3 weeks later:
I wake up to somebody puring ice cold water over me. I scream and shoot out of the bed. Uri sits in a corner laughing his head off. "Uri you idiot! Why did you do that?" "Zeke is here to visit." He answers stupidly. "That is not a reason!" I shout. My mum walks in my room sees my soaked bed and turns to uri: "Uriah Gernrod Pedrad! what did you do here?" He quickly stand up and says fake innocent: "You told me to wake up Tris!" She rolls her eyes: "Clean that up NOW!" I laugh and my mum says: "Beatrice Edala Pedrad NO NEED to laugh!" "Sorry mum." I mumble then head in the bathroom to shower with a cursing Uri behind me, who is mopping the floor.
When i get out there are a lot of towels on my blank matress. I roll my eyes and get dressed in a black crocktop with a black top under it black thight jeans and my sneaker. I walk in the kitchen and see Zeke. "Hey Zekey-Wekey how is work?" "Fine, how is school?" "Let's just say i'm glad it's saturday..." he laughs. "So mummybear what's for breakfast?" I ask and she answers: "i made chocolatchip pancakes because zeke is hear." "Yeah! Zeke you should come more often!" I say. Then Uri comes sprinting down the corridor yelling: "did someone say CHOCOLATCHIPPANCAKES??" "I did." My mum tells him while laughing.
After breakfast i go to make a surprise visit at Jons apartement. I walk to his apartement and knock. After a few minutes he finally answers, only wearing boxers and a shirt and his hear all messy. "Oh hey tris. Didn't expect you today." "Yeah i just thought we could hang out. Can i come in?" "Euuuh no it's all messy and..." he gets interupted by a girls voice: "Johnny who is it?" "And there is a girl in you apartment?!" I finsh his sentence impatiently. "Yeeeeah about that..." he starts but i just push him away and enter. The sight inside makes me tear up. A half naked girl is laying on Jons bed! "Who is this?" The girl asks. "I'm his GIRLFRIEND! And who, if i might ask, are you?" I ask both of them, while tearing up even more. Suddenly the girl screams: "you have a GIRLFRIEND?" "Yeah Marie let me explain..." he starts but i cut him off: "Explain what? That you cheated on me with this girl? That you told me lies and that you are an asshole?" I scream. Then Marie speaks up while getting dressed: "you are such an ass! If i would have known that you have girlfriend i never would have slept with you!" Then she adds towards me: "i'm so so sorry. Please believe me when i say that i didn't knew it." I nod and say: "i believe you." She smiles and i turn back to jon: "you are a liar and if you ever come close to me again and i will kill you!" "Tris please..." "you need to STAY AWAY FROM ME!" (movie quote) with that i leave and run back to my apartement.I decided to split up this scene in two chapters, so it will continue with this scene in the next chapter.

Tris Pedrad Dauntless Born
FanfictionTris was born in Dauntless and along with her twin Uriah and her big brother Zeke they mess up the daunless compound. But what happens when a blue eyed abnegation boy shows up? All rights to Veronica Roth. This story is complete