You're Drunk.

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"Hey, Cal-- Oops." You stumbled, almost landing on the floor. But, Calum caught you.

"I think I should take her home." He said to the boys, grabbing you by your shoulders. "I'm going to take you home, sweetie, okay?"

"But, I want to stay." You protested, losing your balance. Calum quickly lifted you up bridal style. You squealed in surprise.

"Sorry, but we have to go." Calum told you, walking out of the party. "You're going to have a huge headache tomorrow. I'll have to give you water when we get home."


"Please?" Calum asked.

"Okay, but only because I love you." You smiled, completely drunk.

He chuckled. "I love you too."


"Woo! It's a partyyy!" You giggled. "Ashton, Ashton, Ashton!"

"Yes, babe?" Ashton asked, amused.

"It's a party! I'm at a party! Can we dance?" You laughed.

"I think we should go home."

"I think we should danceee!" You grabbed your boyfriend's hand. "Please?"

"Okay, but only one song. Then, we'll go."

"Deal!" You giggled, leading him to the dance floor.

After you attempted to do the sprinkler, Ashton decided it was time to go.

"The song isn't over yet!"

"Important people are here, babe."

"Am an embarrassment to you?" Your eyes filled with tears.

"No, (y/n), of course not."

"B-But, you said--"

"I know and I didn't mean it." He looked around the dance floor. "It's just I'd rather you meet them sober."

"I'm an embarrassment when I'm drunk?" You sobbed.

"No, no! It's, well, complicated. Trust me, I am very proud of you."

"Then, why can't I meet them?" Tears fell from your eyes.

"Babe, don't cry." Ashton wiped your tears. "We can. . . We can stay for another song. Just please don't cry."

"Okay." You smiled. "Let's go to the dance floor!"


"(y/n), you're drunk." Luke, your best friend, said.

"No, I'm not!" You hiccuped. "Bartender, can I have another?!"

The bartender poured you another cup of beer, looking a bit annoyed.

"Why are you drinking so much?" Luke asked.

"Hello, Peter! You must be Spider-Man!" You quickly put a hand over your mouth. "Oops, I just gave away your identity. Sorry, Pete."

"(y/n), tell me why you're drinking so much."

"Fine, but only because I trust you, Peter. . . I really like--"

Luke got up from his seat. "(y/n), if you like someone, say how you fe--"

"Luke!" You smiled, hugging him. "I have some advice from Peter. And I'm going to say it. I like you a lot. That's why I'm drunkkk. I like you and I don't think you like me back and I'm scared." You were speaking your mind.


"Do you like me, Luke?" You asked, still drunk.

"We can talk tomorrow, okay? I'll stay in the guest room."


You woke up and had a huge headache. You got out of bed with a groan and went to the kitchen.

"Hey." Luke smiled.

"Hi." You grinned. "Can we talk now that I'm sober?"


Michael opened the door to smell beer. He entered the house, having an idea of what happened. There he saw you, holding a bottle half-filled. There were three empty ones.

"(y/n), why are you drinking?" Michael questioned, reaching towards the bottle in your hand.

You quickly moved it away, but your movements weren't as fast as his. He carefully took it from your grasp and set it on the table. "No!" You whined.

"Tell me why you're drinking. Please." He let out a sigh.

You giggled. "Does there have to be a reason? You drink, but not enough to get drunk. You drink."

"I do, but only sometimes. And, like you said, not enough to get drunk." Michael said softly. He pulled you onto his lap. "Tell me why you're drunk, love."

You laughed. "I, um, don't remember. Yep, totally don't remember. Not lying."

"(y/n), I know you're lying. Tell me why."

You laughed again. "I don't want to."

"Tell me." Michael smiled sweetly.

"Okay, okay." You giggled. "You don't love me anymore."

"What?" Michael looked at you, confusion written all over his face.

"You don't love me anymore. You never say it and you're always too busy. So, I drank to forget you stopped loving me." You replied.

"I will never stop loving you. I do love you. So much. I'm sorry that I haven't had time for you and that I haven't said it. But, I will make time for you." He kissed your cheek.

You smiled before slowly falling asleep in his arms and on his lap.

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