One Day

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Nathan was about to comfort her, thinking he could say it's alright, but he would be lying.

"One day," he said, "one day you'll be fine, and I'm not going to leave you until that day. After that, I'll still be with you. Stana." Nathan spoke, hoping she would look up.

Stana did, staring at him with red eyes from her tears.

"I'm here," he said. "I'll always be."

Stana felt another line of tears going down her cheeks, Nathan traced his finger along her face. He wiped her tears off, and not having a tissue in the car, let them lay on his hand.

He kissed her forehead, Stana finally calming down.

"Nate," she choked, "I love you," she said in a whisper.

"I love you too," he ran his fingers through her hair. "Do you want to get back home?"

Stana nodded.

"Alright, you feel alright? Good enough for the ride?"

"Yeah," Stana said.

Nathan kissed her on the cheek. Stana cracked a small smile, and wiped her eyes gently, excepting the little makeup she had on was doomed.

Stana's POV
I didn't think I'd lose it like this, but I did. The thoughts of Kris are coming back into my life, welcome or not they are coming strong. Nathan is here, he's the only one I want. Therapy hasn't been helping, not even progress, I just can't take it, giving out information to someone who doesn't really care. Lately, I just don't know, I think Nathan is the only person I will be with forever, everything changes in the end, and I can't stop it.

Nathan's POV
I want to turn to her, be a comforting shoulder, but I've got to drive. I can't imagine what's going through Stana's head right now. She brings up Kris, Kris! But I can't blame her, the cops dropped his murder case months ago, and all she has is the knowledge that he is dead and gone out of her life. I just hope at one point that will be enough.

They kept driving. Nathan watching the road, but he kept trying to get a glimpse of Stana, who was leaning her head on one arm to rest, with her eyes dazed but open.

"Straight home?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah," Stana whimpered. "Nate?"

"Um hum," Nathan perked up.

"Thank you," she said. Stana had looked up, but when she became speechless looked at her hands.

"Always," Nathan said.

Stand nodded with her head in her hands, messing up the front of her hair. Still understanding her make-up had gone to shit, Stana looked for a tissue.

While looking Stana found a small photo in the glove-compartment, it was of her and Nathan. Written on the back were smudged numbers that may have been the date the photo was taken, it was wallet sized, the picture reminded her of the day Nate proposed, which could be the exact day the photo was taken.

"This is adorable," Stana mumbled.

Nathan looked over, curious. He saw the picture in her hands.

"You're in it, so it's beautiful." Nathan said sweetly.

Stana's POV
Could he be sweeter? Understanding, charming. God I love Nate. Although it would be more relaxing if he would focus on the road, not that I'm objecting to him being adorably kind. Just now we've gotten into a rhythm, and it's great, but we never have any interest, we haven't even been married yet, and already are boring. Except today, today was fun. But in the end, we're going home, and I've already said what's going on, I don't want him to pry. It would be a little too much to have sex tonight I'll add, but I think Nate will understand. But back to today, Toks and Tamala? Maybe I've said it before, but I never saw it coming.

Stana didn't think of  Nathan as mysterious, but as a fun character. She watched him, he glanced to her. He knew he should watch the road, but her eyes trapped him.

"What do you want to happen with Kris's case?" Nathan asked.

Stana looked at him, her eyes saying, what the hell? She considered it, finding a way to phrase what she already had thought about.

"I just want to know who did it. Mostly why, then I can be at peace. I- I- don't know, maybe it was for the best. I always wanted him out of my life."

"I can't blame you. Do you have an idea?"

Stana's POV
An idea of what? What happened to Kris? He was shot, not by me, not by anyone I have a clue of. I tell Nate I just want to be at peace with it, I don't include that deep down, I'm finally coming to terms with the fear that I'm next.

Hey Readers! Sorry it took me so long to update, I just haven't felt any ideas coming lately. 🖊

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