(Last chapter: but what am i going to tell my brothers?)
I decide to tell mar lynn and chris the whole 'four and i' thing so i can say that i would stay with them. So i walk over to them at the dormitory and ask: "chris, mar, lynn can you come with me?" "Sure." They say and follow me to my apartment. There we go in my room and i start to explain the whole thing. At the end all of them (even lynn) sit there with open mouths. "Didn't expect that. But of course we will help you!" Mar says and all of them nod. "OMG we have to go shopping!" Chris squeels. Lynn and i groan but they just drag us to the area with the shops. We go into forever dauntless first. I look around a little bit and even find a dress, a top with a writing on it saying: dauntless and shorts i like. When i'm on the way to the changing cabines chris shoves some other 100 articles in my arms. Most of them really short dresses. I sigh and try chris things on first. 3/4 of the things are to thight or to short. Then i try on my dress and step out of the cabine. All the girls squeel and i smile. "Oh my god tris! You look amazing! You have to buy this one!" Chris says "Yeah i think so." I say and go to try on the shorts and the top and i like both of it. I also buy trousers chris gave me, a t-shirt lynn gave me and underwear mar gave me. When we are back home i put on the shorts and the dark red thight shirt with a black dauntlesssymbol on it on and sit on a chair so the girls can do my make-up. Mar does my hair and she braides two plaids on the side of my head. Chris does my make up and i allow her to only do some mascara a little bit lipstick and light eyeshadow. In the end i look in the mirror and i'm amazed. They made me look good. "Thanks guys!" I say and hug all of them. "Ok let's go to your apartment." I say with a wink they nod and i walk to uris room and knock before stepping in: "hey uri. I'm going to sleepover at mar with the other girls." "Ok. See you tomorrow." "Bye." Then i shut the door. At 8.50pm i'm on my way to the chasm. When i arrive i can see four already standing there. I walk up to him and say: "hey handsome." He turns around and his yaw drops. "W-wow tris you, you look amazing." I blush and say: "thanks" he smiles and takes my hand and then says: "close your eyes." I do as instructed and he stands behind me with his hands on my arms to guide me. I can feel his breath tickeling my neck. We start to walk and after a few minutes he says: "alright open your eyes." I open them and see that we are at the fearlandscape-room. I look at him questionelegy and he says: "there are things i want to show you." "What's your real name?" "I guess you will find that out." He takes out two sryinges with an orange liquid in it. He sticks one of them in my neck and hands me the other. I stand on my tiptoes and insert it in his neck. Then he takes my hand and together we step into the room. When i open my eyes again we are on a rooftop. Then suddenly a strong wind comes and i have to clutch fours shirt for support. "Fear of heights. We have to jump, right?" He nods and i squeeze his hand before running to the egde pulling him with me. For a few seconds we fly before the scene changes. We are in a box. "Confinement." He says with his voice shaking. "We have to make it worse." I state. I pull him down and the walls immediatly follow. I press my back against his chest and place his arms around my shoulders. Noo i'm not enyoing this... when it doesnt get better i say: "maybe it helps if we talk. Where does this fear come from?" "From my amazing childhood... (note the sarcasm) my father used to lock me into a cupboard." Wow that's bad. I mean my mum only punished us with no dessert or send us into our room. "It doesn't really help to think about this." He says with panick in his voice. "Ok then - think about this..." i turn my head and kiss him. He kisses back and then the box bursts open and we stand in a new room. Then a spotlight appears and shows a women with a gun pointed at us. Then a gun appears on a table infront of four. "You have to shoot her." I state. "Every time." He nods then lifts the gun points it at the women turns his head away and shoots. He hits her in the head. When he just stands ther i take his hand and pull him with me. Then the scene changes again and we are in an abnegataion house. "Why are we in abnegation?" "Your last fear is your worst fear..." just then a man steps in. I recognise him as the abnegation leader... what was his name again? Oh yeah Marcus. But instead of eyes this marcus has black pits. "This is the part where you get to know my name..." four says. Then there suddenly are more marcuses surrounding us. Then they all speak: "Tobias, i'm just trying to help you. To be better. This is for your own good..." while they say it they pull out their belts. What? No, they are not going to beat him... i look at four and he cowers away. I've never seen four cower... marcus trys to hit four but i step between them and stop the belt with my arm then i rip it out of marcus hand and start to beat him with it.
Then suddenly we are back at the fearlandscaperoom. For a moment we just stare at each other before i say: "four... Four fears?" He nods: "four then four now." "So tobias is your real name?" "Yeah but i changed it because i didn't want to be reminded of marcus everytime someone calls me." "So what should i call you? Four or Tobias?" "Tobias. It's good to hear my old name again." "Ok tobias." I say trying out the name. He smiles and then asks: "why don't you look at me like i'm a kicked puppy?" "Because you're not!" I simply state. Then he steps forward and kisses me. Afterwards we walk with our hands interwined to his apartment. There i change into one of his shirts and boxers from him. When he comes in he smiles: "it looks better on you then on me." I laugh and kiss him. He kisses back and then throws me on the bed. I giggle and he goes back to kiss me but when he trys to lift my shirt i stop him. "I don't want to go to fast." "That's alright" he says and so i just snuggle next to him with my head on his chest and his on my head. I breath in his scent while slowly drifting off to sleep.A lot of fourtris in this one. I had really much fun writing this and there are loads of movie or book quotes.
Hope you liked itJojo

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanfictionTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete