Her boyfriend. (Calum imagine)

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You turned on the kitchen light and let out a gasp. Your roommate, (Friend's name), was making out with someone. She stopped kissing him and looked at you, surprised.

"Hey, (y/n)!" She greeted, her arms still around the boy's neck. You stared at her, not saying a word. She continued, "This is my boyfriend."

"Uh, I'm Calum." The boy introduced himself. "Sorry you walked in on us kissing."

"It's okay. Just. . . Please don't do that again." You shut your eyes.

"Yeah, I don't think we will." (Friend's name) said. You opened your eyes again.

"So, he'll be here a lot?" You asked.

"Mhm." She smiled at her boyfriend and grabbed his hand, intertwining it with hers.

"Okay." You handed her a coffee cup from your favorite coffee shop. "Just how you like it."

(Friend's name) gladly took it. "Thanks." She took a sip of the warm beverage.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were here. Um, I can make some if you want." You offered.

Calum shook his head. "It's fine. I had some before I arrived."

"I forgot to introduce myself. I'm (y/n)." You held your hand out. He shook it.

"Nice to meet you."

"You too."

(Friend's name) smiled, grabbing onto Calum's arm.

"Uh, I'll be in my room." You said, already walking to your destination. "Just knock if you need anything." You entered the room, closing the door behind you. You let out a sigh. You grabbed your sketchbook and a pencil.

You carefully drew a boy with vines around him. Then, you drew a girl with vines around her. They both stretched an arm out, their fingertips almost touching. Two people who tried to be with each other, but couldn't, no matter how hard they tried.

You randomly thought of that idea. You grabbed your colored pencils and started coloring the drawing. You shaded the picture, satisfied with how it was turning out. You smiled, blending the picture.

After an hour, you were finished. You heard someone knock on the door. "Come in, (Friend's name)!" You said. The door opened.

"Uh, I'm not (Friend's name), sorry."

You looked up, seeing Calum. "Oh, sorry." You blushed, embarrassed. You closed your sketchbook, pushing your colored pencils together. You got off of your bed, looking at him again. "Can I help you with anything?"

"Um, yeah, actually. . . Do you want to grab a cup of coffee? Together?" He asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Together?" You raised an eyebrow.

"N-Not like that!" He exclaimed, pink dusting his cheeks.

"Of course not." You quickly replied. "You're dating my best friend." Your eyes widened as you explained further, "Not that I would date you if you weren't! Gosh, no. . . Wow, that sounds really rude. I didn't mean it like that, I-- There's no connection and-- You know what I mean, right?"

Calum chuckled, nodding. "I know what you mean."

You sighed before smiling at him. "Well, let's go get some coffee together."


You looked at Calum. "So, why did you take me out for a cup of coffee?"

"Because, (y/n), you're extraordinary." Calum said as you both walked through the streets of Sydney. "I've never met anyone like you." He stopped and leaned down, slowly getting closer to you. He closed his eyes. You put your hand up, making his lips touch it instead of your own.

"Calum!" You exclaimed, taking a few steps back and removing your hand from his mouth. He opened his eyes. "You tried to kiss me!"

"Yeah," he replied. You blinked, shocked. He was aware of his actions.

"Yeah? You're dating my best friend. I don't date her boyfriends, you cheater!" You glared at him.

"(y/n)," he walked towards you. You walked backwards.

"No, Calum. Don't say anything."

"(y/n)!" He grabbed you by your wrist and pulled you to him, onto the sidewalk. You heard a car zoom past you. You wrapped your arms around him, crying. You almost got hit and he saved you.

"Why did you have to make me fall for you?" You asked, tears running down your cheeks.

"Because, (y/n), I'm not dating her."

"What?" You breathed, confused. "Yes, you are. I walked in on you making out."

"I should take you home." He said, ignoring what you said. He grabbed your arm, leading you home. You silently followed him.


"(y/n)!" Your friend pulled you close, seeing your tear-stained cheeks. "What happened?"

"She almost got hit by a car." Calum answered.

"Why did you go into the road?" She asked, pulling away from the hug.

You glanced at Calum before sighing. "We kind of got into an argument."


"We almost kissed, (Friend's name), I'm sorry." You replied.

"Oh." She looked at Calum. "Well, did you tell her?"

"No, not yet."

"Tell me what?" You looked at them, confused.

"We're not dating, (y/n). I kissed him for practice. . . I like Jim." She explained. "I know I said we were, but that was because I wanted you to date. I wanted you to bond and, well, I wanted you to get jealous. I told Calum to go along with it."

"That makes no sense." You said.

"That's what I said!" Calum replied.

"It does. . . Kind of." (Friend's name) shrugged.

"So, (y/n), do you want to hang out sometime?" Calum asked. "To get to know each other more?"

"You almost kissed me." You laughed. "Yeah, I'd like that."

He chuckled. "Great."

"Aww! It finally happened!" (Friend's name) squealed. You smiled and rolled your eyes.


I love you.

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