The Other Girl (Luke imagine)

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You sat down in the chair underneath the umbrella, a loose shirt and shorts over your bathing suit. You smiled as your pair of sunglasses protected your eyes.

Luke walked over to you, running a hand through his wet hair. "You're not going in the water, (y/n)?" He asked.

"I don't know if I should." You replied. Luke was very attractive, but he was your best friend. You didn't want to fall for him, but you did.

"Come on, it'll be fun." Your best friend smiled. That was enough for you to agree.

"Okay, I'm coming." You laughed. When Luke was slowly walking towards the water, you stepped out of your shorts and took off your shirt, revealing your bathing suit. You went next to him.

"Woo! (Y/n)!" Michael cheered as he was in the water. Calum laughed. You grinned as you went into the water with Luke.

"Do you guys have any plans tomorrow?" Michael asked everyone. Before you could reply, Luke did.

"Yeah, I'm taking (girl name) out to dinner." He smiled. Your heart broke. He had been dating her for about two months. She wasn't a bad person, but you wanted to be with Luke.

"Oh, that's cool." You said. You faked a smile.

"Yeah," he grinned. "Hey, what do you think a good date would be? I want to take her out next week, too."
"I don't know." You were feeling very upset. You didn't want to talk about them anymore. In fact, you just wanted to leave. "Maybe you should ask her?"

"But, I want it to be a surprise." Luke looked at you with pleading eyes. "Please, (y/n), there has to be something."

"I don't know." Your happy mood disappeared. It was like a rain cloud over your head. The happy moments a minute ago just disappeared by that one topic. But, you looked into his ocean blue eyes and felt bad. "Maybe go to the movies or a theme park." You suggested. Your heart broke more as you thought about those dates with him.

"A theme park! That's perfect, thanks!" He beamed. You saw the excitement in his eyes and wished you were the reason behind it. Instead, it was his date with his girlfriend. "You're amazing!"

Those two words were it. It was too much. If you were amazing, why wasn't he with you? Why did he choose her when you were right there? "This has been fun. . . But, I think I'm going to go. I have a few errands to run, I forgot about them." You lied, getting out of the water.

"(y/n), what's wrong?" Luke asked, confused.

"She has those errands." Michael told him. "She wouldn't lie to you or us, Luke." But, by the look in his eyes, you could tell he knew. You were grateful he helped you out and convinced the blonde.

"Okay." Luke nodded. "We'll hang out again soon, (y/n)."

"Yeah, of course." You gave him another fake smile. After drying yourself off, you put on your shirt and shorts. After putting on your old pair of converse, you walked to your car. You climbed into it and rested your head against the steering wheel as you sobbed.

You wanted to date Luke, but his heart belonged to someone else. Even worse, the girl was kind and beautiful. After wiping away your tears, you drove home. You knew you would regret not telling Luke about your feelings, especially if they got married someday, but he obviously didn't feel the same way.

After you changed into regular clothes, you sat doen. You heard the front door open. Fear filled you as you hid in front of the couch. "(y/n)?" You heard Blythe call. She was one of your best friends. You stood up as she entered the room. "There you are! Sorry I used the key you gave me, but I could tell you were upset."

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