Morning Surprise

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Stana woke up to be in Nathan's arms, her head rested on his bare chest, it didn't take more than a few seconds to see her ring, and everything came back to her. They had gotten home, had sex, eaten dinner, and then had some drinks. While they were drinking they talked about a future, and Stana remembered fighting off tears at the thought that she was finally happy with Nathan. Finally after that they both ended up in the bedroom, repeating their earlier activities.

As Stana now lay awake she randomly thought why does the girl always wake up first? It happened in Castle as well, she always woke up before him. It almost made her chuckle, but in an attempt to not wake Nathan she silently laughed.

She lifted up her head and plopped in back down on Nate chest, in an attempt to wake him. His eyes quickly opened, and his eyes darted around, he tried to roll slowly out of bed, and Stana stayed fake sleeping.

In a few minutes he was back in a blue robe and brought coffee. Nate wasn't sure at first wether to wake her or not, but ended up putting a cup of coffee on her nightstand and going to his side of the bed.

"Stana," he whispered. She fluttered her eyes open, turned to look at him, and smiled. Stana snuggled into his chest, unsure if they were going back to sleep or not, but it was a nice feeling when Nathan wrapped his arm around her.

As Nathan laid on the bed arms wrapped around Stana he glanced at her and then focused on the ceiling, he didn't really know why he was so immersed in the wood roof, but then he found something odd, it seemed like a black wire, almost a possible camera.

"What the," he muttered.

Stana looked away from her ring, and looked up from Nate's chest to his face.

"Hum?" She asked.

"Do you see that?" Nate asked, pointing up to the black wire.

It took Stana a moment to figure out where he was motioning to, but when she focused on it she saw a camera like thing.

"Uh huh, what is that?"

"I don't know I'm seeing it know." He responded. "Let me check." He added.

Nathan got up, still in his robe, and Stana pulled the covers up so only her eyes show.

He looked up once he was under the wire, unsure what he should be seeing, but came to the conclusion it was placed there as an eye into his home.

"I think we're being watched," he said, "Stana, someone can see in."

"Are you sure?" Stana said nervously, she blushed. Did someone see us have sex? She asked herself.

"There's a chance it's a small wire camera, I really think it is." Nathan spoke.

"Who would have been able to put it there?"

Nathan looked at Stana, it didn't take him too long to think.

"Remember when I had the mirrors taken off the ceiling? It actually is a better room now, but I didn't watch them do it. What if when the work people were here they put it there?"

"Oh my gosh," Stana spoke. She hadn't the words, so she gasped and stared. The money involved could be thousands. She thought, the same idea past through Nathan's mind.

"Do we call the police?" She asked, "or just get it taken down, this must be illegal, lawsuit?"

"Who would we sue? This could be a fan, any magazine, a heist." Nathan replied, "I think I could pull it down myself, but definitely keep it, hopefully it doesn't send the image to a computer or to be saved."

Stana looked at it, she almost felt like crying because she was so overwhelmed.

"Can I help?" She asked, hoping he would say no.

"It's alright, I don't see what two people could do. I don't have a ladder tall enough for this. So we'll just have to stay in another room for a while."

"Okay, do you have another robe or maybe pajamas?" Stana asked.

"Oh, yeah," and with that Nathan went off with a little stumble to bring back his high school T-shirt and sweatpants.

"Looks comfy," she joked. "I guess I'll just get changed under the covers."

"Yeah," Nathan spoke as he turned around, he went into the bathroom to fix his hair.

Stana got into the outfit, which she was really surprised fit and were comfortable. She got out of the bed, and before going into the main room flipped off the wire camera, if there was a person on the end they would see that.

Stana almost laughed, and for a second felt a bigger ego, this doesn't happen to just anyone, she thought, usually only famous ones. What celebrity actually has privacy?

Nathan exited the bathroom with fixed hair, smoothed back. He followed the same path as Stana but instead grabbed both their coffees, and ended up on the couch with her.

"Grabbed these," Nate spoke.

"Ah, thanks. Nothing like coffee and cameras in the morning."

Nathan smirked, "definitely unique, at least not boring."

"I'll second that," she said, grabbing her coffee carful not to spill it as she drank a sip.

"This is good," she looked at Nate.

"Special creamer, cookie dough flavor."

"Ah, why am I not surprised. Child flavor sounds just like something you'd have." Stana spoke, trying not to laugh and make a mess.

Heyo! Hope you enjoyed this chapter😉luckily I've had some free time lately to write and get some ideas! This is the main story I'm currently working on, and I have five other books published, four of them completed (keep in mind it's 4-21-16).
My books are:
•1) The Way Out (Castle Fanfiction)
•2) Take Me Down (Castle Fanfiction)
•3) No I Never (Castle Fanfiction)
•5) High On Your Love: a Caskett Fanfiction
•6) Stanathan: ALL THE WAY |this one|


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