He breaks up with his girlfriend.

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There will be some pretend girlfriends for this one. Sorry if they have your name. And sorry fellow Luke girls, but Arzaylea is in this one. It makes me a bit happy, though, because of the preference.

Sorry if I offend you, but I don't really like her with him. I don't think it's nice for her to get threats and hate. I still don't like her, though. I just don't say anything to her.


You entered your best friend's house, using the key he gave you. He hadn't opened the door after you rang the doorbell. You were over that much and just that close. "Calum?"

The house was silent until you heard his voice, "What?"

"Cal!" You followed his voice to his room. "What's. . . What's wrong?" He was sitting on his bed, looking at the floor.

"We broke up."

"What?" You sat down next to him. "I thought you two were great together." Secretly, you didn't like her. But, you had to seem upset.

"No, we weren't. She cheated on me, told me today. It was going on for six months. And we went out for that long." He let out a sigh.

"Calum, look at me." You said. He did so. "She's a real idiot, in all honesty. Cheating on you? She'll regret it for the rest of her life, I'm sure. Don't waste your time upset over her, okay? And this might be really rude, but I never really liked her."

He chuckled. "You should have told me. If my best friend doesn't like her, then she's not the one. I'd rather have you, who I've known for years, than a girl who I've known for a few months only."

"Thanks." You smiled, hugging him. He returned the hug.


"Hey, (y/n), wh-when you get this message, uh, please call me b-back. I kinda need you here. Thanks."

You listened to the message before selecting his contact and calling him. He answered on the second ring. "Ash?" You asked.

"Hey, can you please come over?" He sounded really upset.

"Uh, yeah, I'll be there in ten minutes or so."

"Thanks, (y/n)."

"Of course. Bye." You hung up and walked to your car before driving to his house. You knocked on the door. He opened it before you entered the house. He looked like he had been crying.

"Ash--" You stopped talking when he started blinking away tears. "What's wrong?"

"Jessica--" He swallowed, trying to not cry. "--Jessica and I broke up. I didn't want her to g-get hurt with the distance and me always being so b-busy."

"Ashton. . ." Your heart went out to him. "I know it's hard with the distance. But, maybe she didn't care. Maybe she wanted to support you with your dream. Jessica seems nice."

"Y-You think so?"

"Yeah. I do." You nodded.

You had liked Ashton for a while. But, he had been dating Jessica for almost a month and she made him happy. You knew only his happiness mattered to you.

"You should go talk to her." You said, your heart breaking. "I know she makes you happy."

"She does make me happy." He sniffled before letting out a small chuckle.

"Ash, I think you should be with her." You smiled. Before you knew what you were saying, you said, "I just sometimes wish I could have made you happy."


You sat on the sofa, watching TV. You had plans to hang out with Luke at your place, but he texted you, asking if you could hang out another time. He was going to go out with Arzaylea. You weren't really sure if that was her real name or not.

There was a knock on the door. You grabbed your phone, prepared to call the police. After walking to the door, you looked through the window and saw Luke.

You opened the door. "Luke?"

"Hey, (y/n)." He had a small smile on his face when he saw you.

"Um, do you want to come in. . .?" You asked, still surprised and confused.

Luke nodded, entering the house. "Thanks."

You closed the door. "I don't mean for this to sound rude, but didn't you have a date with Arzaylea?"

"Yeah. . . It turned out, a lot of fans didn't like her and she was a different person."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." You let out a sigh. "I know you liked her."

"There's actually someone else." He said.

"Oh, I see. Who has been admired by Mr. Luke Hemmings?" You smiled, raising your eyebrows.

He bit his lip, looking reluctant. Finally, he looked at you. "You, (y/n)."

You blinked, surprised. "This isn't a prank?"

"Nope." He chuckled.

"Good. Because, I like you too."


"Hey, (y/n)." Calum smiled. He had just showed up, asking if he could come in. You said "yes," of course. You were friends with him, Luke, Ashton, and Michael. But, you were closer with Michael than the others.

"Hi, Cal." You replied. "What's up?"

"You haven't heard?"

"No. . . What's wrong?" Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Michael broke up with his now ex-girlfriend. It's been all over the news. I figured you could go talk to him. You're his best friend too." Calum explained.

"Give me one second to go put on my shoes." You quickly replied, already speed-walking to your room. You grabbed the first pair of shoes you saw and put them on, not even tying them. Your best friend was heartbroken. You had to be there for him.

"I'm ready." You walked towards the door, opening it before going to Calum's car and getting in. You put your seat belt on.

Calum got into his car and put on his seat belt. He drove to Michael's house and in ten minutes, you were there. You knocked on the door to be greeted by Ashton.

"Come in." He moved to the side so you could enter. You thanked him and walked to the living room. Michael was sitting on the couch. You could hear quiet sniffles.

"Mikey?" You asked quietly. You sat down next to him. "I heard about what happened. I'm sorry."

"I-I dumped her. She was just using me for fame, (y/n)." His voice cracked at the end. He blinked away tears. "She didn't even tell me. I found out when she was talking on the phone."

"Michael," you felt bad for him. "She doesn't know what she's missing. Using you for fame? That's pathetic of her. She shouldn't have done that. You're a great person."

"Thank you, (y/n)." He hugged you. You returned the hug.

"Anytime." You smiled.

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