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A nurse came in to collect the plates, not the one who kissed Nathan. She looked surprised that Stana didn't eat, but noticed the Tupperware and dismissed it, walking out with the food.

"Can we have a cot?" Nathan asked.

"Normally we only give out temporary beds to parents, this means you'll stay the night?" The nurse asked.

"Could I?" Nathan asked, in a charming voice and he flashed a smile.

The nurse looked a little turned-on, and went to go get the cot.

"It's a blessing and a curse, charm and beauty, but you'd know that," Nathan said to Stana.

"Sweetheart," she teased, pulling him closer. "You're ruggedly handsome," she said before wrapping her arms around his neck for a kiss.

"Always?" Nathan asked.

"Always," Stana replied.

The kept pecking at each other's lips, and Stana felt something in her chest. Fear. Fear for if, she not dare speak the words, if Nathan had not been there to protect her and get Kris away, she could have died, maybe worse. She didn't like the feeling of being so dependent, but for the last few hours, that's what or rather who saved her life.

The nurse came back with the cot, a little confused, but she set it up, a little spring loaded thing with a foam mattress.

"I hope this is nice enough, goodbye, let us know if you need anything." She said.

"That's what she said," Nathan jokes as he rolled onto his bed.

"You can't be going to sleep now, can you? It's not even seven." Stana said.

"Nah, just getting a feel for it, not the greatest thing I've ever slept on, but I guess it beats the benches in jail," Nathan teased.

Stana's POV
Although I'm not used to it, it's kind of nice to feel Nathan's touch, sure we had passionate scenes in the show, but this is different, in a good way. I still can't stop thinking that Kris is still out there, but having Nathan here has its perks.

Nathan's POV
Sure, being a celebrity has its charms, some of them include favors from fans I guess. But when two people fall in love, it doesn't matter who they are, they will be together, until one of them changes, and me and Stana, can shape shift with the other.

The hospital grew quiet as the nurses switched shifts and the patients relaxed. Nathan had climbed into bed with Stana, and wrapped his arm around her.

"It's 8:30," Stana mumbled half in her sleep, they had been cuddling for and hour and a half.

"Really?" Nathan asked, even more dosed than her.

"You tired?" She asked.

"Yeah," he replied.

"Me too," she spoke, closing her eyes.

It took only a while for them to fall asleep, each having separate dreams.

Stana's Dream:
She awoke on an island, one with red sand, and she began to walk around, before long she saw a cat, and followed it, but she fell in a hole, she just kept falling, she couldn't stop, until she grabbed onto a metal bar sticking out of the side of the hole. She hung there until she heard a voice, it was calling "Stana! Stana!" It was Nathan, but she couldn't call back. She remained tangled in this cycle for a while, not sure how long, but was eventually awoken by Nathan's jerk, but it was still dark, so she drifted off again, dream free.

Nathan's Dream:
He was laying next to Stana, in the hospital, and then woke up. There was the nurse outside, and she was calling for his help, for some reason he followed her request, and went towards her. Just like it had in real life she grabbed him and kissed him, put he didn't stop her, they added more passion before Stana suddenly got up and saw them, so Nathan got scared, and pushed the nurse away. He started pleading to Stana it wasn't him, but she didn't believe him at all. He started getting angry, crying, but he produced no tears. Stana pushed him away wanting space, and Nathan went out, he hates himself, and then kicked a wall in his dream, waking up after that.

They both lay awake, looked at each other, and pretended it was all fine, even though it wasn't.

Stana snuggled a bit more into Nathan, making them both realize something, the other one was their one and done, through anything, they meant a lot to each other. Without the other person in their lives they wouldn't be their full selves.

Heyo! I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter, #shippingStanathan ! And I'm really hoping Leonardo Dicaprio wins an Oscar, if Stana and Nathan aren't up for one! Haha❤️💛💚💙💜

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