kids: Fynn(9), Lia(13)
Chris+Will, kids: Oscar(13), Mila(14)
Lynn+Jacky, kid: Emilie(14), Mike (9)"Hey you all! You didn't have to come!" "We don't want to miss the 13. birthday of our little niece mia!" Uri answers smiling and the others nod. Marvin and levin walk in and i can see Milas and Emilies head shoot up. Marv and lev became pretty good looking. They have my blond hair but else they totally look like their father except for Levins eyes. Mia on the other hand looks a lot like me but she has Tobias darker hair.
Mila and Marvin start talking, Emilie and Levin, Henry, Fynn and Oscar, Lia and Zoe do the same. Except that Henry, Mike and Fynn start running around and pretend to drive a train. Than Mia comes down the hallway already dressed. She wears shorts, a tight black tanktop. Her hair hangs down loosly and she wears a big smile. We all start singing: "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Mia, happy birthday to you!" She smiles and than Oscar emerges out of the group and hugs her tightly.
Oscar and Mia are best friends. Lev and Marv are still a bit protective over her but Tobias is much worse. He is ok with oscar though. I take Tobys hand and smile at him while mia starts to unwrap the huge pile of presents. She hugs everyone and says: "Thank you! For everything and for coming!" It suddenly knocks again and two more people come in. Mum and Tori! I hug both of them and they both hug mia afterwards. "Ok! Enough! The real celebration will be after school!" I shout and than hand Mia, Marv and Lev their bags and their food.
Toby and i walk them to the traintracks and hug them goodbye. Marv and Lev will choose next year and i'm already nervous! We hear the train arriving and the kids start to run in a huge pack. They all get on without any problems and i'm very proud. We all watch the train disappear and than we walk back in.
Marvin pov:
"I don't want to go to school!" Mia whines and i laugh. "I can feel you sis!" I say and lev nods. Mila still stands next to me and our hands keep touching when the train turns around a corner. I think she is deadly cute, brave and also intelligent. Suddenly she takes my hand in hers and we smile at eachother.
Levin and Emilie now stand in another corner. They are really good friends and everyone thinks they are in love but they are just close friends.Oscar and Mia stand at the door of the train and laugh about something. I noticed how he kissed her cheek when he thought nobody saw it. Lia and Zoe stand in another corner. We are so much people in our group that we always fill a whole cart.
Lev and I are the oldest and everyone else is just like little siblings to us. For me excpet of mila of course. The train turns another corner and we arrive at the school. We jump down and i got used to the looks the people are giving us. I remember my first day of school though:
I jump of off the train with mum, dad and Levin. Mia still has to go to the kindergarten. I look around and see loads of people staring at us. I pull at the trousers of my dad and he looks down. "What is it Lev?" He asks and i roll my eyes. "First of all I'm not lev! And second: why is everyone staring at us?" He laughs, picks me up and than whispers: "Because we are dauntless and because we do things they don't dare to do."
*flashback end*I smile at the memory and keep walking with Milas hand still in mine. Henry, Fynn and Mike trun right towards the elemantery school while the rest of us is at the grammer school. Zoe, Lia, Mia and Oscar all are in one class. Levin and i are at our ultimate year at school and Mila and Emilie at their penultimate. I hug Mila goodbye and than walk into my class with Levin next to me.
We sit down next to eachother just when our abnegation professor enters. I kinda like him. He isn't as strict as the other teachers. He greets us with a: "Good morning class!" And we all respond: "Good morning mr prior!" (A/n see what i did there(; ) and than the lesson starts.
After history of the factions we join our friends Mark and Dan. They are from Erudite and are pretty cool. They are in our class and at school we hang out a lot. We walk down the hallways together.
Suddenly we see how three candor boys are pushing and punching a stiff. Levin immediatly walks over and shouts: "STOP THAT!" "Or what?" One of the Candor boys says. "Or we will beat you to a pulp!" I threaten and step next to Lev who is standing infront of the girl. Dan and Mark step next to us and than the candor boys walk away. We turn around and the agnegation girl still looks scared. "Hey. What is your name?" Lev asks carefully. She looks up to him and whispers: "Juli."
Juli pov:
This two tall dauntless boys and the two erudite boys all look at me and i blush. I think the dauntless boys are twins because they look nearly the same. "Are you alright?" The dauntless boy on the right asks and i slowly nod. They didn't hurt me. "What is your name?" I ask carefully. He smiles an adorable smile and reaches out his hand. I realise that i have to shake it and do that stifly. When i take it he says: "Hey i'm Levin. But you can call me lev, like everyone." We keep our hands together and just look eachother in the eyes.
Levin pov:
Juli seems different and she is also pretty and that is hard in those robes... "hey i'm marvin." Marv interrupts our handshake and takes her hand instead. "And i'm Dan." "And i'm Mark." The other introduce themselfs.
Juli pov:
After everyone introduced themselfs Levin asks: "What is your next class?" I look at my timetable and answer: "Maths." He nods. "Well i have biology but mayb we see us at the lunch break." He smiles once more and i nod and smile as well. "See stiffs can smile!" Dan says and Levin punches his arm. "Stop talking like that!" I smile a little bit and then ask: "We will see eachother at lunch?" "Sure!" Lev answers and smiles wider. Then i turn around and they do the same and i can hear marvin saying: "uuuuhh someone fell in love with a stiff!" And than Lev: "Oh shut up!" He didn't deny it... and i can't hold back a smile.
---lunch break---
Julie pov:
I enter the cafeteria, as always alone. Suddenly i hear a voice next to me: "Hey Julie!" I jump a little bit and turn around and see Levin smiling at me. "Hey Levin." I replie shyly. "Do you want to sit with me and my friends? Or shall i come to your friends with you?" I am startled by his friendlyness. "Ehmm, i don't really have friends soo..." i answer while blushing. He scratches the back of his neck embarrasod and than says: "Oh i'm sorry. Ok than come with me." I smile slightly and follow him to the dauntless tables. He walks towards the loudest of all groupes. There are ten people sitting there and they fall quiet when they see me and Levin. "Ok guys. This is Julie she will be your new friend." He says and everyone laughs. "Ok Julie, these are the three idiots Henry, Fynn and mike. Then here we have Marvin, Mila and emilie and over here we have Mia, Oscar, Lia and zoe." They all smile at me and although their table is already full they move closer to each other so levin and i fit in. I squeeze in between Lev and Mia. They look alike. Are they siblings? "Sooo, why are you here stiff?" A small boy i think his name was Fynn asks. The girl sitting next to him, Lia, slaps his head. "Don't be rude Fynn!" She says. "I'm sorry about my brother." She says towards me. "No problem." I answer still startled about the loudness and crazyness of them. They all start talking and i find out that Marvin and Mila are some kind of couple, that Mia, Marvin and levin are siblings, henry and zoe as well. Oscar and Mila are sibling as well and they all are somehow related. I have to laugh a lot with them and one time the apple juice comes out of my nose because of laughing.
After lunch Levin invits me to get home with them and i agree. I'm already excited. The rest of the lessons i dream about Levin.So i thought i could continue this story from the perspectiv of the children... what do you think of it. There will be a lot of time laps though...
Hope you liked itJojo

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanficTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete