Young Volcanoes

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Nate and Stana sat together on the couch, it was morning, and they had fallen asleep watching Netflix, minus the chill.

Stana turned on her Spotify, and looked for a song she liked that she thought they would both like, just then Nathan woke up, and looked at her, and smiled then he looked at himself.

"And how did you sleep?" She asked.

"Wonderful, wait- my head doesn't hurt?"

"Mine is fine too, wait what?"

"Did we do it last night?" Nathan was still unsure why she was with him.

"No, and you're not in a hangover, I stayed the night, you broke Kris's arm, is this not in your memory?"

"Oh- sorry- I- I just-" Nathan didn't know what to say, and he was relieved when Stana stopped him with a kiss, a little peck on the lips to calm him down.

She finally found a song and turned it on,

"What do you think of this song?" She asked.

Nathan listened to it for a minute the foxes hunt the hounds came out of Stana's phone speakers, and Nathan got up and tried to dance to it, making Stana laugh and join him.

"We will teach you how to make boys next door out of assholes!" Stana sang along, giving theme both the giggles.

"What song is this?" Nathan asked, hugging Stana from the back and kissing her neck.

"Ha!" She screamed, in pleasure making them both smile, "young volcanoes by F-O-B."

"We are wild!" Nathan started singing along, it was like they had made the mental connection that this should be their song.

They both grabbed each other, holding the other one close, and smiling into their kiss for the rest of the song.

"Who is F-O-B?"

"Fall out boy, keep up with the kids today grandpa."

"That makes you a grandma if I'm grandpa."

"Fine, wonderful young man," Stana said with a grin.

"Much better, my beautiful goddess, may I take you out for lunch?"

"What about breakfast?" She asked,

"I know how to make really good waffles, can I show you?"

"Yeah sure," they pecked each other on the lips and went off.

~20 minutes later~
They both had plates of waffles, Stana thought they were so good she moaned when they hit her tongue, Nathan smiled and put his hand on her back.

They continued eating, and then went to watch orange is the new black, a perfect day in, until they went out to the restaurant.

"So, I was thinking ferraros?"

"What the heck Nathan, no, that's where Kris was just no-" Stana retaliated.

"Sorry sorry, I was just kidding! I'd never, unless you wanted to."

"No, let's go to the diner on sixteen and ninth," Stana offered.

The immature school boy in Nathan had to think about that, he didn't want to make a sixty nine reference, but it was hard not to.

"Just say it," Stana joked,

"Sixty-nine street?" Nathan said, and then started laughing.

"No, ok, but that kid in you is so lovable."

"My boyish charm is a factor." Nathan added.

"Sure, just drive silly."

"Alright, the Partridge Diner?"

"Yeah, they have great grilled cheese, Kris would never go, said it was to childish so that would be perfect for you."

"sounds amazing." Nathan said, speeding up the car.

Stana tried to push Kris out of her mind, she needed to focus on something- anything else, and right now that was her grilled cheese date.

As Nathan pulled his car into a space, Stana had a small flashback, the first time Kris had ever hit her. It was horrible, she almost left right then and there; she couldn't though why she asked herself, but she had to put that behind her.

"May we go darling?" Nathan asked, taking her hand in his.

"Yeah, let's roll babe." Stana replied.

Stana had been in Nathan's car a few times, so she wasn't sure how to get out, she tried the handle, but the door wouldn't budge, she saw how calm Nathan was and started to get scared.

"What is happening?" She asked,

"What's what?" He replied, he couldn't understand.

"Don't hurt me!" She blurted out, this was how  Kris had invaded her once, and she just wanted to get out.

"Woah, sorry Stana, the child lock is on," then he saw how unnerved she was, he reached over to touch her, she shook, but he just tested his hand on her shoulder until she calmed down.

"It's alright, Stana, I'm nothing like Kris, I would never hurt you, ever, I love you."

Stana stayed in the car for a while, she didn't speak but just got out this time, when she was ready, followed by Nathan.

Hello, I hope you are enjoying my story so far. I also have some Castle fanfic written so if you want check that out😋😘

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