He's a villain.

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Superhero AU. Some might have different powers from the other superhero preference. Some might have the same one.


You were coming home from your job. You were in your car and you were confused as to why the cars weren't moving. You saw everyone leaving their cars in the road. Your eyes widened when you saw a huge boulder fly towards your car. You quickly threw yourself out of your vehicle before the boulder hit it.

You landed on the ground. You saw the police with their guns aimed in your direction.

Wait a minute.

You turned your head so you could see over your shoulder. You saw someone in a dark outfit. They had on a mask. You began to crawl away from them, but you were floating in the air. You were in a standing position now.

"Don't try to escape." The person muttered.

"Wh--What do you want?" You asked, terrified.

They ignored your question. "Everyone, listen up!" The mysterious person yelled. It sounded like a male. "If you try to stop me, I'll kill her! I know who she is and I know you do, too! The mayor's daughter!"

"No, let her go!" Your father yelled. "Take me instead!"

"You know, I think I'll pass. Your daughter seems to be valuable to you." The villain replied. You could tell he was smirking.

"Please!" Your father begged.

"Dad, it's okay. I'll be okay. I promise. I love you." You said.

"Isn't that sweet?" The male with telekinesis powers mocked.

"I love you too, (y/n)." Your dad, the mayor, told you. You disappeared with the villain.


You looked at the male. He looked furious. You were afraid of him. But, you knew he was the same Ashton. Your Ashton.

"Ash," You began, "do you remember me?"

"Who are you?" He asked, electricity going around his gloved hands. "How do you know my name?!"

"Ashton," you took a step towards him, "I know you don't. . . I know you don't remember me. But, I'm (y/n)." Tears filled your eyes. It mad you sad to see him like that. "I'm your girlfriend, Ash."

"No, you're not." The male shook his head. "I don't remember you or anyone."

"I know. It's okay." You tried to get him to calm down. "Listen to me. I can help you. Maybe you'll never remember who you were, but I can help you make memories. We can make memories. Together."

"How can you say that? You don't know me. You don't know what it's like to have everyone be afraid of you. I don't even know if I'll hurt you. How is it okay for me to forget my life?" He questioned, his emotions showing.

"It's not. It's not okay. I'm sorry, that was the wrong word to use. But, you won't hurt me and you don't have to be afraid. We don't have to be afraid, Ashton. I do know you. I know that you have feelings and you're scared, probably more than we are. Let me be there for you." You said, tears running down your cheeks. You hated seeing him so afraid and confused with no memory.

He walked over to you. "(y/n), right? That's your name?"

You nodded. "Yes. That's my name."

With that, he backed up, away from you. "I'm sorry, (y/n). I believe you and I'm sure there was something between us. But, it's not safe for you to like someone who has what I have. What this power is. I can hurt you and I don't want to. I'm sorry."

You opened your mouth to reply, but he was already gone. "Ash." You whispered.


You were saving the world again. It was nothing new. You loved protecting everyone, but it got a bit tiring. You had superpowers and you often stopped criminals and any threat to the city. You were flying around when you got an alert about a villain in the middle of the town. You quickly flew over there and spotted the person in black and silver.

"Hey!" You yelled, stopping in the air. You were still above the ground, waiting for the guy to explain himself. He turned around. You could see his blonde hair and blue eyes. But, that was all due to him wearing a mask.

"Hello there. I'm here to take this city and everyone will be under my command! Why don't you just make this easy and bow down to me?" He smirked.

"Why don't you just make this easy and go away? You'd be doing yourself a favor, trust me. This won't end well for you." You replied.

"We'll see about that." He made icicles appear and flung them at you. You moved out of the way and landed on the ground. You ran over to him and aimed to punch him, but he dodged it. "You seem aggressive."

"You seem annoying." You responded, kicking him. The villain went backwards. You ran towards him. But, in half a second, a thin wall of ice separated you two. "What the--"

"I have ice powers, sweetheart." He said. You had an idea. You flew over the ice wall and landed, now in front of him. You looked at him.

"I'm giving you one more chance before we fight again." You told him.

"I think I'm okay." The villain threw a punch at you. You were hit. You moved backwards before trying to kick him. He was kicked and fell to the ground. He tripped you. You fell on top of him.

"I don't think you are." You whispered, getting off of him. He blinked, showing no emotion.

"You're wrong." The male got up, using his ice powers to throw a ball of ice at you. You moved out of the way, barely dodging it. You flew towards him, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and flying into the air. You stayed still, floating with him.

Before you could say anything to him, he placed his lips on yours. Your eyes widened. You were shocked. After a few seconds, you returned the kiss, closing your eyes. When he pulled away, you slowly opened your eyes.

"Will I see you again?" The blonde boy asked.

"Possibly." You smirked. "Don't wreck any cities."

"No promises."


"I will rule the city and then the whole world." Michael said, smirking.

"Just don't forget about me." You smiled. "You know, when you rule the world."

"I could never. You helped me with this. You will rule beside me. You will be my queen." He replied, making your smile grow.

"I'm glad to hear that." You blushed, pecking him on the lips. "And I'm glad I could help."

"Me too. You're a genius, dearest." Michael grabbed your hand and placed a kiss on the back of it.

"You're too kind for someone who's a villain, Michael." You smirked, pulling him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around you.

"I never said I was heartless. I just have different. . . Views and intentions." Your boyfriend responded. You giggled.

"I know. I support those views and intentions. I have the same views." You patted his chest before walking to your invention. "This is a deadly weapon. Remember that. If you get hit with it, you'll die or very close to that."

"I know. Thank you." He kissed your cheek, showing his gratitude. You nodded.

"Anytime. You know I can't resist helping you out." You smiled.

"I know."

"Remember, if you go down, I go down." You held your hand out. He shook it, promising that the same thing would go for you.

"Now, let's do this. Take over the world together?"

"Of course." You smirked, pressing your lips against his.


Would you want me to do a preference where you're a villain? Please let me know in the comments.

I love you.

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