I just want You

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As the car slowed into a parking space, Stana sighed.

"Anything wrong?" Nathan asked. Immediately regretting asking his question, clearly, so much was wrong, so much stress and anxiety and a mix.

"That's why we're here," Stana said.

It had been almost a year since Stana and Nathan came together, and they still hadn't had sex, or really talked about their future. This was bothering both of them.

After Therapy Session
"Would you say that went well?" Nathan asked.

"Sure," Stana said, a little angry, she wasn't too happy. During their session the therapist had talked to Stana, then Nathan, then both of them at once. The only problem was the therapist tried to but things in perspective for Stana, explaining how she could have avoided the abuse from Kris, it was too late now, and that just hurt her more.

Stana felt like crying, if she didn't care she would have bawled on the street, but they say the paparazzi coming, so Nathan took her hand and they got to the car. She was still fighting back tears, thinking how when she got home she could let her emotions flow.

"Stop by Starbucks?" Nathan asked, giving her a grin, but then he saw the look on her face. He stretched her arm around her, putting a windshield light reflector over the glass, so the cameras were useless.

They stayed there for about ten minutes, Stana snuggled into Nathan, and she had a few tears, but Nathan cleaned her cheeks with her hand and kisses. Eventually getting Stana out of her shell.

"Yeah, Starbucks sounds great." Stana said, "but I haven't had anything to eat today, how about our diner?" She proposed.

"That would be even better," Nathan said, not letting on this was part of his plan.

Ten minutes later
"Here!" Nathan whistled. Stana perked up, and checked herself in her phone mirror, amazing, she looked fine even after crying. They pecked on the lips, and headed in to the Partridge Diner.

"Alright," a waitress said. She had seen them come in almost once a week for months, so she lead them to their booth.

Soon after the drinks were ordered, Nathan's Pepsi and Stana's 7up came. Then they got to talking. Naturally, their usuals were just brought out, two grilled cheeses, which were quickly excepted and the pair began eating.

"Always good," Stana said as her food was finished.

"Always," Nathan said, cleaning his hands with a napkin, "that's what I think we should be."

Stana looked at him curious, she was thrown by his romantic voice.

"If there is love at first sight, that's what happened when I saw you Stana." Nathan said, going for his pocket. "The Stars can't shine without darkness, but you're my moon, when I'm with you I feel like infinity, and all I need is you. I know there's never a perfect time, or that anyone's lives are perfect. But I just want you Stana, you're complicated and amazing and talented and all the amazing things in the world, I don't look at the past, I look at the future, and I want my future to be with you. Stana Katic, you ward off all the evil that will bring to us, I love you with my entire heart, and it's spread from my heart to my whole body, will you marry me?" Nathan spoke, he took from his pocket a red felt ring box, and opened it.

Stana was in tears, she saw Nathan on one knee before her, asking for something they both wanted, she felt her swallow choking, and shook her head, and could barely speak, silence fell.

Five seconds past and she took in all of it, the glisten in his eye matched the shine of the ring, and she shouted "YES!"

Nathan looked stunned, ready to cry tears of joy, he reached for her hand, and took the gold plated diamond ring, which was surrounded by small blue diamonds, and he slipped it onto her finger.

Stana stood up and fell into his arms, this would last, they would. The entire restaurant had fallen silent, and now erupted in cheers and clapping, most older, and unaware they were celebritys.

"I love you," Stana spoke in his ear.

"I love you too," Nathan repeated, not breaking their hug.

Stana moved her lips closer to his, and their lips smashed together, they didn't break the kiss for almost thirty seconds, but before it got to passionate they realized they couldn't do each other in public.

"Shall we go home?" Stana asked, biting her lip a little.

Nathan felt a bulge in his pants coming on, and tried to fight it, he smiled, showing a little of his white teeth.

"Of course," he replied. He searched in his other pocket for his wallet, not having time for a bill, he tossed fifty dollars on the table, knowing it was more than enough.

"Thank you!" Nathan said to the front counter of cooks, they all waved goodbye to the happy couple, some of the customers were still cheering, and an old man waving his hat.

As they approached the car, Nathan went to her side and opened the door, before she got in, their lips pecked.

She stepped in, and Nate went to his side of the car, and Stana shut her door, while Nathan buckled up.

Twenty minutes later
She stepped in, Nate followed behind, he slammed the door, and Stana pulled his shirt collar closer to her. He wrapped her arms around her waist and they moved together into the bedroom.

She took off his shirt, throwing it to the side and she saw his finely toned six pack, which she putting her hands on.

"Are we going to do this-it?" Nathan asked, he didn't believe she was ready, and didn't want to push her into resentment.

"Yes," Stana said, knowing that even though he was unsure, he wanted it. "We aren't going too far, I love you and trust you, I wouldn't do this just because of some ring."

Nathan smiled, following her finger that was motioning him closer, she pushed him onto the bed, and Nathan spoke.

"I have condoms in the bathroom cabinet," Nathan told her, knowing she'd seen them before.

"Alright, but when I come back, I don't want to see you touching your clothes." Stana said, looking at his eyes, then his pants. She smiled.

Alright! I'll leave it here peeps, resume the next chapter where we left off. Hope you enjoyed!! 🍀💎

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