Don't blow It

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"Could I stay at your place tonight?" Stana asked him.

"Of course, can I ask why?"

"Can you not? I just need a place to stay."

"Alright, we can take my car home, I'll drive."

"Thanks Nathan, I lo-, appreciate this." And with that Stana stood up, followed by her co-star.

{after work that day}

Stana and Nathan were heading out to Nathan's car, when they say Seamus and stopped to talk to him,

"Yo Seamus!" Nathan said,

"Hey bro. I'm kind of in a hurry this is great, Julianas pregnant, she's really pregnant!"

"That's amazing Seamus, alright we'll let you go bye!" Stana said with a smile.

"Thanks guys, see ya tomorrow." Seamus said as he got into his car and started it up, the engine roaring and the song stitches by Shawn Mendez coming on full blast.

Nathan and Stana got into the car without much talking, he started up his car and they drove off.

"Do you want some music?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah sure, I've got a playlist on my phone."

"Cool, I've got some pasta at my place but do you want to eat out?"

"Sure, where?"

"I was thinking ferraros, they have great pizza."

"That sounds great." Stana said laying her head back on the head rest.

"Is it Kris?" He asked, seeing the concern covering her eyes with a slick coat of tears.

"What?" She said in a mumble, holding back the cries.

"Stana, I'm here, you have a house but really, why do you want to stay with me?"

"Alright, it is Kris."

"What happened?"

"He- he- we just don't work together anymore."

"Ok, it's alright, Stana." Nathan was cut off when she started crying and laid her head on his arm.

She wouldn't stop crying but Stana decided to tell him the truth,

"He hit me, Nate, several times, I don't feel safe around him anymore."

"I'm so sorry Stana, do you think you might know why?"

Stana Katic's POV
I was torn at that moment, if I told him the truth then it would hurt him, but he did want to know. I suddenly regretted everything.

"It's because he hated us kissing on the show."

"Oh my god, Stana, I mean, I'm so sorry." Nathan couldn't speak, and Stana had nothing to say so they just kept driving to the pizza place.

"Do you still want to go get pizza?" Nathan asked when traffic slowed.

"Yes, and I'll still stay at your place."

"Of course, you're always welcome, always."

"Always." Stana said, she realized she had been laying on Nathan's arm the whole time.

Nathan began to speak but got lost in his own thought, he was stopped when Stana smashed her lips into his.

She unbuckled her seatbelt so she could be closed to him, Nathan couldn't speak, worried he would regret speech so he just kissed her back.

Nathan Fillion's POV
I really got lost in her beauty, I felt like an idiot not knowing what to say. I was ready to drive to Stana's house and kill Kris, but of course I couldn't. Then out of nowhere she kissed me, sure it isn't the first time, but it was the first off screen. She's incredible, so strong yet soft, so beautiful, so passionate.

As their kiss broke Stana looked into his eyes,

"I love you Nathan."

"I love you too." He spoke almost like those words were meant to flow out of his mouth, it was perfect.

Then Stana started crying again, because of everything, she held onto him and wouldn't let go.

Nathan just kept driving, the silence came when Stana stopped crying, and he could see the tear marks on her face, although he started cracking jokes and she ended up laughing.

They just started making jokes and laughing at each other until they got to ferraros, then Nathan drove around the restaurant twice before parking.

Stana wiped her face off and looked into the mirror of his car, she looked alright and Nathan got out and opened her door, offering his arm and she helped herself out, but still took his arm and they went inside.

"Oh my god!" Stana blurted out, she had seen Kris feeding pasta to another woman.

"Holy- oh-" Nathan was stunned,

"Booth or table for you two." A waitress said when she saw them.

Nathan looked at Stana and she said booth, they were brought to a table across from Kris and the other woman.

Knowing that Kris could always recognize her laugh, Stana giggled at Nathan's next joke, he made her laugh like they were still in high school.

"Nathan your so funny!" Stana said trying to get Kris's attention.

Finally her husband looked over, his mouth dropped and he just froze for a minute, he knew they had seen him so he took his date outside, waving her a taxi and in secret kissing her goodbye, he went back into the restaurant to talk to Stana.

"Hey babe," he said like nothing had just happened, and like she was eating alone. "We should talk in private." He added.

He put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed his fingernails into her shirt tightly,

"Ow!" Stana cried out, removing his hand from her shoulder, "we should talk." She said, motioning for Nathan to stay as she got up and went out to talk to Kris.

"What was that back there honey?" Kris stated,

"I could ask you the same thing." Stana replied,

"Look, she's just an old high school friend, and the kiss-"

Stana cut him off, "what kiss?"

"Oh- I- uh- nothing."

"It's over Kris." Stana stated.

"No! You won't!"

"You are violent you cheat on me! And and- I'm just done!"

"No you won't leave me Stana!" He shouted outside, scaring a few by passers.

Nathan saw this, and rushed out as Kris was about to strike her face, he grabbed Kris's arm and Kris turned around to face Nathan.

"Who the fuck are you!" Kris yelled, then realized it was Nathan, he turned to Stana who was now leaning against the building shaking. "You're cheating on me! I'll kill you!"

Stana shook at his words, she wanted to crumble, and couldn't speak.

I'll post more soon readers😉 please comment what you think!

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