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Day 5 of the "Countdown to Christmas."


Your friends thought you and Calum were cute together, even though you told them it would never happen.

"But, (y/n), you're like fire!" Your friend exclaimed. "You have to be together! He's your perfect match!"

"How do you know?" You asked, rolling your eyes. Your other friend held up a magazine. The page said, "Are you Calum Hood's perfect match? Take the quiz below to find out!"

"Wha--" You squinted at the page. "Did you write my name in there and take the quiz as if you were me?"

"Maybe. But, that's not the point! You're his soulmate, trust us!" Your third friend told you.

"No, I'm not. Leave it alone, okay?" You turned around, walking away. You were at your friend's Christmas party. They invited Calum because they wanted you to end up together.

You bumped into him. "Oh, sorry."

"It's fine." He tilted his head up. "Huh. . ."

"What?" You looked above you, seeing a mistletoe. "Oh." You looked at Calum. "Should we--"

A pair of soft lips met yours. Your eyes widened. You weren't expecting that. At all. You closed your eyes, melting into the kiss as you placed your arms around his neck. Unknown emotions for Calum suddenly hit you as you continued kissing him. You really liked him.


"So, uh, I'm going to my parents' Christmas party and they're expecting me to bring a date. I don't have a boyfriend, though. I was wondering if you could pretend to be my boyfriend. It's okay if you don't want to, I just. . . Thought it was a good idea." You told your best friend, Ashton.

"Sure, I'll do it. You've pretended to be my girlfriend numerous times, I should return the favor." Ashton smiled.

"Thank you so much!" You hugged him. He returned the hug.



Your parents loved your "boyfriend." So did everyone else. You were glad and it was easy to pretend that you were dating. You would never tell Ashton, but you had a crush on him.

Everyone would ask you botb questions and you or him would make up answers. But, you made sure to tell the other what you said so it would be the same story.

"So, Ashton, how did you two meet?"

"Oh, we met when my best friend invited me to his house. She was there and we started talking. I realized how much we had in common and asked for her number. We hit it off." He smiled. That wasn't a lie. Except the "hit it off" thing was actually as friends and not in a romantic way.

"I see. That's cool!" Your Aunt exclaimed. "Well, I should get going. It was nice meeting you."

"You too!"

"(y/n), Ashton! How about a kiss for the camera?" Your Mom beamed. "You have to! Mistletoe!" You looked up and saw she was right. You smiled nervously and leaned in, kissing Ashton. He kissed back and, when you pulled away, you blushed.

"I really like you, Ash." You whispered. "I'm not faking."

"Me either." He smiled.


You laughed at a joke Luke told you before your eyes widened. You blushed.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked, seeing your face.

"I-- Um-- There's a. . ." You cleared your throat. You had kissed before. You had been dating for six months. But, for you, this was different. You were shy about kissing under the mistletoe because it basically told you to kiss, just like when your Mom would tell you to kiss Luke for a picture.

"You're worrying me. What's wrong?" Luke asked, concerned.

"Look up." You said, still blushing. He did so. When he saw it, he realized why you were acting the way you were.

"Oh. . . Well, we've kissed before, haven't we?" He smiled.

"Yeah, but. . . Not underneath a mistletoe." You replied.

"Then, let's change that." Luke cupped your cheeks with his hands and placed his lips on yours. You placed your arms around his neck and closed your eyes. You kissed back, enjoying the moment.

When he pulled away, he asked, "Is that good?"

"It's perfect." You smiled, kissing him again.


You were walking around the store when you bumped into someone. "Sorry!" You apologized, looking at the person. He was attractive and had dark red hair.

"It's okay, I wasn't looking." The male replied. You spotted something above him. He looked up and saw a mistletoe. "Oh." He said. You cleared your throat, feeling awkward. "Do you want to kiss? You know, for the mistletoe. . ."

You shrugged. "Sure, why not?" You placed your hands on his shoulders and leaned in. He met you halfway. When your lips touched, it felt so right. He placed his hands on your waist. After a few more seconds, you pulled away, needing air.

"I'm Michael." The boy told you.


"Can I get your number?" He asked. You nodded.

"Yeah." You took out your phone. "Can I get yours?"

"Definitely." He smiled.

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