Pumpkin carving.

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You smiled as you placed your pumpkin on the table outside. Calum did the same and looked at you.

"What do you want to carve?" He asked. "Should we do matching ones?"

You nodded happily."That's a great idea."

You opened up your laptop and searched up some ideas. Finally, you two agreed to do Sonic and Mario. Because, who doesn't like rivalry? You  decided to do Sonic because you thought he was better than Mario.

"He's not better than Mario, (y/n)."

"Yes, he is! Calum, Mario lets Princess Peach get captured! He stands there while she gets thrown into a boat or something! He could have punched Bowser Jr. instead of watching him or at least throw Toad into the boat to help."

"That's not his fault! He tries!" Calum replied.

"Well, Sonic is faster." You argued, sitting down on your stool. Calum sat down, too.

"Yeah, but Mario doesn't need speed to stop Bowser."

"Oh, please, Sonic is better. He doesn't need a love interest. I mean, sure, there was Elise. But, that was a one time thing. Amy doesn't count. He runs away from her."

"Okay, but it shows that a plumber can get a princess and--"



"Shut up." You pressed your lips against his.


"Ashton, sweetie, I don't think our pumpkin is supposed to look like that." You chuckled as you watched your boyfriend try to carve the pumpkin. "We're supposed to work on it as a team, remember?"

"I know. But, I've almost got it!" Ashton exclaimed, concentrating on carving the pumpkin. You smiled at his determination.

"Ash, baby, let me try it." You gently told him. "Okay?"

"Fine." He handed you the carving tool. You kissed his cheek and turned the pumpkin towards you. You gently shaped the eyes before adding more pressure and taking out the part that wasn't supposed to have the outside. You did the same thing to the other eye.

"How did you do that?" He asked, surprised.

"I used to do this a lot. It's been awhile, though." You replied.

"Wow." He breathed. "I love you."

"I love you too." You kissed him. He returned the kiss. After a moment, you pulled away. "Now, let's finish this pumpkin."

"But, carving an owl is so hard!"

You laughed. "We're almost done, Ash."

"But, babe. . ."

"I'll finish it. You did most of it anyway." You said, turning back to the pumpkin.

"Thank you." He smiled hugging you from behind.

"You're welcome." You replied, grinning.


"Ready?" You asked, looking at the camera. You and Luke were doing a livestream and you decided to carve pumpkins.

You both agreed to not show the other your pumpkin. Finally, you were able to show the camera and your beloved. You turned the pumpkin around, showing it to the viewers.

Immediately, you saw comments saying how good yours was. You thought they would say it was awful. You didn't think they were rude, no, you just thought you did crappy.

"Well, mine sucks."

"No, it--" You took a look at his pumpkin and had to hold back your laughter. But, you couldn't contain the smile on your face.

"Look, you even think it's bad!" Luke replied. You looked at the comments and saw some like "Aw, poor Luke," "Maybe carving isn't his strongest suit," "That's okay, he can't be perfect. Jk, he is," "LOL, I'm laughing. Sorry, Luke."

"It's not that bad." You said, trying to cheer him up.

"But, it's still bad."

"I didn't say that." You ran a hand through his hair. It immediately made him feel better.

"I know."

"So, guys, Luke seems to be better now." You smiled, looking at the camera again.

"Yeah. I'm terrible at carving pumpkins, but that's okay." Luke grinned. "At least (y/n)'s good at something." He joked.

You glared at him, but he knew you really weren't upset. "Whatever. Not everyone can sing like you, Lucas."

Luke laughed. "Alright, guys, I hope you enjoyed this livestream. Hopefully we'll do more in the future."

"It was nice seeing your comments! Thanks for joining us!" You grinned.

"Bye!" You both said at the same time before ending the livestream.


"Michael," you began, "I want to carve a pumpkin."

"Then, go carve one." He replied, his eyes glued to the screen. He was playing a video game. You rolled your eyes.

"It's no fun without you." You sighed, throwing yourself on the bed.

"But, I'm playing my video game."

"Michael," you kneeled in front of him and cupped his cheeks with your hands. You looked into his eyes and he stared back at you. You leaned in, about to kiss him. "Carve a pumpkin with me." You quietly said. Your lips were centimeters away. You pulled away before he could kiss you.

"(y/n), that's not fair!" He replied, but shut down the system anyway. "Fine, I'll do it. But, only if I get a kiss afterwards."

"Deal!" You exclaimed, hugging him.

He wrapped his arms around your waist and you put your arms around his shoulders. He buried his face into your shoulder, bending down a bit. You both pulled away after a minute or so.

"Let's go." Michael grinned, grabbing your hand. You intertwined it with his.


You placed your pumpkin on a table. "Thank you for taking me to get one."

"Anytime, beautiful." He kissed your cheek.

You blushed and grabbed the carving tool. "Whatever." You said. Michael chuckled, knowing he embarrassed you.

"I'm going to do Batman." He told you, beaming. You looked at him, unsure if he could do it. What's the worst that could happen?

You nodded. "I'll do The Joker."

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