The Beach

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The Castle Set
Nathan ran his fingers through his hair, this was his fault, he should have been closer to her. But since he wasn't he had to save her, before it was too late.

He didn't say where he was going, but he had thought of a road out of the public eye, or rather, in the eye of google maps.

"Bro, where are you going?" Jon asked.

"Somewhere," Nathan rattled, before getting into his car.

Jon didn't have anything else to say, and Tamala was now outside, crying.

Jon went to comfort her, this was horrible, Stana was gone, Nathan went after her, and on top of all of this Jon planned to ask Tamala out on a date, now those plans were foiled.

The Hill
Stana's hair blew with the wind, and the two men heard sirens going everywhere, they didn't know there was a black car coming up the hill, that of Nathan's.

Nathan had figured that it was a place to start, he followed roads on google maps, and was able to find a place overlooking the ocean.

"We've got to run for it," Kris said.

"Yeah, the van?" Rodger replied.

"Nah nah they saw us in that! Is there anyone else you know who might pick us up?" Kris protested.

"Nope! Give me a sec," Rodger said, he was looking around, there were two ways up the mountain, road that they took, and some wooden step stairs.

"Over here!" Rodger yelled, "bring the girl with you!" He added.

Kris picked Stana up, just in time to be out of the eyeline of Nathan's car, he ran over to the steps still carrying Stana, and all three went down the wooden planks.

Nathan stepped out of his car for a moment, he was brought with the sight of Drake, who was unconious, or dead, he didn't know.

He approached the body leaned up against the bench, and checked the mans pulse, he was alive, and had a very rapid heart rate.

Nathan looked around, there was nothing, or, next to nothing, he saw a flight of wooden planks designed to be what looked like a stair case down to the beach.

He ran for it, this was his only hope, he jogged down the stairs to the sand, but there was nothing.

Kris's POV
We saw Nathan's car, so me, Rodger, and Stana all went down some steps, and looked around on the beach, there was this little cave thing, a divot in the stone wall, so we went in it, knowing Nathan wouldn't see us there.

Nathan couldn't figure out what to do, he picked up a rock a threw it, hitting the wall and then he saw it, a small carve in the rock, enough for people to be in.

The "cave" was sandstone, as was the wall, you could tell that homeless and teenagers had been there, the walls had been tagged, and there was glass on the ground, Nathan approached them, and saw Rodger.

"Hey!" He called out.

"Fuck!" He heard Kris's voice say, and Nathan went closer.

"Who's there!" He shouted.

Rodger and Kris froze, they were screwed, as far as they were concerned if Nathan found them they would be caught, maybe even killed, most likely not though.

Rodgers POV
Kris dropped Stana's body, and we ran out of the cave, like school kids running from the cops from a party. Nathan tried to run after us, but then realized we didn't have Stana, and gave up and jogged back to the cave. I thought I was going to help Stana, once Kris was gone get her back, but I just don't want to get caught man, so I'm just gonna hide out until this clears.

Nathan got back to the cave, he walked in about two feet, and saw Stana's body rested on the ground.

"Stana!" He called.

She didn't answer, she was still out, he kneeled down beside her, and checked her pulse, she was alive.

There was a mark on her arm, from when she was grabbed at some point, bleeding a bit, and he rested her arm on his lap, and fiddled in his pockets for his phone.

Nathan found his cellular and called Seamus, it was a chance, and he answered.

"Hey Nate! Where the hell are you?"
"Listen okay? I'm on some beach, you know the one with the steps? I've got Stana, Kris is gone, and she's knocked out!"
"Okay okay! I'm sending people for you! Stay there and out of trouble, bye!"

The call was over, Nathan looked down at Stana, who rolled a bit.

He shook her, did she move? He wondered, but soon realized she just laid there.

"It's all my fault," he whispered, "you could have been hurt, all because I couldn't be there in seconds, Stana, I swear, if you wake up in my arms I'll never leave you, you are an angel, I'll stay with you until you open your eyes, Kris won't be a part of your life, not anymore!" He almost started crying, but heard footsteps coming towards him.

"We're looking for a mister Fillion!" A voice called out.

"I'm right here!" He shouted back.

Within seconds the officers were in his sight, Nathan used a hand to summon them, and they met his glance, and trotted towards him.

Nathan shook his head as they motioned for him to get up, so one of the officers left and came back thirty seconds later came back with three paramedics, two men carrying a stretcher and a woman who directed them.

The two men covered their faces, but Nathan could see one of them, a familiar man.

I will leave this chapter on a sort of cliffhanger, I recently learned where that phrase started, maybe Google that if it interests you😂 I will update soon for the fans of this story! Have a great day!

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