How You Met.

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It had been Luke's idea to go to a theme park and, well, no one argued. It did sound like a good idea.

"Let's go to the terminator ride. It sounds pretty cool." Ashton said. Calum shrugged, following him. He didn't really care. He sat down, waiting for it to start.

"Excuse me," You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "Can I sit next to you?"

"Sure." Calum nodded. He had to admit, you were very attractive.

"Thanks. Uh, I'm (y/n)." You smiled, holding out your hand.

"Calum." He grinned, shaking your hand.

"Nice to meet you. Do you like any bands?"

"Yeah, actually, I'm in one."

"That's so cool! What instrument do you play? Or are you a lead singer?" You asked.

"I'm the bassist." He replied with a smile.

"I've always wanted to play a bass. That's awesome."

"Yeah. Hey, maybe I can teach you sometime." He offered.

Your eyes lit up. "Really?"

"Yeah. Uh, can I have your. . . Number?"

"Sure, yeah."


"(y/n)!" Your friend smiled. "There's a boy who moved into the apartment across from us. He's pretty cute." She winked.

"No thanks. I'm not really interested in relationships right now." You sighed, typing on your laptop. You were writing songs, something you loved to do.

"But, you have to give him his mail. It got mixed up with ours." She pouted.

"I don't know. . . Can you please do it?"

"Can you? Please?"

"Okay, fine. But, don't expect me to fall for him."

You were a kind person. You just knew (Friend's name) was up to something and you weren't looking for a relationship at the moment. You didn't really have time and the right person hadn't come along.

You grabbed the mail that said "Ashton Irwin" and walked out of the apartment. You went to the one across from it and knocked on the door.

An attractive boy with brown hair opened the door. "Hello?"

"Hi. Your mail got mixed up with ours, so I came here to return it to you. I'm, uh, from the room across from yours." You replied, holding out the mail.

He accepted it, nodding. "Oh, thank you. I'm Ashton. Ashton Irwin."

"(y/n) (l/n). Nice to meet you."

"You too. That's a pretty name."

You blushed, trying to hide it. "Th-Thank you. I should probably go back to the room. But, I'll see you around."

"Yeah. Thanks again."

"No problem. Bye."


You entered your apartment and smiled. "He is attractive, you're right. I think I want to learn more about him."

"Oh my gosh! Yes, I did it!" Your friend grinned. You chuckled.


You were in ninth grade when you met Luke.

You were entering the Language Arts classroom when a boy bumped into you and you fell on your behind.

"Oh my gosh, I-I'm really sorry!" He said, his cheeks pink with embarrassment.

"I-It's okay, really." You said as he held out his hand and pulled you off of the floor.

"I should have watched where I was going. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry." You actually found it sweet how concerned and nice he was. "I'm (y/n)."

"Nice to meet you, (y/n). I'm Luke." He smiled shyly.

"Nice to meet you too." You grinned.


Here it was. The countdown from five that would let the boys come onto the stage.


The four boys came into view. You started screaming, a huge smile on your face. This was the moment you had been waiting for.

You saw Michael come over to the side you were on. You smiled, him always being your favorite. He winked at you before they started introducing the first song.


After the concert, you saw Michael, Calum, Luke, and Ashton. After debating whether to go over there, you saw Michael walk over to you. "Hi."

You blinked, surprised. Controlling your emotions, you smiled. "Hello."

"I saw you in the front row. You looked like you enjoyed the concert." He said.

You nodded. "I loved it. You sound so amazing live. A-And the other boys also." You mentally facepalmed at your mistake.

He chuckled. "Thanks. You're really cute, by the way. Do you want my autograph? I could give it to you."

"Sure, yeah." You smiled. He grabbed a piece of paper that was on a table and signed it, handing it to you. "Thank you."

You took a photo with him before he had to go. You sighed, looking at the autograph before noticing something below his signature. His phone number.

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